
Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

author:Maple cold Mushi

What I'm going to say today may turn your perception upside down, and if you want to know the truth about the hatred of the Jews, you must take a few minutes to listen carefully to my analysis.

Next, let's go straight to the topic, many people must have a very magical feeling when they study the history of the Jews, that is, some history is very difficult to read, and many things happen without logic, which makes people feel confused and inexplicable.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

For example, why did Hitler massacre the Jews? The most widely circulated version on the Internet is that Hitler was bullied by Jews as a child, so he grew up with a grudge to take revenge on the Jews.

If you believe this statement, it means that you lack basic awareness and cognition of the world, because anyone with a little common sense and experience knows that when a country or even the entire European continent hates a group, it means that there must be a major problem with that group.

Take the fact that the Jews were hated by the Germans, he had no direct connection with Hitler's own likes and dislikes, and the reason why Germany set off a wave of anti-Semitism was because during World War I, Germany was stabbed in the back by the Jews in the process of fighting with Britain and France, which led to the defeat of the war and the signing of a treaty of loss of power and humiliation, so after the war, the Jews aroused the hatred of the German people.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

When many people look at this period of history, they have always thought that Germany would lose the First World War because it could not defeat the Anglo-French coalition army, but the actual situation is that the German front at that time was still outside the borders, the west hit the north of France, and the east defeated Russia to obtain war reparations.

At that time, Jewish businessmen secretly hoarded food, medicine and other strategic materials, and then took advantage of the shortage of materials during the war to raise prices, and made a lot of war money, which caused the German people to boil, seeing that the common people began to be dissatisfied, the Jewish bankers continued to exert their strength, they carried out propaganda and agitation everywhere, instigated the German sailors at that time to lay down their arms, organized a general strike in the German military industry, and overnight, the German war machine was forcibly stopped, and then the famous "November Revolution" broke out, and finally led to the abdication of the Kaiser, the defeat of Germany and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.

And how outrageous was the Versailles contract? It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the most exaggerated war reparations in human history, according to the regulations at that time, Germany needed to pay 269 billion gold marks in reparations, converted into gold, which is equivalent to 96,000 tons of gold, which is simply the whole of Germany sold and could not afford to pay back this money.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

So after the war, the life of the German people had reached a very difficult point, but even so, the Jews were still not satisfied, and in 1922 they controlled the Weimar government to do a big thing, that is, to get the German central bank out of the control of the government, and set up a separate department, and the control of this department was the Jewish Warburg family.

After taking control of Germany's financial lifeline, the Jews became more and more outrageous, and they issued a large amount of money, and at the same time bought German companies, houses and land on a large scale, turning German wealth into their own private property, and finally triggered an inflation that swept the whole of Germany, making Germany famous for 500,000 marks to buy a loaf of bread.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted
Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

And do you think that's the limit of what the Jews can do? Of course not, the Jews at that time were still making money from usury everywhere, and I want to emphasize one point here, many people think that the Jews will make money simply because they are smart, but in fact they are not, there is a big reason why the Jews make money quickly, that is, they have almost no moral bottom line.

Before the Jews, due to religious beliefs, throughout Europe from the classical era to the Middle Ages, the church forbade believers to lend, so many Europeans knew that usury made money, but they would not do it, but the Jews did not have such restrictions, in their eyes, as long as they could make money, they would do anything that had no bottom line, so the Jews soon monopolized the banker industry.

According to historical data, there were 560,000 Jews in Germany at that time, accounting for 1.5% of the total German population, but their wealth accounted for 1/16 of the national economic income of Germany, and Jews were generally much richer than the average German.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

But having money is not the real problem, the real problem is that at that time, in order to win the First World War, Germany borrowed a lot of money from the Jews, and borrowing money requires collateral, so what kind of collateral to take? The answer is the right of the Germans to collect taxes.

In addition, Germany had just been defeated at that time, and the common people were miserable, so the Jews did not know how to collect their debts and ran every day to collect debts.

And the matter of debt collection, everyone also knows that it is generally accompanied by violent means, just like the one played in the popular TV series "Hurricane" last year, why did Tang Xiaolong dare to lend money to others? Because if others dare not pay back, he dares to force others to donate blood until all debts are paid off completely.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

So in the same way, since the Jews dared to lend usury and collect taxes, it means that in Germany at that time, he had a way to make ordinary people submit, just like the scene described in "The Merchant of Venice", since the Jews dared to write the repayment of the cut directly in the contract, it means that they must have the ability.

Through these details, we can make it clear by logical backwards that the Jews must have done a lot of dark things in Germany at that time, and it is estimated that they did not do less things like cutting off their hands and ears, otherwise they would not explain why the German people hated them so much.

And the Jews will do whatever it takes to get money, which is not something we imagine out of thin air, but is historically documented.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

For example, there is a secret that no one knows, that is, the Jews are actually one of the main promoters of the slave trade, in the Western Roman Empire just after the fall, the Jews started the business of human trafficking, they sold Ukrainians, Russians and Persians to Spain, women were sold as X slaves, men were directly castrated, according to the statistics done by Western scholars, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th century for more than 200 years, through the hands of the Jews trafficked more than 7 million white Eastern Europeans.

And they not only sold white people, but also one of the masterminds behind the black slave trade, according to the available research, the Jews monopolized the black slave trade in Brazil at that time, and nearly 4 million people were sold by them on the estates in Brazil, and the average life expectancy of the blacks sold there was only a few years.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

Do you understand it, this is the true face of the Jews, unscrupulous for money, no bottom line, you understand this, why did the Germans at that time choose an art student who failed to make the list? Because anti-Semitism was the national will of Germany at that time.

When many people study the history of the Jews, the reason why they feel inexplicable and unable to be logically self-consistent is because the Jews have the absolute right to speak in the three major fields of global finance, culture, and media, and they deliberately extract a part of the truth, resulting in the missing piece of history, so there is a problem that it is not smooth to read and has no logic.

If I had said this before, I don't think many people would have believed it, because they didn't believe that anyone could cover up the truth of history at will, but with the introduction of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, I believe that no one will doubt what I say, because Jews dare to declare the Bible illegal, so what else can't they do?

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

The current Jewish power is too strong and has penetrated into all areas of the world hegemon United States, such as Secretary of State Blinken, Deputy Secretary of State Sherman, Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, and White House Chief of Staff Klein, all of whom are Jewish.

There is also the Federal Reserve, which controls the lifeblood of the American economy, five of the six Fed chairmen are Jewish, and as for the well-known Soros, Zuckerberg, Spielberg, Robert Downey Jr., they are also Jewish.

As for the media field, it is even more exaggerated, the major shareholders of the seven major media groups in the United States are all Jews, nearly 80% of the mainstream media in Europe and the United States are in the hands of Jews, the well-known BBC and CNN, the big media that have the right to speak, all have traces of Jewish capital control, and what "Time", "New York Times", "Washington Post", "Boston Globe", these media groups, are all Jews' own people, so for so many years, Jews have referred to the deer as a horse in the world, Few people questioned it.

Because the voices of doubt are suppressed and the history that is unfavorable to the Jews is controlled, many people do not know the true face of the Jews.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

When the Palestinian-Israeli conflict first broke out, many people spoke for Israel, saying that they just wanted a stable land to live, but as the situation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continued to change, the true face of the Jews began to be exposed, not only wantonly slaughtering Palestinian civilians and taking pleasure in the torture of women and children in Gaza, but also openly demanding the resignation of the UN Secretary-General who did not support their atrocities.

This cruel and domineering approach has aroused the disgust of the whole world, so now their reputation has plummeted, and they have almost become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

Why are Jews hated? The truth is in the history that has been extracted

This also makes people who know the truth of history see clearly once again that the group of Jews who sold people, lent usury, and played blood sacrifices have been the same for hundreds of years, and they have always thought that the world has treated them badly, but they just don't know how to reflect on themselves.

When the Germans took them in, they backhanded them with a backstab.

Then the Palestinians took them in, and now they are in danger of annihilation.

Now that the Americans have taken them in, the Jews have become the American gods again.

Isn't it enough for you to see their true colors with so many real-life cases?

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