
One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

author:The little spider next door

Although a long time has passed since the Wano Country chapter, the battle picture of the Straw Hats and the Hundred Beast Pirates is still in our minds, and it is still very burning every time we watch it again, especially when Zoro no longer hides his overlord color domineering and chooses to go all out to deal with the Flame Aembers, it can be said to explode the audience.

One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

I believe that many anime fans were shocked by Zoro's behavior at that time, but I didn't expect him to really have an overlord color, and he has been hiding it, and he is not willing to expose it until now.

Zoro stunned the surrounding little brothers with the overlord color domineering energy, and when Pyroem saw this scene, he also understood that Zoro was a man who wanted to become a king, otherwise he would not have awakened this skill that only one person in a million people possessed.

Anime fans are looking forward to Oda's official announcement of Zoro's three-color domineering, such as SBS, life cards, official magazines, and more. Now the 18th issue of One Piece's latest magazine has ushered in information, but there is no mention of Sauron's overlord color.

One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

Ha? What the heck! The official magazine didn't even openly fill in Zoro's overlord color domineering

The 18th issue of the magazine is the story of the two wings of Zoro Sanji, so the latest information about them will naturally be updated simultaneously, but I didn't expect to see the information in Sauron's data column, but I was full of disappointment.

One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

As shown above, this is still the original Japanese material, but I don't see the word "overlord color", why is this? It's not that all the magazines were supervised by Oda himself, so why do such small mistakes occur?

In chapter 1035, Zoro obviously used the overlord color domineering to stun countless creeps, which also surprised Ember of Fire. This is an indisputable fact! And the manga was also drawn by Oda, wouldn't he know that Zoro's skill was overlord color domineering?

One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

So the only explanation is:

1. Oda didn't participate in the supervision at all, it was just a name. Everything in this magazine was done by the JUMP Shonen Weekly department or with Oda's assistant, so Oda didn't know that Zoro's overlord color domineering was not written.

2. They forgot.

3, Sauron is not domineering? But the facts are already in front of you, and this can't be fooled!

One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

I don't know if Sauron's overlord color domineering will be announced on the life card

The Straw Hats came to Egghead Island Egghead, and the Life Card Illustrated Book must be updated to a new version, after all, they have all changed new skins, and the adventure is continuing, so this issue of the Life Card Illustrated Book is almost all centered on the Straw Hats, and there are several important characters.

One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

And the official also specially created a life card in the form of a fifth-grade Nika, is it to deal with the bloodline theory and fatalism? This thing is quite novel, I don't know how the official will describe the relationship between Luffy and Nika, will Joey Boy be mentioned?

In addition, Zoro's Life Card Illustrated Book will also be updated, since the official magazine of the 18th issue did not fill in Zoro's overlord color domineering, then now I can only put hope in the Life Card Illustrated Book, if not, I must submit SBS, let Oda prove to respond to this problem, because it is really serious.

One Piece official information: Angry, Oda plays monkey, Zoro's "overlord color" is actually gone

The information about the captain and the wings was obscured, and the domineering column below could not be seen. According to the normal plot, since Sauron has shown his overlord color domineering in the comics, it must be updated whether it is in the magazine or the life card, so as to conform to the original plot and respect the character of Sauron.