
The technicians of the foot bath shop danced collectively, and the 90-year-old man was fascinated by it, and it was uncomfortable not to watch it for a day

author:Social attention 007

In the long river of life, age is just the mark of time, and the real vitality comes from the youth and pursuit of the heart. We are often so caught up in all kinds of trivial things that we ignore some simple but beautiful moments in life.

Uncle Zhang from Guangxi used his unique way to show us a profound philosophy of life - people are not old, and happiness is regardless of age.

Although Uncle Zhang is over 90 years old, he has a ruddy complexion and full of energy, and he usually likes to go out for a walk after dinner, and the reason why he loves walking so much is not only because he wants to exercise his body, but also because he is deeply attracted by a foot bath shop on the street.

The technicians of the foot bath shop danced collectively, and the 90-year-old man was fascinated by it, and it was uncomfortable not to watch it for a day

In the evening, the female technicians of the foot bath shop wear uniform costumes and dance happily in the open space in front of the shop. The dynamic music and the brisk dance steps all reveal the vitality and passion of youth.

Every time Uncle Zhang went out for a walk, he always passed by the foot bath shop intentionally or intentionally, and if he saw those young ladies dancing, he would stop and watch.

I saw Uncle Zhang holding a toothpick in his mouth, his eyes were full of love for dance and yearning for youth, and he was fascinated by it, as if he had also integrated into this cheerful dance.

The technicians of the foot bath shop danced collectively, and the 90-year-old man was fascinated by it, and it was uncomfortable not to watch it for a day

Those young figures and those smart dance steps have become the most beautiful scenery in Uncle Zhang. He said that watching these young ladies dance is the moment he looks forward to the most every day, and it is also his happiest time. Watching these young ladies dance is a part of Uncle Zhang's daily life, and he feels uncomfortable not watching it for a day.

Someone asked Uncle Zhang why he likes to watch these young ladies dance so much, is it not good to watch TV at home? After all, there are so many more great shows and dance shows on TV. But Uncle Zhang shook his head with a smile, saying that although the programs on TV are good-looking, they lack that sense of reality and live. He prefers to watch the dance here because of the unique atmosphere and contagiousness. That youthful energy and passion, as if he could travel through time and space, made him feel his younger self again.

The technicians of the foot bath shop danced collectively, and the 90-year-old man was fascinated by it, and it was uncomfortable not to watch it for a day

Although Uncle Zhang's body has entered his twilight years, his heart is still young. He came here every day to see it, it was like recharging himself, and those young dancers, like jumping notes, brought endless fun to his life. Here, there is no age boundary, only a love of life and a yearning for beauty.

Uncle Zhang's persistence and love make people sigh: people are not old, and happiness is regardless of age. His behavior is not only a love of dance, but also a positive attitude towards life. In his own way, he shows us that the lives of the elderly can be so colorful and vibrant.

The technicians of the foot bath shop danced collectively, and the 90-year-old man was fascinated by it, and it was uncomfortable not to watch it for a day

It is worth mentioning that in reality, the lives of some older people are often neglected and marginalized. They face many problems such as loneliness, loneliness, boredom, etc. And the reason why Uncle Zhang can live so happily is precisely because he has found a way of life and a source of happiness of his own.

We may get some inspiration from Uncle Zhang, and we can encourage the elderly to go out and walk more, participate in some social activities and cultural and entertainment activities, so that they can feel the joy and beauty of life, let the elderly truly feel the warmth and care of the society, and make their later life happier and better.

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