
In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

author:Pavilion of Influential People
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

On the Internet, we have heard about the abduction of a child from a multimillionaire family to the billionaire family.

But most of the people who are abducted and trafficked have a miserable fate, and He Chenghui is obviously the most typical representative of this.

She experienced a patriarchal domestic violence family since she was a child, and was admitted to university with her own efforts.

As a result, he was kidnapped by traffickers in 1995 and sold to a 55-year-old bachelor for 120 yuan.

For 17 years, I lived in a dark and dirty pigsty without a quilt or pillow.

When she was found by her parents, she was already in a trance.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

Female college student in a mountain village

One day in 1995, the villagers of Yuejing Village, Tai'an Town, Zhongjiang County, Deyang City, Sichuan Province, suddenly discovered that a strange girl had come to the village.

At the age of 20, she looks delicate, unlike any other woman in the village who works on the farm.

When she buys at the village commissary, she always has to look carefully at the production date and expiration date.

What's even more surprising is that she not only writes well, but also speaks a lot of English.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

After chatting, everyone learned that she turned out to be a college student.

But if there is a college student in the village, how can everyone not know it?

Everyone guessed that this must be the daughter-in-law of the family who had married.

But there's something wrong with that, what female college student would marry into this poor country?

After some inquiry, the villagers found that the female college student had walked into the village and was lazy and lazy in the country of Ni Tian, an older bachelor.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

Ni Tianguo is 38 years old and has not married a daughter-in-law, because he is not only surrounded by walls, but also lazy, and no one wants to follow him.

said that his family was praised on all sides, and Ni Tianguo earlier could be called a homeless man, and he didn't have his own house at all.

The village saw that he was pitiful, so they used red bricks to build him a rough house that could shelter him from the wind and rain.

He didn't take care of the house himself, so he built a bed in such a room, and opened a pigsty next to the bed to raise some domestic animals.

Usually rely on the torn clothes and rotten quilts that he picks up to make a bed, and his life is sloppy, and it is difficult to be self-sufficient in food and clothing.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

It's such a person, and there is a female college student living in the house.

When the villagers asked him, he said proudly, "Her name is He Chenghui, and she is my woman." ”

The girl didn't squeak, but shrunk on the broken bed.

The people didn't know that this was what he had kidnapped and trafficked.

It turned out that Ni Tianguo also wanted to have a wife, but the people in the village refused to marry their daughter to him.

He smashed the pot and sold iron to scrape together 120 yuan, and found the trafficker to ask for help.

Coincidentally, this group of traffickers has just abducted He Chenghui, who is studying alone outside from Chongqing.

A group of people beat her, so that she had no strength to escape for the time being, and finally knocked her unconscious and sent her to Ni Tian's country.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

When He Chenghui woke up an hour later, he found that his surroundings were dark and unfamiliar.

There was a foul smell from the pigsty next to the bed and the torn clothes on the bed, and there was even a bag of compound fertilizer at the head of the bed.

She shouted, "Who are you, let me go home." ”

In response to her, it was a slap in the face, and Ni Tianguo angrily reprimanded: "What are you doing? You are what I bought with money, that is my woman, and this will be your home from now on. ”

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

He Chenghui didn't think about escaping, but every time he didn't run far, he would be caught and beaten by Ni Tianguo.

The people in the village knew that he was a scoundrel, and they all had an attitude of not caring about themselves.

In the face of He Chenghui's request for help, no one was willing to help her go home, and perhaps they also felt that trafficking was a normal thing.

In the past 17 years, Ni Tianguo has not pursued much in life, only wants food, clothing, housing and transportation not to be frozen to death and starved to death, and the appearance in that house has hardly changed.

He Chenghui was used by him as a tool to vent, eating leftovers and cold rice every day, and lying on the broken bed with nothing to do after eating.

I could barely speak a word all day, my hair became more and more messy, and my eyes gradually lost their luster and became numb and dull.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

Journalists investigate and see hope

At the beginning of 2012, after hearing about the incident from their parents, a child from a villager was very sympathetic to her plight, so they anonymously reported her situation to the television station, hoping to help her find her family through news reports.

In March, Xiao Li, a reporter from a TV station, came to Yuejing Village according to a report from a villager.

According to the address mentioned in the letter and the guidance of the locals, they finally came to the gate of Nitian Country.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The weather in early spring was still very cold, and Ni Tianguo and He Chenghui sat in the courtyard basking in the sun.

The reporter looked at Ni Tianguo, who was already 55 years old, his gray hair had fallen to the top, his face was dark, his teeth were uneven, his legs and feet were not good, and he looked like he was sixty or seventy years old.

And He Chenghui, who is 37 years old, looks haggard and numb, but his face is delicate, and the age of the two is like father and daughter.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The reporter said to Ni Tianguo: "I heard that your family is having a hard time, so I came to interview you. ”

When Ni Tianguo heard this, he thought that the public had helped him build a house before, thinking that the government was going to help him come to understand the situation, grinning and showing his big teeth, he began to tell reporters how difficult his family was, and how he never abandoned his crazy wife.

After speaking, Ni Tianguo went into the house and picked up a comb and began to help He Chenghui comb her hair, but the technique was really rusty, and he accidentally scratched He Chenghui's ear, and it hurt her head.

He Chenghui looked very numb and didn't say a word, but he took the newspaper brought by the reporter and read it very carefully.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

Ni Tianguo combed her hair and talked to her with a smile: "He Chenghui, will you marry me?" ”

"Don't marry."

"Do you love me?"

"I don't love it."

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The reporter noticed that although He Chenghui looked indifferent, he was actually a little panicked and uneasy, and often turned his head slightly to look left and right.

So, he asked, "Why do you keep looking to the side when I talk to you?" Who are you looking at? ”

"I didn't look at anyone."

"Who are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid of anyone."

The reporter said: "Don't be afraid of whether it's good or not, we're here to help you." ”

He Chenghui still glanced at Ni Tianguo as soon as he said a word, obviously being scared.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The reporter began to ask Ni Tianguo again, asking whether the two were legally married and whether they had a marriage certificate.

Ni Tianguo finally saw that something was wrong, took out a dry cigarette and smoked it, but did not answer.

At this time, there was already a circle around to watch the lively villagers, but no one spoke to He Chenghui.

Ni Tianguo was forced to ask anxiously, stood up and said loudly: "What I bought with money is mine, what are you doing?" ”

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The reporter began to ask him again why He Chenghui didn't run away.

Ni Tianguo's eyes suddenly became fierce: "The mother-in-law who can't be killed, the eggplant seedlings that can't be sunned." If I lose my temper, do you think I can beat her to death? ”

Ni Tianguo's cruel words not only did not arouse the sympathy of the villagers, but made many women laugh out loud.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

It wasn't until the end that the reporter won a chance to interview He Chenghui alone.

"They say you went to college, right?"


"Where do you go to school?"

"Go to school in Youyang."

"Then your family is also from Youyang?"

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

This time, He Chenghui answered fluently, and seemed to cherish the opportunity of this interview very much, for fear that Ni Tianguo would run out the next moment.

Although it seems a little awkward because he has not spoken for many years, and his voice is sometimes high-pitched and sometimes low, He Chenghui's answer is clean and neat.

"My home is at No. 69 Guihua Street, Youyang, Chongqing."

"He Kaizhi is my father."

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The reporter didn't ask any more questions when he got this information, but nodded to her.

Subsequently, the TV station and his party said goodbye to Ni Tianguo and went to Youyang, Chongqing to find He Chenghui's family.

Although the family had moved away, the reporter quickly found the current address of the He family through their former neighbors.

When he learned that his daughter had been abducted and trafficked to a poor countryside and was still living in the house of a bad old man, He Kaizhi burst into tears and immediately decided to take his daughter back.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

Childhood experience

On March 23, 2012, He Kaizhi drove his youngest daughter and reporters to Moon Well Town, telling reporters about his daughter's experience along the way.

He Chenghui, born in 1975 in a remote mountain village, is the eldest daughter in the family.

His father, He Kaizhi, was influenced by the local feudal tradition and was more patriarchal, and his wife gave birth to two daughters after that, which made him furious.

During that time, He Kaizhi often drank and abused his wife, and he was also very disgusted with his daughters.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

Later, He Kaizhi made a lot of money working outside, so he took his family to the town, and the children also had the opportunity to study.

When he was a child, He Chenghui was very sensible, not only did housework often, but his academic performance was always among the best.

When she was 18 years old, her daughter was admitted to the English major of Mianyang University of Science and Technology in Sichuan, which made He's father have a bright face.

Under the praise of relatives and friends, He Kaizhi finally stopped being patriarchal, and began to support his daughters to study, and cared for them.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The change of his father made the relationship between the family very harmonious, and also gave He Chenghui hope in life.

However, at this time, He Chenghui, who was shopping alone outside the school, was suddenly kidnapped by traffickers.

She was knocked unconscious by traffickers and carried into a black car, and after a 10-hour drive, she came to Deyang Mountain Village in a neighboring city.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

It wasn't until the school found out that He Chenghui didn't come to class that she was missing, but no one knew where the trafficker's black car went.

When the news of his daughter's sudden kidnapping reached the family, He's father was very sad, regretted his past domestic violence, and lamented his daughter's tragic fate.

However, the daughter has not been heard from since then, and the family has to continue to raise the other two children to grow up.

Pick up the daughter

Not long after, He Kaizhi and his entourage finally came to Moon Well Village.

Seeing her sister, who had not seen her for more than 10 years, her youngest daughter was the first to rush forward and hug her.

He Kaizhi immediately asked, "Why do you want to occupy my daughter?" ”

Ni Tianguo is a bully who is afraid of the hard, and he is very weak when he sees his "wife" who has been imprisoned for many years coming to his mother's family.

He lied that He Chenghui refused to say anything, and he had no way to send her home.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

After relieving himself, Ni Tianguo suddenly realized that he and He Chenghui were already a de facto husband and wife, and his heart was no longer panicked.

He glanced at the car driven by his "father-in-law", and then looked at He Kaizhi, who was a few years old from him, and called out to his father shamelessly, and said while shouting: "I was wrong, I was wrong." ”

But he never mentioned how he had abused He Chenghui over the years, and only said that he kindly took her in when he saw her wandering.

Subsequently, He Kaizhi proposed to take a look at the environment in which his daughter has lived for more than 10 years.

As a result, as soon as he walked in the door, he smelled the stench in the house, and looked at the dirty bed, he was angry and heartbroken, pointing at Ni Tianguo and scolding angrily: "You are living this kind of inhuman life, what kind of life do you live as a human being." ”

"Dad, if you're angry, I'll admit it. But if you think about it, if you had someone else to take her in, you might not have seen her at all. ”

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years

The matter has come to this, He Kaizhi has nothing to say, he just wants to leave this sad place with his daughter as soon as possible.

Then he scolded angrily: "If you weren't a person, I would have killed you for anything I said today." ”

Then, he took out another 1,000 yuan for him to buy a quilt and live a good life on his own.

Maybe it's because he thinks that he has no father, no mother, no relatives, and the people in the village laugh at him and look down on him;

Or he was very moved by Father He's tolerance, Ni Tianguo looked at the departing He family, and couldn't help wiping away tears.

In 1995, a female college student was abducted and sold to an old bachelor to live in a pigsty for 17 years