
Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

author:Rain watching

In this era of national fitness, outdoor exercise has become the first choice for many people to pursue health and release stress. But outdoor sports aren't always so peaceful, and the slightest mistake can lead to danger. Recently, there was a case of a traveler missing in Taizhou, Zhejiang, which made people sweat for these adventurers.


It is said that on that day, a group of travelers came to the scenic "Shirenxia Scenic Area" somewhere in Taizhou with great interest, planning to hike through the river and challenge themselves. They are dressed in professional outdoor gear, and their faces are full of yearning and enthusiasm for nature. However, the beauty of nature sometimes hides many dangers.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

At the beginning, the group was still immersed in the beautiful scenery between the mountains and rivers, talking and laughing. But no one expected that when the group marched into a narrow valley, an accident happened. A male traveler in red and a female traveler were accidentally swept away by the turbulent water and disappeared into the raging stream in an instant. This scene stunned all the travelers present.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

The Straw Hat Man, as an old traveler in the team, reacts quickly. He immediately took off his backpack and tried to jump into the water to rescue. But the current was so strong that he tried several times without success. Seeing this, other hikers also took out their mobile phones to call the police and tried to find ropes or branches that could be fixed for rescue. However, due to the remote location of the incident, it will take some time for rescuers to arrive at the scene.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

In the process of waiting for rescue, the mood of the travelers was extremely heavy. They kept calling out the names of the missing people, hoping for a response. However, as the minutes ticked by, there was still no movement in the stream. It wasn't until rescuers arrived at the scene and began search and rescue work that the travelers breathed a sigh of relief.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

The search and rescue efforts continued into the evening, but the whereabouts of the missing male and female travelers remained unknown. According to the rescuers at the scene, the search and rescue work is extremely difficult due to the complex terrain of the valley and the turbulent water flow. They used drones, search and rescue dogs and other means to search, but they never found a trace of the missing person.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

The disappearance of a traveler quickly attracted widespread attention on social media. Many netizens expressed regret and worry, and also expressed admiration for the adventurous spirit of the travelers. Some netizens also pointed out that travelers should pay more attention to the implementation of safety awareness and preventive measures when participating in outdoor sports, and be prepared in advance.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

In fact, this incident is not unique. In recent years, with the rise of outdoor sports, there have been frequent incidents of travelers in distress. Some travelers often neglect their own safety in pursuit of excitement and adventure. They set out blindly without knowing the terrain, carrying the necessary equipment, or making a detailed plan, often ending up in danger.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

In response to this incident, we can't help but reflect: how should outdoor sports be carried out? How can you keep yourself safe while enjoying nature?

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

First of all, travelers should fully understand the terrain, weather and other conditions before participating in outdoor sports, and make detailed plans and routes. Second, they should carry the necessary equipment and medicines in case they need them. Finally, they should always be vigilant and calm, and call the police and seek help in time when they encounter danger.

Follow-up to the valley of river tracing: The traveler shouted that no one took action, the straw hat man was blamed for the rescue, and commented on the fryer

Outdoor sports are challenging and fun, but safety always comes first. It is hoped that this incident of the disappearance of a traveler can sound the alarm and remind the majority of travelers to pay more attention to safety and the implementation of preventive measures when participating in outdoor sports. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the health and happiness that outdoor sports bring.