
Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

author:Powerful and powerful

The text is powerful

"Is it okay for the master to be quiet? Don't interfere with our shooting. ”

If the scene of saying this is placed in the film and television city, there is nothing wrong with it at all.

But this is in front of the ICU rescue room of a serious hospital, the crew said this inhumane remark to the family members of the patients who were crying with emotional breakdowns, who listened to it and who didn't fry the pot!

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

On May 31, at Huaxin Minsheng Hospital in Xinzheng City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, Mr. Yu's mother was being rescued in the intensive care unit, and Mr. Yu's sister could not hide her grief and cried all the time.

From the photos at the scene, it can be seen that the door of the intensive care unit is crowded, there are crew members lighting, discussing details, actors reading scripts, etc., at least a dozen people.

At this time, the scene at the beginning of the article happened, and the crew came over and asked Miss Yu: cry quietly, don't affect their filming.

Mr. Yu's family was very dissatisfied: We didn't make a loud noise, and we weren't allowed to cry? Who gave you permission to shoot here?

After the two parties were persuaded by others, even if it was, Mr. Yu was also worried about his mother's safety and didn't want to do much.

Unexpectedly, after a while, a self-proclaimed "hospital leader" said to Mr. Yu: "Because it affects the filming, the crew may have to sue the hospital." ”

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

Mr. Yu learned on the spot that the crew was Henan Aoki Film and Television Media Co., Ltd.

But afterwards, Mr. Yu found out through the stills released by Aoki Film and Television's official account that the so-called "hospital leader" was also a crew member.

After the fermentation of public opinion, many parties responded to the matter:

Mr. Yu said: Since the incident, the hospital has never apologized to him. Only the continuous "persuasion" of the relevant staff of Aoki Film and Television Company. And the mother passed away that night, and when the family was very sad, the other party still sent messages many times to delete the video.

Mr. Yu's appeal is simple: the hospital and Aoki Film and Television can jointly apologize publicly, and the hospital will explain why no one maintained order at the scene at the time of the incident.

Huaxin Minsheng Hospital responded: "If you want to know the situation, you can come to the hospital to check." I haven't seen any crews make any movies here." He then declined to be interviewed and hung up.

Local Health Commission staff: They have urged the hospital to apologize to Mr. Yu, but they have not seen Mr. Yu. The staff member then asked: "He (Mr. Yu) doesn't meet, what does he want to do?" Then he said, "I don't know you, goodbye." ”

I have to say that in the face of an interview with reporters, this staff member is still "polite" and knows how to say "goodbye".

The background of the hospital and crew was picked:

According to public information, Huaxin Minsheng Hospital in Xinzheng City, Zhengzhou, Henan Province is a national tertiary general hospital.

According to local netizens in Henan, Huaxin Minsheng Hospital was bought by local nouveau riche in the early years of public-private restructuring.

And other local netizens revealed: The hospital is the ceiling of medical level in Xinzheng County, the largest hospital.

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

Another local netizen thanked for not admitting me: This private hospital, when I just graduated before, I sent my calendar several times, and they all met the requirements, so I swiped it directly, (thank you for not taking it in, and now I am working in a public hospital).

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

Regarding the response of the Health Commission, netizens complained: Is this phone their family internal phone, and you can only call if you know it?

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

Aoki Film and Television, which filmed a short drama in front of the hospital's ICU, was also picked up by netizens.

It is reported that Aoki Film and Television was established in June 2018 with a registered capital of 2 million yuan, and there are 3 companies under the name of the legal person Zhao Xin.

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

Aoki Film and Television teamed up with Henan Radio and Television City Channel, and the 81-episode urban love short drama "Fireworks Love" was launched on May 30.

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

It can be seen from the promotional poster of "Fireworks Love" that the legal person Zhao Xin also serves as the director of the short play.

Judging from the time when Mr. Yu encountered this incident, the crew filmed in front of the ICU of Huaxin Minsheng Hospital is a fragment of the short drama "Fireworks Love".

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

Latest follow-up

Mr. Yu, who insisted on a public apology from the hospital and the crew, has now issued a statement, saying that everything was a misunderstanding!

Let's make six explanations:

1. The shooting scene is at the entrance of the operating room (no operating floor), about 15 meters away from the ICU, and the incident site is located in the public rest area next to the operating room.

2. The crew did not know that we were the family members of the ICU who were critically ill.

3. After the incident, the crew immediately apologized and tried to get in touch with me and understand me many times.

4. Failure to meet due to personal reasons, resulting in misunderstanding between the two parties.

5. On June 4, the three parties met and communicated through meeting, and the misunderstanding was completely resolved.

6. Please look at this matter rationally and don't be led to rhythm.

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding


The hospital was originally a place to treat the sick and save people, but now it has become a filming location for the crew's acting. Not only that, but also asked the patient's family to cry quietly without shame, so as not to affect their filming!

From the crew pretending to be the person in charge of the hospital said: "Because of the impact on the filming, the crew may have to sue the hospital." ”

It can be seen that the crew spent a lot of money in order to film in the hospital, so it is so reasonable.

Reconciliation! Follow-up to the skit in front of the hospital's ICU: The Health Commission intervened, and the family sent a long article saying that it was all a misunderstanding

But now that the parties have said that everything is a misunderstanding, then the editor has nothing to say, let him go in the past!

What do you think about this?