
Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

author:Jiang Zhuang
Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?
Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Text: Jiang Qingtong

Editor|Jiang Qingsheng


As we age, many people will experience a lot of changes in their bodies, whether it is a decline in memory or an increase in wrinkles, which are all signs of aging.

But be sure to pay attention to the fact that if the hair in this area turns gray, it may indicate that your lifespan is decreasing, especially for men, you must pay attention to this aspect!

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

It is important to pay attention to the graying of the hair here

The signs of human aging always start with wrinkles and gray hairs, and many times when you look in the mirror and find that you have a few gray hairs on your head, or new wrinkles on your face, you will feel the loss of time.

These are normal phenomena, but when you see a few hairs in your nose turning white, will you be suddenly shocked, after all, it is the first time you have seen your nose hair turn white.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

This phenomenon is still very rare, but when you find yourself with such signs, you must pay attention, which is also a sign that the body is aging.

Especially men must pay attention, if your nose hair turns white, then it proves that your body has entered the aging period, and the nose is the most important part of the respiratory system, many people like to pluck nose hair This practice is not correct.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

There is a lot of dirt that we can't see when we breathe, but if we have nose hairs at this time, it will block these fine dust from entering the lungs when we breathe.

This is called "filtration", and more importantly, it is to prevent bacteria from entering the nasal cavity, and when the nose hair is plucked, without this layer of protection, the bacteria are not only as simple as entering the nasal cavity, but can even cause meningitis.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

No one can associate nose plucking with meningitis, but it is true, and there are many capillaries in the nose, which are very fragile, and if you accidentally damage the blood vessels, you will have nosebleeds or cause rhinitis.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Is it really about longevity?

And is the graying of nose hair really a decrease in lifespan? Many people are worried about this, but in fact, it is not, but in the research of experts, it has been found that although there is no effect on longevity, it is still closely related to health problems.

Especially for men, many men's nose hair turns white very quickly, and Fan Wei is also very widely paid attention to this point by men, nose hair is telling you that there is a problem in the body now.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Men with this characteristic often have low body immunity and chronic diseases, etc., and this is also very easy to understand, with the increase of social pressure now, the pressure on people is also increasing dramatically, which also makes many people in life pressure can not be released.

Over time, it will be held in the body, and the body will use white nose hair to warn you if there is no way, which is to tell you that your pressure is too high.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Doctors also say that there may be four reasons for the graying of nose hair: decline in lung function, lack of trace elements, environmental pollution and health problems.

The first is the decline of lung function, the lungs are a very important organ in our human body, every breath of the human body is combined with the movement of the lungs to complete, but if you have a problem with your cardiopulmonary function, then this will also cause the phenomenon of white nose hair.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

The second is the lack of trace elements, nose hair is also a kind of body hair, it can grow is also needed to provide a variety of nutrients from the body.

When there is a lack of nutrients in humans, the hair will be malnourished, such as the lack of folic acid and vitamin B in the body, which will cause the hair to become thin, and young men will be manifested in the nose hair if they lack trace elements.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

If this is the case, there is no need to worry, so you only need to supplement the two trace elements mentioned above, and the nose hair will turn back to its original black color after supplementation.

The third situation is that it may be caused by environmental pollution, we know that environmental pollution has always been very serious, and the working environment of some friends is also very bad.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

If you inhale dust and particles for a long time, this will cause serious damage to the nasal membranes, and the damage to the nasal membranes will also make the nasal hairs white, as we mentioned above, the role of the nasal hairs is to block bacteria and impurity particles, but if the nasal cavity is injured, it will cause damage to the lungs.

Finally, there is a health problem, most of the time the white nose hair is caused by its own diseases, such as vitiligo and albinism, etc., this kind of disease is mainly due to a large reduction in melanin in the body, because of the reduction of melanin, the hair does not have enough melanin to absorb, resulting in the whitening of nose hair, which is irreversible.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

There is also the problem of smoking, many men now have the problem of smoking, long-term smoking will also cause the nose hair to turn white, the main reason is that the more you smoke, the more harmful substances will accumulate in the body.

The harmful substances accumulated by smoking will hinder the growth of melanin to a certain extent, and it is precisely in this way that people who generally smoke a lot will have more obvious symptoms of gray nose hair.

However, there is a way to prevent and protect the graying of nose hair caused by other factors.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Ways to prevent and protect

Many men have a physical fat phenomenon after marriage, which is not only "happy fat", but also more drinking and socializing, and the meals in the restaurant are always better than those at home, which I believe many people agree.

The main reason is that the condiments in the restaurant's meals are very sufficient, and many delicious meals are high-fat meals, which are not good to eat too much.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Now many people's physical diseases are related to the three highs, and eating this kind of food for a long time will make the corpse lack nutrients, and the better solution is to eat less of these foods that are easy to eat three highs and maintain healthy eating habits.

Of course, if the nose hair turns white, don't panic, go to the hospital for examination first, and then carry out the treatment proposed by the doctor.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Of course, white nose hair can be prevented, in life to learn to combine work and rest, do not forget to chat with family or friends or do something to relieve their pent-up unhappiness.

Of course, there are many other ways to relax, such as fishing, walking, running, etc., which are wonderful ways to relax and unwind.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

For smokers, it is more likely to reduce smoking, which may not only reduce the signs of white nose hair to a certain extent, but even greatly improve physical health.

Not only that, but now I like to stay up late, because of the popularity of electronic products, many people now stay up late in the middle of the night watching dramas and so on, which is actually very hurtful.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

It's not just the problem of lack of sleep, it's more that the body's cells and internal organs are metabolized in the middle of the night, but staying up late will cause your metabolism and blood circulation to be unable to keep up in time, so that the body will be affected by staying up late.

It can be seen that the state of people who stay up late will be much worse than the state of people who don't stay up late, and the speed of people who stay up late is also faster than that of their peers, so don't stay up late, sleep normally to delay the aging of the body, which is also a way to prevent white nose hair.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Hairy elsewhere

Some people find that they have local hair, even in the sacrococcygeal, elbow, auricle, middle phalanx and other parts, and this is actually a kind of local hirsutism.

Many people with this symptom are caused by congenital inheritance, which is still relatively rare in clinical practice, and many patients develop the disease at birth or early childhood.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

In addition to the unsightly appearance of these hairs, some of these symptoms will also suggest that there are some pre-existing diseases, such as sacrococcygeal hirsutism often accompanied by spina bifida, and this disease is also divided into recessive and overt.

If it is hidden, then there is no need to worry too much, and if you feel that the hair is not beautiful, you can consider hair removal or surgical removal of hairy skin, but the obvious one is unlucky, not only will there be back pain, and even symptoms such as incontinence and meningocele will occur, so you need to seek medical treatment urgently.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Of course, there is also acquired hirsutism, which is mainly due to many reasons, it may be the application of some drugs, or topical long-term topical corticosteroids, of course, more endocrine dysfunction and so on.

These are the factors that induce hirsutism, and the acquired symptoms are still like what we said above, maintain good lifestyle habits, and do not use some drugs that contain hormones and stimuli privately, these are all factors that cause hair growth.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?


Whether it's white nose hair or hairy, these are all thinking that we can warn that something is wrong with the body, but some of them are not directly life-threatening.

However, when you find that you have such symptoms, you still need to seek medical attention in time, receive treatment, and of course, you must ensure your health in your daily life, and your body is of course known only to yourself.

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

Refer to the article

The Paper's report on February 13, 2024 "What's going on with white nose hair".

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

The Paper, June 2, 2022 "Why does nose hair turn white? Knowledge".

Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?
Long knowledge! The graying of hair in this part of the male indicates that the life expectancy is gradually decreasing?

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