
Fitness only to lose belly? Wrong! Weight loss does not come to lose fat topically

author:Yugong Fitness

#健身辟谣课#你是不是也以为健身可以只减肚子上的赘肉? Don't be misled anymore! Debunk this fitness myth today.

Many people think that in the abdominal position, through specific fitness movements or equipment, you can only lose belly fat, such as doing sit-ups and planks; Use massage, vibration equipment, etc.

Fitness only to lose belly? Wrong! Weight loss does not come to lose fat topically

Actually, this is a misconception. First of all, weight loss is a systemic lipid reduction process, and there is no cellulite reduction method that only targets a certain area. It's like having a bowl of water, and when you scoop a few spoonfuls of water in the center of the bowl, it's impossible for the water in the middle of the bowl to sink in.

Fitness only to lose belly? Wrong! Weight loss does not come to lose fat topically

Although the body burns fat as an energy source when we exercise, especially during prolonged aerobic exercise, this process is universally consumed throughout the body and does not stay in just one part of the body.

Fitness only to lose belly? Wrong! Weight loss does not come to lose fat topically

Secondly, each person's physical condition and genes are different, and the rate of fat distribution and loss will also be different. Therefore, if you want to lose belly fat, you need to exercise for a long time throughout the body, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle habits.

Fitness only to lose belly? Wrong! Weight loss does not come to lose fat topically

In addition, the benefits of fitness are not only to lose fat, but also to enhance the body's muscle strength and endurance and improve physical fitness.

Fitness only to lose belly? Wrong! Weight loss does not come to lose fat topically

So, don't be fooled by the myth of local fat loss! Only by insisting on whole-body exercise and consuming more body calories can you achieve the goal of healthy weight loss!

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