
【Cultural China Tour】Puding Cross Block: Continuing the historical context and reproducing the charm of the old times

author:Wei Anshun
【Cultural China Tour】Puding Cross Block: Continuing the historical context and reproducing the charm of the old times
【Cultural China Tour】Puding Cross Block: Continuing the historical context and reproducing the charm of the old times

In the early morning, strolling in the historical and cultural district of Puding County - the cross block, the bright morning light shines through the old tiles, shining into the stone road of the old streets and alleys, the streets and alleys are leisurely meandering, the stone road is full of people, the breath of fireworks rises, and the old life style is coming.

【Cultural China Tour】Puding Cross Block: Continuing the historical context and reproducing the charm of the old times

Puding County Historical and Cultural District - Cross Block

Puding appeared earlier in history, the Yuan Dynasty appeared as the name of the administrative region for the first time, and the Ming Hongwu period set up Pudingwei, built Dingnan, that is, Dingnan City. In the second year of the Republic of China, it was changed to Puding County, with Dingnan as the county center, and has continued to this day. Speaking of the historical context of Puding, Huang Wen, a history expert of Puding County and the head of the Party History Unit of the County Archives, talked eloquently.

Located in the old town of Puding, the cross block is spread out with the cross street as the main axis, showing a pattern of "one horizontal and three vertical", and the complete spatial pattern has been maintained in its original state for hundreds of years. "This is the widest and most prosperous street in the old town of Puding, with Middle Street on the left, Tofu Street on the right, Tie Street on the top, and Caojia Street on the opposite side. The whole block runs through the north and south of the old city, enters from the west gate, connects Chaoyang Road in the north, passes through the north gate, and connects with the old highway from Puding to Bulang. The entire cross block forms a large and small 'Hui' zigzag area. Standing at the intersection of the crossroads, Huang Wen told reporters that there are currently 1 municipal-level cultural relics protection unit, 12 historical buildings, and 87 traditional buildings in the entire cross block. These surviving historical and cultural heritages constitute the historical context of the ancient city of Puding Dingnan.

【Cultural China Tour】Puding Cross Block: Continuing the historical context and reproducing the charm of the old times

Puding Agricultural Materials Company Complex Building

As a municipal-level cultural relics protection unit, the comprehensive building of Puding Agricultural Materials Company is one of the first batch of houses to complete protective repairs, restore the appearance of the building, and improve the environment in the courtyard.

The comprehensive building of Puding Agricultural Materials Company was built in the early years of the Republic of China, and was later changed to the office space of the Agricultural Materials Company. The building is a brick and wood structure, sitting east to west, the second floor with a corridor, a hard mountain green tile roof, covers an area of 1200 square meters, 9 rooms wide, 36 meters wide, 8 meters deep. On the wall in front of the comprehensive building of Puding Agricultural Materials Company, there are slogans such as "Long live Chairman Mao", which are clear and eye-catching. On the front façade of the wing house, the pattern of sunflowers is pasted with cement plastic, representing the sunflowers blooming towards the sun.

"The architecture of Cross Street is like a history book, showing the architectural styles of different periods such as the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China and the early liberation period to varying degrees." Huang Wen said.

As an important gathering place for the old city of Puding, the cross block has always been the commercial, cultural and life center of the old city, and still undertakes the commercial and cultural functions of the old city.

【Cultural China Tour】Puding Cross Block: Continuing the historical context and reproducing the charm of the old times

Puding Cross Street Stone Street

Li Ganlin, who has lived in the cross block since he was a child, is now in his sixtieth year, and has been using his old house to run snacks for more than 20 years. In his words: "My snacks are the same as those of Lao Cai, and the taste is still the same, and it has not changed." ”

As the third batch of provincial historical and cultural cities, Puding County, in order to strengthen the protection of Puding's history and culture, inherit excellent cultural traditions, and continue the urban context, adheres to the tenet of "respecting history, respecting tradition, and doing a good job in protection and development", puts protection in the first place, and actively explores new experiences and new paths for the protection and utilization of famous historical and cultural cities.

"We will always adhere to the concept of development in protection and protection in development, and should ensure that everything is protected and repaired and utilized reasonably." Gao Bo, deputy director of the Puding County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, said.

Old streets, old houses, brick and tile have accumulated a heavy traditional culture, from the homeland of the piercing people to the jurisdiction of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, from the Tang Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty to build the south of the Ming Dynasty, a period of history, affectionately tell the glory and vicissitudes of this humanistic city.

Reporter of Anshun Daily Financial Media Center

Lu Kaiwei

Editor-in-charge: Gu Yu Proofreader, Zhang Jiachen, Second Instance, Mao Li, Third Instance, Chen Ming

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