
The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

author:Kangshi stone

When I was interviewed, my biggest feeling was that time flies, so fast.

When the teacher Han Yi asked, "From the choice of university major, to the decision to study abroad, to the choice of portfolio institution, is it all a decision made by children?" ”

I thought for a moment and replied:

With this answer, the changes in my daughter's various stages from elementary school, junior high school, high school, and college to my eyes emerged.

Although since she was born, I have always hoped that she could become a person who has her own ideas and ideas, but I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, she has already put it

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

Awards (as of press time)

Silver Award at the 21st Asian Design Awards

Silver Award at the 2023 Universal Art International Design Awards

Silver Award for the 2023 Chinese Habitat Environmental Design Year

Silver Award in the 3rd ICAD International Contemporary Youth Art and Design Competition in 2023

Excellence Award at the 2022 Hong Kong Digital Art Design Competition

A total of 8 awards

CSC National Scholarship Committee Scholarship

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it
The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

OFFER (as of press time)

获 英国皇家艺术学院 Design Practice MArch

米兰理工大学 Interior and Spatial Design MSc offer

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

01 Time does fly by indeed

My daughter has been in a lot of interest classes since she was a child, and she said to me before the piano exam, "Mom, I don't like the feeling .....of sitting on the piano bench for a day", so we didn't let her stick to the piano.

Later, when she came to junior high school, she considered that she was busy with schoolwork and couldn't stick to the two interest classes, so she needed to choose one of the two types of dance and painting.

In fact, out of a mother's psychology, I really hope that she will stick to the dance, and the girl will be slim and slim when she walks up, but she thinks that she will have a lot of body anxiety in the future after learning dance, therefore.

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

In high school, because the child's father worked in the furniture industry, he often came into contact with many designers, and gradually became interested in this profession, and said that her dream was to become an excellent designer in the future.

At that time, her father and I had a lot of concerns, and it was not easy to research or revise the draft; On the other hand, if she wants to go to a good school, she must grasp both the results of cultural classes and painting, and the pressure on her children to go to school is also very high.

But after the communication, she still insisted on her ideals, we supported her, and a lot of things happened during the period, and now I think about it vividly:

I remember that after she failed to enter the school's experimental class in her first year of high school, she told me that she must be admitted to the second year of high school, and I also remember that she rushed into the bottom of the experimental class and hugged me and cried, and her neck was no longer as straight as in the past.

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

The hard work finally paid off, but in the choice of school, she once again disagreed with us, because the ranking was a little worse and not enough to get into Tongji, we persuaded her to apply for other 985 universities, but she still insisted on applying for a strong college with a design major, and came to Jiangnan University, a 211, but the design discipline is a strong university.

Later, just after her freshman year, she told me that she planned to go to graduate school.

There are three ways to go on to higher education, postgraduate entrance examination and study abroad, at the beginning she decisively gave up the postgraduate entrance examination, because she did not want to enter the examination involution system, if she stayed in this school, she may not be able to contact more new things than other schools (and later gave up the quota of postgraduate research), as for studying abroad,

After discussing it together, we felt that studying abroad was still affordable.

So she began to look for institutions, schools, and study abroad countries, and did a lot of research and preparation to come to Hanyi.

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

My daughter works in the Hanyi Summer Camp group

So I don't know much about what kind of institution Hanyi is, but I know my daughter.

She said that she has completed a lot of knowledge, been exposed to new technologies and new design perspectives, learned a lot, and paid a lot of money.

When I won the offer of Huangyi, she said to me proudly, Mom, don't look at me as soon as I apply for the offer of Huangyi, and then the national award is also stable, which is the result of my years of study in Jiangnan University and Hanyi, in addition to the cultivation of teachers, I have also paid a lot.

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

The daughter went to Dong Village to investigate

I'm also glad that she's been able to overcome obstacles along the way, and sometimes I wonder if it's made her work too hard to think about so many things alone.

But my daughter told me that what she is happiest and happiest is the support of her parents, and we have the backing to give her the confidence to do whatever she wants, and she can go all the way without worries.

02 Respecting children's wishes is not so difficult, but it is not easy either

Seeing this, you may think that I respect the wishes of the child, so the child can be assertive, but in fact, it is not an easy task for the child's parents.

On the one hand, I know that children will have their own ideas after all, and parents and elders cannot interfere too much in their children's growth, but on the other hand, I will also be a good teacher.

But I think the most important thing to balance these two points is to let children have the courage to speak their minds, only then can parents grasp the degree of communication with their children, and this needs to be cultivated from an early age.

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

My daughter worked hard with her teammates and won the award certificate

I don't really have a clear plan for my child's growth, to be honest, I actually hope that she can have her own achievements and achievements, but in the end, I still hope that she can be happy, happy and healthy.

So instead of encouraging her to work hard and work hard, I pay more attention to whether she can pay attention to rest, go to bed early and get up early, eat regularly, and have a good time.

Even learning to say no is something I've been teaching her since I was very early on.

I would tell her that by expressing her needs correctly and reasonably, she can communicate better with people, but at the same time

So when she was in elementary school, the teacher appreciated her more and asked her to help write a small essay for the competition, and her daughter, who had just entered the first grade, said to the teacher, "Teacher, I am still very young, I am not qualified for this job, you should find someone else".

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

At first, I was a little nervous when I heard her say that she rejected the teacher, so I called and communicated with the teacher and wanted to help the child round the field.

But I heard the teacher relay her words and told me that the teacher could better grasp the scale.

This habit has also been throughout my daughter's growth process, and when she was just in junior high school, I also wanted to give some guidance to my child's learning, but she also stopped me and said, ".

From that moment on, I became more of a mother who silently followed her, such as learning what TV series she likes to watch and what her thoughts are, and now I have also registered Douyin to see what she will post.

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

, such as dressing in the cold, eating fruit at night, etc., I believe that these are things that a child who has left elementary school will gradually grasp.

However, sometimes parents will also have a little nervousness, for example, her father was busy with work in the early years, and later when he was more free to pay attention to the children for a while, he would also want to give more advice to the children and guide the children.

For a mother, the harmonious family atmosphere and the joy of everyone together are another major achievement in my life in addition to my career.

03 Now the child has grown up

We communicated with the child from a very young age, saying that when she was a child, she knew less about things and had to listen more to her parents, but in middle school, she knew more and had a higher degree of freedom.

After all, an era has a theme of the times, and the success of the older generation in this ever-changing era may not necessarily apply to young people, and on the road of life, whether they are happy or not, they know best.

Now our family also maintains the habit of having family meetings, and her dad and I will also ask her for ideas on what decisions we want to make, whether it is to support her ideas or to put forward our own needs, and the members of our family understand that home is a place where we can express ourselves without reservation.

But sometimes I wonder if the child is too sensible, hahaha.

The child won the national award, gave up Mili and chose Huangyi, as a mother, I support it

My daughter's solo trip to the Mohe River

For example, during the winter and summer vacations, classes at Hanyi are online, and she arranges her class time and portfolio time in the room, and her work and rest are also, she is more regular than me when she doesn't have to rush homework, and she starts to urge me to sleep at ten o'clock at night.

For parents, they hope that their children will grow up, but they are afraid that she will suffer by herself and put too much pressure on herself.

In my opinion, she is already a very hard-working and excellent child.

I am very happy to be her mother and honored to have such a daughter.

If you have more questions about studying abroad and art and design portfolios, please contact Mr. Kang Shishi~