
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

author:The first drop of dew

"Celebrating More Than Years Season 2" has come to an end. I have been following the drama throughout the whole process, and I recognize the overall quality of this drama, the cast of the drama is very strong, and there are many old drama bones, watching them play is really an artistic enjoyment. However, there are also several failed actors in the show, which ruined the audience's appetite, especially the new comedians who joined in the second season, which lowered the level of the show.

The most crotch-pulling is the talk show actor Xu Zhisheng who appeared in episode 34.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

Xu Zhisheng plays the role of Xiao Xu, the secretary of Fuchun County, in the play.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

As soon as Xu Shushi appeared, he seemed out of place with other characters, standing in the crowd, he could be described as a flock of chickens and cranes, like a modern talk show actor, who suddenly traveled to ancient times, forming a sharp contrast and incongruity with the surrounding environment and people.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

As soon as Xu Shushi opened his mouth, he was even more shocked. The vague lines, the exaggerated expressions of the eyebrows, and the pretentious body movements make people look awkward.

Let's not talk about the beauty and ugliness of appearance, but since it is the history of books, then it must also be a scholar, let me ask, ancient readers, many years of reading, will they cultivate such an exaggerated temperament as Xu Shushi?

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

Xu Shushi has a few dialogues with Ming Qingda in the play.

Playing against the old drama Gu Ning Li, the two are directly not in the same frequency, not in the same dimension, in front of professional film and television actors, Xu Zhisheng's exaggeration as a talk show actor is exposed, and his acting skills are really not good, or it can be said that he has no acting skills at all!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

In addition to Xu Zhisheng, there are three comedians in "Celebrating More Than Years Season 2", Zhang Weiyi, Liu Tong and Zuo Lingfeng, the three of them once formed a "XX XX" team in 2022 to participate in the "Comedy Competition Season 2" and won the championship in the finals.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

Compared with Xu Zhisheng, the acting skills of these three comedians are obviously better. After all, all three of them are from professional backgrounds, Zhang Weiyi graduated from the Central Academy of Drama, Zuo Lingfeng and Liu Tong are classmates, and they both graduated from Nanjing University of Media and Communication.

However, whether it is image or acting skills, these three comedians have a big gap compared to other young actors in the play.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

According to the strength of "Celebrating More Than Years", it is completely possible to find better young actors to play these three roles.

Especially Zuo Lingfeng (who plays Shi Xianli in the play), who appears the most, obviously plays a young scholar, but he looks old-fashioned and wooden, without any spirit, and there is no ambitious and high-spirited appearance of the scholars who participated in the scientific examination in ancient times.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

A big drama like "Celebrating More Than Years", with such an overall very good cast, why did the second season crammed a few actors who made the audience look very eye-catching and uncomfortable?

It's nothing more than because of the popularity of "Celebrating More Than Years Season 1", so in the second season, many people want to squeeze in and stuff in, so as to get some light, get a little fame, get a piece of the pie, and improve their grade and fame.

However, a delicate cake, because of the appearance of these different fruits, affects the overall beauty and taste of the cake.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

In addition to the above comedians, the audience has the highest voice and the least wants to appear in the third season, which is Ye Ling'er played by Jin Chen, and Sang Wen played by Wang Churan.

Originally, Han Jiunuo played Ye Linger in the first season very well, with both Ye Linger's playfulness and agility and the "martial idiot" Tie Hanhan temperament, but in the second season, Han Jiunuo was replaced and replaced by Jin Chen, who was more famous.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

If Jin Chen's acting skills are higher than Han Jiunuo's, and his image and temperament are more suitable for the role, then the audience has nothing to say.

But Jin Chen, whether it is his appearance, figure or acting skills, is obviously not qualified for the role of Ye Ling'er.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

So since the crew announced that Ye Linger was played by Jin Chen, it has caused widespread controversy on the Internet.

I hope that Ye Linger in the third season can be replaced by Han Jiunuo, the actor of the first season, or an actress with better acting skills and a heroic posture.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

Sang Wen played by Wang Churan also feels incompatible with the plot painting style.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

In other costume dramas, Wang Churan's performance in the past was actually not so bad, but I don't know why his performance was so bad in "Celebrating More Than Years 2"?

It's as if she was temporarily pulled to fill the number, and her person and state have not entered the role and plot at all.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" is generally good, but the most eye-catching and impressive scenes in the play were brought to me by more than a dozen old actors, followed by several princes, and of course, the intrigue between the protagonist Fan Xian and the 5 princes.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

The biggest failure of the second season is that there are several comedians who shouldn't appear, and there are several scenes, all of which are funny for the sake of being funny, and the painting style suddenly becomes exaggerated and embarrassing, giving people a feeling of being forcibly funny, completely separated from the story and style of the whole show, very abrupt.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" was completely lowered by these comedians! In the end, he pulled his hips the most

I really hope that when "Celebrating More Than Years 3" is filmed, these unprofessional comedians will not be used, especially talk comedians. Also, reduce those completely unnecessary embarrassing and funny plots, focus the plot content on the wonderful power struggle, shoot the high-energy famous scenes in the original work well, shoot carefully, and highlight the key points and essences, so as to make a real classic drama that can be watched by the audience often.