
A 32-year-old female teacher has frequent diarrhea and is diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer! Be vigilant: Be careful with such diarrhea

author:Pharmacist Wang's Cardiovascular Lecture Hall

A few days ago, a young man came to the outpatient clinic, saying that he had been having diarrhea in recent days, going to the toilet several times a day, and he didn't feel anything, so he thought he had a bad stomach, but he brushed Douyin last night and found a patient with bowel cancer, who was about the same age as him, and didn't take diarrhea seriously at first, and dragged it out again and again, and found out that bowel cancer was still in an advanced stage.

This young man's experience reminded me of a previous patient, Xiao Wu, who was only 32 years old and a teacher, and many classmates came to see her during the hospitalization, and it can be seen that she usually has a good relationship with her classmates. Xiao Wu also has a preference for filming Douyin, her mentality is very good, saying that shooting more now is also to leave some souvenirs for the child, otherwise the child will forget about himself in the future. Once I listened to her talk about her illness experience, and repeatedly reminded everyone not to be careless, and to go to the hospital as soon as possible if there is a physical problem, she herself suffered this loss.

It turned out that Xiao Wu's bowel cancer started with diarrhea.

A 32-year-old female teacher has frequent diarrhea and is diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer! Be vigilant: Be careful with such diarrhea

About a year ago, Xiao Wu began to have frequent diarrhea, her stomach did not hurt, it was simple diarrhea, she didn't take it to heart, and then the diarrhea became more and more severe, and her stomach began to ache faintly, she also simply thought that it was caused by eating unclean food, until she began to have blood in her stool, and she felt a hard lump in her abdomen, she was completely panicked, and quickly went to the hospital, the result can be imagined, after a detailed examination, she was finally diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer.

In fact, there are many cases like Xiao Wu in clinical practice, and these patients are generally still very young, so they will not take it seriously if they have a little problem with their health, and the result is delayed again and again, and when they realize the seriousness of the problem, they can only regret it.

With Xiao Wu's case, I once again remind everyone that diarrhea is not a trivial matter, and the following symptoms must be checked as soon as possible.

1. What is the difference between common diarrhea and bowel cancer diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a very common symptom, usually eat cold, eat unclean, spoiled food, may have diarrhea symptoms, but in this case diarrhea and diarrhea caused by bowel cancer is different, remind everyone to pay attention to the distinction, especially the high-risk groups of bowel cancer, don't wait until it is serious and then regret it.

A 32-year-old female teacher has frequent diarrhea and is diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer! Be vigilant: Be careful with such diarrhea

1. Common diarrhea: There is a clear cause, mostly related to the wrong diet, manifested as diarrhea multiple times a day, yellow soft stools, and obvious abdominal pain before each toilet, after the abdominal pain is reduced or disappeared, generally does not last too long.

2. Intestinal cancer diarrhea: inexplicable beginning of diarrhea, with mucus in the stool, and there may be blood streaks, but it is often ignored, and the initial diarrhea and constipation alternate, followed by persistent abdominal pain, followed by inexplicable weight loss, dizziness, palpitation and other manifestations, touching the abdomen or having a mass.

2. What are the early symptoms of bowel cancer?

Xiao Wu didn't care about the diarrhea and abdominal pain at first, and he didn't go to the hospital until he had blood in his stool and felt a lump in his abdomen, which was too late. In fact, these are typical manifestations of bowel cancer, and everyone is reminded that once the following symptoms appear, we must be vigilant and seek medical attention as soon as possible to rule out the possibility of bowel cancer.

1. Changes in stool: Constipation and diarrhea alternately, the frequency of stool increases inexplicably, tenesmus, or there is always a feeling that the stool is not clean, the stool is mucus and blood, and there may be pus and blood in the follow-up.

A 32-year-old female teacher has frequent diarrhea and is diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer! Be vigilant: Be careful with such diarrhea

2. Abdominal pain and bloating: The abdominal pain of early bowel cancer is not obvious, manifested as dull pain or no abdominal pain, and there will be persistent abdominal pain, bloating and other uncomfortable feelings in the follow-up, which are often ignored by patients.

3. Abdominal mass: As the disease progresses, some patients will feel an obvious lump in their abdomen, which is generally hard and irregular, which means that the condition is already very serious.

4. Other manifestations: In addition to the above symptoms, patients will also have anemia, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms due to blood in the stool, and the consumption of cancer cells will also have inexplicable emaciation, fatigue, fever and other manifestations.

3. Who are the high-risk groups for bowel cancer?

The reason why Xiao Wu's condition dragged on to such a serious level before she went to the hospital was because she was too careless when she was young, and on the other hand, she didn't realize that she was already in the high-risk group for bowel cancer. According to Xiao Wu, she has loved meat since she was a child, and she also likes to eat fried food, usually goes to a barbecue when she has nothing to do, and three meals a day are also very irregular, and often eats supper, perhaps it is these bad eating habits that eventually induce bowel cancer. The following groups of people are all at high risk of bowel cancer, so it is important to be vigilant.

A 32-year-old female teacher has frequent diarrhea and is diagnosed with advanced bowel cancer! Be vigilant: Be careful with such diarrhea

1. People with long-term bad eating habits: long-term intake of high-fat, high-calorie, low-fiber food, like to eat meat, do not like to eat vegetables, prefer fried food, processed food, barbecue smoked food, etc., irregular diet, like to eat supper, etc., these wrong eating habits will aggravate the intestinal load and induce bowel cancer.

2. People with a family history of bowel cancer and intestinal polyps: Bowel cancer is hereditary, including familial adenomatosis, familial colon polyposis and other familial diseases, which may be hereditary, and such people must be vigilant.

3. Patients with chronic ulcerative colitis: Some inflammations are also "accomplices" of cancer, like some ulcerative inflammations, in the process of healing and repairing, cells may become cancerous, so patients with chronic colitis must be vigilant.

4. Overweight or obesity: Studies have found that obesity is also one of the risk factors for bowel cancer, especially abdominal obesity, which is related to the diet of obese people, as well as hormonal changes, metabolic abnormalities, and inflammatory reactions caused by obesity.