
Our city held the second scheduling meeting of the "122" modern industrial system and the "six ones" characteristic products in 2024

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Our city held the second scheduling meeting of the "122" modern industrial system and the "six ones" characteristic products in 2024

Re-scheduling, re-deployment, and re-advancement

Our city held the "122" modern industrial system

and the 2nd scheduling meeting of "Six Ones" special products in 2024

On the afternoon of June 4, Liu Ge'an, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the second scheduling meeting of the "122" modern industrial system and the "Six Ones" characteristic products in 2024. Tian Huayu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Yang Guanglin, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the CPPCC, and city leaders Shang Shenglong, Wu Wenhai, Wan Dong, Wang Tao, Yan Ruizeng and Zhao Xu participated.

Our city held the second scheduling meeting of the "122" modern industrial system and the "six ones" characteristic products in 2024

The meeting listened to the city leaders to take the lead in grasping the "122" modern industrial system and the "six ones" characteristic products to promote the work, study the ecological agriculture, tourism quality upgrading, health care industry, digital economy, biomedicine, tourism commodities and the development status and problems of "a cup of tea", "a bottle of water", "a bottle of wine", "a piece of medicine", "a fish" and "a pig" characteristic products, and re-dispatch and redeploy the relevant work.

Liu Ge'an pointed out that since the implementation of the "122" modern industrial system and the "six one" characteristic product work system led by the city leaders, the city has made greater efforts to promote the development of the "122" modern industrial system and the "six one" characteristic products, the industrial development base is clearer, the working mechanism has been continuously improved, and the overall development of key industries has been improving. He stressed that it is necessary to highlight high-level scheduling, adhere to the regular scheduling, on-site scheduling and efficient scheduling of the leading city leaders, give full play to the advantages of the leading city leaders in integrating resources, promote the solution of practical problems, and promote the rapid development of key industries and key characteristic products. It is necessary to highlight coordinated advancement, strengthen the leading role of the government, provide policy support, actively build a platform, and optimize the development environment; Strengthen the guidance of industry associations, formulate industry standards, strengthen industry self-discipline, and strengthen industry coordination; Give full play to the main role of the enterprise, constantly expand the market, and strive to build a brand. It is necessary to highlight the "leading" drive, focus on cultivating "leading" enterprises, concentrate resources to support the development of key "leading" enterprises, and give full play to the leading role of "leading" enterprises. It is necessary to highlight the project support, accurately attract projects on the basis of comprehensively combing the existing projects, take the initiative to serve the projects, and truly solve the problems that arise in the process of project landing, construction, production and operation. It is necessary to highlight the guarantee of capital, labor, land, electricity and other elements, highlight the construction of industrial ecology, further clarify the current industrial situation map, industrial prospect map and head enterprise database and target enterprise library, adhere to the "five chains" of industrial chain, innovation chain, talent chain, value chain and supply chain, adhere to the equal emphasis on scale and quality, accelerate the construction of the "122" modern industrial system, and promote the high-quality development of "six ones" characteristic products.

First Instance丨Wang Yan

Second Trial丨Thorough Third Trial丨Produced by Zhuo Zhihua丨Zhangjiajie

Our city held the second scheduling meeting of the "122" modern industrial system and the "six ones" characteristic products in 2024

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