
Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Basketball Toxic 9527

2024-06-04 15:20Posted in Guangdong sports creators

Worthy of brothers on the same banana boat.

They all have a tacit understanding, and they all want to turn over and become bosses and don't want to be workers anymore.

And if you have already retired, you can put it into action immediately.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Wade became a Jazz small owner early, and his son Zaire played for the Jazz's subordinate team, the Salt Lake City Stars, as the No. 10 pick in the Development League in the 21-22 season, averaging 1.8 points, 2.5 rebounds and 1.3 assists per game.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Melon, who announced his retirement last year, has recently become the owner of an Australian league NBL team.

Melon said that having experience with NBL teams will greatly benefit him as the owner of an NBA team in the future.

If nothing else, Melon is an NBA team owner with a similar model to Wade, that is, joining in the form of shares.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Melon isn't the first former and current NBA player to own a stake in an NBL team, the others being Middleton, Wall, Kevin Martin and Marion, among others.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

The NBA Finals are about to begin, and Melon has also made an outlook, claiming that if Tatum can lead Green Kai to defeat the Mavericks to win the championship, then he can become the face of the NBA.

It happened that after the previous game when Green Kai advanced to the finals, Tatum wrote on his personal social media: "There are already so many black fans, why don't you cheer for me - Carmelo Anthony." ”

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

The wave of melons and Tatum is a two-way rush and must be locked.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

In the past Eastern Conference finals, Tatum averaged 30.3 points, 10.3 rebounds, 6.3 assists and 1.3 steals per game, but despite this, he was indeed still very unfavorable.

Zach Lowe, a well-known NBA commentator, even bluntly said that the top five players in the league today are Doncic, Joshua, Brother Alphabet, the Great and Alexander, and Tatum can only be ranked 6th or 7th or 8th.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

So, as Melon said, Tatum urgently needs a championship to help him break the doubt, so that he can officially become a recognized supergiant and even the new face of the league.

In the '22 Finals, Tatum averaged 21.5 points, 6.8 rebounds and 7 assists per game against the Warriors, shooting 36.7% from the field, and ultimately missed the championship.

Now two years have passed, Tatum is close to the top of the mountain again, and the key to fate is in his hands again.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

In fact, even if Tatum leads the team to win the championship this year, it will inevitably be questioned, because Green Kai's path to promotion is too easy compared to the Mavericks, and the opponents are not in good shape and the bosses of the Heat Cavaliers and Pacers are all injured and absent to varying degrees.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Not only Tatum, but Melon also expressed his affection for other young players, highlighting Haliburton as one of his favorite NBA players.

Melon's answer was a bit unexpected, Haliburton and he were a completely different type of player, with a bias towards scoring and the latter on playmaking passes.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

In the regular season this season, Haliburton averaged 20.1 points, 3.9 rebounds and 10.9 assists per game, and in the playoffs, he averaged 18.7 points, 4.8 rebounds and 8.2 assists per game, and played only two games in the Middle East due to a left hamstring injury, averaging 17.5 points, 3.5 rebounds and 9 assists per game, with a true shooting rate of 64.1%.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Fortunately, Haliburton himself confirmed that the left hamstring injury this time will not affect his preparation for this summer's Paris Olympics.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

When it comes to the Olympics, Melon is even more talkative, as a three-time Olympic gold medalist in the United States men's basketball legend, any of the players mentioned above is a younger brother in front of him in terms of FIBA achievements alone.

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

Only the man who also holds three Olympic gold medals and the all-time scoring champion of the U.S. men's basketball team, and goes to a nightclub without soaking girls to practice shooting, can press the melon!

Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

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  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......
  • Coming soon! Here it is, Anthony is finally going back to the NBA......

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