
Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

Author - Brother who understands wine

The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the glory of one generation needs the next generation to continue to light up.

Recently, Guotai Liquor has completed the replacement of the old and new heads. As the second largest liquor enterprise in Moutai Town licensed by the government, where will Guotai Liquor go next?

Yan Kaijing is at the helm of Guotai Liquor

A few days ago, the sixth meeting of the second board of directors of Guotai Liquor Group was held. The meeting agreed to Yan Xijun's resignation as chairman and other positions. At the same time, it was decided to confirm Yan Xijun and Wu Yifeng as the founders of Guotai, and awarded Mr. Yan Xijun the title of lifelong honorary chairman of Guotai, and continued to serve as directors of the company. The meeting unanimously decided to elect Director Yan Kaijing as the chairman of the second board of directors of the company, the chairman of the strategy committee of the board of directors of the company, and the legal representative of the company.

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

In addition, the meeting also deliberated and passed the "Proposal on the Establishment of a New Innovation Productivity Center and the Appointment of a Chief Engineer of Innovation Productivity", and decided to hire Yan Xijun as the chief engineer of innovation productivity and concurrently serve as the president of the National Taiwan Research Institute.

According to public information, Yan Xijun and Wu Yifeng are husband and wife, Yan Xijun, Wu Yifeng and Yan Kaijing are father and son, mother and son, and the personnel change of Guotai Liquor Group is also interpreted by the industry as the succession of the "second generation of wine".

In fact, according to public information, Yan Kaijing had already shown his skills in the capital market before taking over Guotai Liquor. Born in February 1979 in Yuan County, Qingyang Town, Gansu Province, Yan Kaijing graduated from the University of Birmingham, UK, with a master's degree in international securities, investment and banking from the University of Reading, and a doctorate in traditional Chinese medicine from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is currently the executive chairman of the board of directors of Tasly Holding Group Co., Ltd., the actual controller, chairman, director and legal representative of Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

In 2006, Yan Kaijing started to enter Tasly from a pharmaceutical packaging factory, and took over the investment department of Tasly Holding Group the following year. In 2012, Yan Kaijing began to serve as the general manager of the pharmaceutical group company. Since 2013, Yan Kaijing has presided over Tasly's M&A trend and capital operation, and has spent 1.6 billion yuan to acquire a number of pharmaceutical-related companies such as Tasly Diyi and Tasly Shengte Pharmaceutical.

In March 2014, Yan Xijun resigned as chairman of Tasly, and Yan Kaijing, who was only 35 years old, officially took over as chairman of the A-share listed company. Four years later, Yan Kaijing became the executive chairman of the board of directors of Tasly. On April 23, 2021, Yan Kaijing began to serve as the executive chairman of the board of directors of Tasly Holding Group Co., Ltd. and the chairman of Tasly Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., officially taking over the baton from his father Yan Xijun.

Today, with the joint efforts of Yan Xijun and Yan Kaijing, father and son, Tasly has developed into a high-tech enterprise group centered on the pharmaceutical industry, including modern Chinese medicine, chemical medicine and biopharmaceutical, covering scientific research, planting, extraction, preparation and marketing.

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

In the latest list of "Top 500 Private Enterprises in China in 2023", Tianjin Tasly Health Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd. ranked 433rd in the country with a revenue of 30.8 billion yuan. In addition, the company was also shortlisted in the 2023 China Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises and the 2023 China Top 500 Manufacturing Private Enterprises, ranking 354th and 279th, respectively.

In addition, Yan Kaijing is currently in charge of both Tasly and Guotai Liquor, he also serves as a member of the Standing Committee of the 12th Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, deputy director of the Young Entrepreneurs Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, vice president of the National Young Entrepreneurs Association, director of the APEC China Business Council, and vice president of the China Pharmaceutical Innovation and Promotion Association. Vice President of Tianjin Chamber of Commerce.

As the deputy director of the Young Entrepreneurs Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Yan Kaijing has painted portraits of a new generation of entrepreneurs. Confucius said, "The benevolent are not worried, the knowers are not confused, and the brave are not afraid", Yan Kaijing believes that young entrepreneurs should also hone the character of "benevolence, wisdom and courage", so as to realize the reconstruction of courage, mind and behavior mode.

Inherit the general direction of digital intelligence

Such a "back wave" that has brought Tasly Group to a higher level, what waves will it set off in the liquor industry?

In September 2023, the evaluation results of "Huazhu Cup" were released, and Guotai Liquor ranked 10th in China's liquor industry and 3rd in Guizhou Province with 206.268 billion yuan, and its brand value reached a new high. Among them, the brand value of Guotai national standard liquor, the core major product of Guotai liquor, exceeded 100 billion yuan, ranking 9th in the global liquor category. It can be said that Yan Kaijing took over the national platform and stood on the shoulders of giants to move forward.

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

Regarding the liquor sector, Yan Kaijing once said that digital intelligence is an irreversible trend in the liquor industry. For the next stage of development, Yan Kaijing believes that Guotai Liquor should give full play to the role of the special committee under the board of directors, especially the strategy committee, normalize the monthly strategic work meeting, regularly study difficult strategic issues, and improve the company's core capabilities; It is necessary to make every effort to build an intelligent industry, relying on the outstanding advantages of the wine industry directly linking to the C-end, focusing on the core characteristics of the intelligent industry such as intelligent manufacturing, digital supply chain, digital marketing, and self-centered creation, and strive to let Guotai enter the first echelon of China's intelligent industry as soon as possible.

In fact, Guotai is a pioneer in the practice of intelligent brewing in the liquor industry. As early as 2011, Guotai began to explore intelligent brewing from the top-level design, and after 13 years of exploration and 6 innovation iterations, it has built the only national soy sauce liquor and the first national "intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory" of Guizhou liquor.

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

A few days ago, at the 2024 Guizhou Liquor Enterprise Development Roundtable, Yan Xijun, Chairman of Tasly Digital Intelligence Health Industry Group, Lifetime Honorary Chairman of Guotai Liquor Group, and Chief Engineer of Innovation and Productivity, said: "Baijiu is a traditional industry with profound historical accumulation and mature process system; At the same time, it is also faced with the problem of strategic constraints that restrict industrial development. It is necessary to take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, install a 'digital intelligence engine', promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and give new vitality to traditional industries. ”

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

In view of the changes in the macroeconomy, consumption structure and industry environment, Yan Xijun said that the current round of adjustment of the industry, compared with the previous times, is more structural and changeable, and the impact is more profound and long-term.

Yan Xijun believes that to take the new path of industrialization, empower traditional industries with digital intelligence, and cultivate new quality productivity, it is necessary to continue to do a good job in the three major events of "making good wine, drinking good wine, and drinking good wine". In recent years, Guotai has put forward the corporate proposition and action of "opening a new chapter of digital intelligence Guotai, creating a new famous wine in China, brewing good wine, drinking good wine, drinking good wine, and a new experience of digital intelligence Guotai wine".

Guotai Liquor has changed its commander! "Second generation of wine" Yan Kaijing takes over!

At the same time, in the era of intelligence, the Internet of Everything, "intelligence + consumption" will lead to fundamental changes in consumption channels, consumption behaviors and consumption patterns, people's consumer awareness is stronger, and the consumption experience is more personalized, forcing enterprises to adapt to these new changes. In this regard, Guotai has found a path: to promote digital intelligence, shape new quality productivity, and achieve high-quality development. In accordance with the requirements of Chinese-style modernization, we will develop modern industries and modern enterprises.

Yan Xijun said that based on the long-term thinking of wine culture, Guotai proposed that the core connotation of wine culture is "Tong", and gradually built a cultural and philosophical ideological system of "Tongdao" that respects heaven, guards the earth, and reaches humanity. Integrate the idea of "Tong" into products, brand propositions and consumer values, establish the cultural value and cultural identity of "Tongdao" Guotai Liquor, and interact and link with consumers through products. It is promoting the creation of new scenarios such as the metaverse, and strives to create a new experience of digital intelligence and fine wine for consumers.

It can be seen that in terms of "digital intelligence", both the "front wave" Yan Xijun and the "back wave" Yan Kaijing have reached an agreement, and we will wait and see how Yan Kaijing will lead the Guotai wine industry to ride the wind and waves.