
After taking long sick leave, will there be any annual leave this year?

author:Green Qingpu
After taking long sick leave, will there be any annual leave this year?
After taking long sick leave, will there be any annual leave this year?

On July 1, 2022, Xiaoxiao, who had just graduated from university, signed a three-year labor contract with an accounting firm. In January of this year, hepatitis was detected in Xiaoxiao, so he applied to the company for sick leave for 2 and a half months. Recently, Xiao Xiaoxiao applied for annual leave to the company, but the company replied that because he had taken a long sick leave this year, he had no annual leave. Is the company's statement correct?

After taking long sick leave, will there be any annual leave this year?

Source: Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security

Editor: Zhu Renjie

After taking long sick leave, will there be any annual leave this year?
After taking long sick leave, will there be any annual leave this year?
After taking long sick leave, will there be any annual leave this year?