
Wary! The "Douyin customer service" scam is coming

author:Ulanchabu East Road Sub-district Office

"Hello, I am Douyin customer service, and I am calling you today to inform you that you have opened the Douyin live broadcast membership service when you watched the live broadcast before, and the monthly fee is 800 yuan, if you do not close it, you will be deducted for a total of 9600 yuan for a year, and the corresponding fee will be deducted from your account every month, if your bank card balance is insufficient and the deduction fails, it will affect your credit information." "I didn't open it?" How do I cancel this? Ms. Wang, who received the call, was confused and hurriedly asked the customer service how to cancel the membership.

"The specific operation requires you to add our Douyin exclusive customer service first, and teach you one-on-one." , according to the phone prompt, Ms. Wang added Douyin customer service. The customer service informed Ms. Wang that she needed to check the purchase membership record, click the link to log in to the online banking to verify the bank card information, transfer the money in the bank card to a safe account for verification, and cancel the membership only after capital verification. Ms. Wang followed the guidance of customer service.

Wary! The "Douyin customer service" scam is coming

About 15 minutes after the "customer service" informed Ms. Wang that the money in the safe account would be automatically returned after Ms. Wang canceled the membership. When Ms. Wang saw the "UnionPay official website", she did not suspect it at all, and followed the operation of "customer service" and transferred a total of about 100,000 yuan.

Wary! The "Douyin customer service" scam is coming
Wary! The "Douyin customer service" scam is coming

Ms. Wang checked her bank card half an hour after transferring money and did not receive the payment, and only then did she realize that she had been deceived, so she went to the public security organ to call the police for help.


Anyone who claims to be a "Douyin customer service staff" and guides transfers and remittances on the grounds that Douyin live members will automatically deduct fees if they do not cancel and affect credit reporting, is a fraud. Do not transfer money to unfamiliar accounts and beware of being deceived. If you are accidentally deceived, please call the police on 110 immediately, and save chat records, transfer records and other relevant evidence, do not trust online rights protection agencies and other channels to avoid being deceived again!

Source: "Cyber Security Publicity Week" WeChat public account