
The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

author:Zhengzhou Fire Protection

The wheat is golden

The annual wheat harvest is just around the corner

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

But the summer is hot and the climate is dry

The slightest carelessness can easily cause a wheat field fire

So don't forget about fire prevention during the harvest season


The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Wheat harvesting and fire prevention

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened
The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Smoking is not allowed in ripe wheat fields or threshing fields. Cigarette butts should be completely trampled on with your feet, and it is strictly forbidden to burn wheat stubble.

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Combine harvesters and tractors entering the field for harvesting and transportation operations should be equipped with fire covers and fire extinguishers.

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

It is strictly forbidden to use bare wires and hook wires for electric machinery. Temporarily erected wires should also be fixed firmly to prevent falling to the ground and injuring people and causing fires.

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Teach your child not to play with fire in the neighborhood.

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened
The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Fire prevention in the wheat field

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened
The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

The threshing fields should not be set together, and there should be sufficient fire spacing.

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

The setting of the threshing field should be kept away from wires and cables.

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

The wreshing field should be equipped with necessary fire extinguishers, water tanks, buckets, shovels, brooms and other fire extinguishing equipment according to local conditions.

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

It is strictly forbidden to burn straw

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened
The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened


It is easy to cause fire accidents

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Straw burning can easily ignite the surrounding flammable materials, resulting in "fire and camp", and once it triggers a wheat field fire, it is often difficult to control and cause economic losses. Especially in the vicinity of mountains and forests, the consequences are even more unimaginable.


Affects road traffic and aviation safety

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

The smoke formed by burning straw causes a decrease in air visibility and a decrease in the visible range, which directly affects the normal operation of civil aviation, railways and highways, and is easy to cause traffic accidents and affect personal safety.


Destruction of soil structure and deterioration of farmland quality

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Straw burning also enters the ground, microorganisms in the surface are burned to death, humus, organic matter is mineralized, and the burning of straw in the field destroys the balance of this biological system, changes the physical properties of the soil, aggravates soil compaction, destroys soil fertility, exacerbates drought, and affects the growth of crops.


A large number of toxic and harmful substances are produced

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Straw burning produces a large number of toxic and harmful substances, which threaten the health of humans and other organisms. Crop straw contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, hydrocarbons and organic sulfur. In particular, the freshly harvested straw has not yet dried out, and incomplete combustion will produce large amounts of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons and soot.

Finally, a word of caution

In the event of a fire during the wheat harvest

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened

Be sure to take the initiative to save at the same time

Separate the zone from other wheat fields and combustibles

and spray adjacent combustibles

Prevent the fire from causing a catastrophe

And call the fire alarm number 119 in time

The wheat harvest season is busy, and fire prevention should be strengthened