
Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices

Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices

Beijing News

2024-06-05 11:18Posted on the official account of Beijing News

"At present, the discount of Audi A6L is 29 points, and it is about 7% off with other discounts." On June 2, the sales staff of an automobile Audi 4S store in the Beijing area told the Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter that most of the models in the store have different degrees of discounts, most of the discounts are between 80,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan, and the price of the Audi Q4 e-tron low-end model is less than 200,000 yuan.

Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices

An Audi 4S shop. Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Wang Linlin/photo

On June 3, the sales staff of an automobile Audi 4S store in Beijing also told reporters that it is very suitable to buy a car at present, and the discount of most models is more than 100,000 yuan, for example, the discount of Audi A4L is close to 150,000 yuan, and the discount of Audi e-tron is more than 200,000 yuan, and the maximum discount is 260,000 yuan; In addition, there is an installment policy with 0 interest.

FAW Audi's sharp price cuts are just a microcosm of the Chinese auto market for foreign car companies. From June 1st to June 3rd, the Beijing News Shell Finance reporter consulted and visited a number of mainstream joint venture brands and luxury car brand 4S stores in Beijing and the Beijing Rim area, and found that at present, many multinational car companies have increased price reductions in the terminal sales market to promote the growth of terminal volume.

Mei Songlin, a senior analyst in the automotive industry, said in an interview with the Beijing News that China's auto market has been intertwined with local brands and foreign brands (including joint ventures and imported brands). When the quality of local brands is improved, the quality advantage of foreign brands is no longer there, so they have to reduce prices to narrow the cost-effective gap with local brands.

Direct drop, 0 interest rate promotion, foreign brands to increase price reduction

Taking the Audi Q5L 40 luxury model as an example, the preliminary quotation provided to the reporter by the salesperson of an automobile Audi 4S store in the above-mentioned Beijing area shows that the original price is 420,800 yuan, and if you choose to install, the price of the naked car after the discount is 273,500 yuan, and if you choose the full amount, the price of the naked car after the discount is 315,600 yuan. In addition, the salesperson said that he could choose a five-year long-term loan with zero interest in installments, but he had to pay off the remaining principal in the third year; She further said that if you book a car now, the discount can be further communicated.

The sales staff of a BMW 4S store in the Beijing area told reporters that the current discounts in the store are very large, most of which are more than 100,000 yuan; For example, the BMW i3 is currently discounted at about 160,000 yuan, and the minimum naked car is less than 200,000 yuan; BMW X3 discount of nearly 120,000 yuan, 3 Series discount of 120,000 yuan; If you book a car, you can also discount thousands of yuan. In addition, the sales staff of a Mercedes-Benz 4S store in Beijing also said that many models in the store have different degrees of discounts, such as Mercedes-Benz GLA discount of 100,000 yuan, Mercedes-Benz C-class is also discounted close to 100,000 yuan, and Mercedes-Benz EQE AMG discount also reaches 100,000 yuan.

Second-tier luxury brands such as Lexus and Cadillac have also cut prices significantly. The sales staff of a Lexus 4S store in the Beijing area told reporters that taking Lexus ES as an example, it can be discounted by almost 50,000 yuan, and there are corresponding preferential policies for installment loans; The sales staff of a Cadillac 4S store in the Beijing area said that it is very cost-effective to buy a car at present, and the discounts on models are very large, such as XT6 discounts of nearly 130,000 yuan, and other models also have discounts of tens of thousands of yuan.

Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices

A Lexus 4S store. Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Wang Linlin/photo

Not only luxury brands are cutting prices, but mainstream joint venture brands are also increasing discounts. The sales staff of an automobile-Volkswagen 4S store in the Beijing area told reporters that most of the models in the store have discounts, and the preferential range ranges from tens of thousands of yuan; Taking the patrol as an example, the installment can be discounted by more than 70,000 yuan, and the full payment can be discounted by more than 50,000 yuan; In addition, the price of the ID.4 CROZZ low-spec version is less than 140,000 yuan. He said that the main reason is to increase the transaction volume, and the number of consumers who enter the store to consult has also increased after the discount has increased, and the transaction volume has changed to a certain extent. It was noon during the reporter's visit, and there were still consumers consulting in the store.

The sales staff of a Toyota 4S store in the Beijing area said that at present, the discounts for Rongfang, Corolla, Asian Dragon and other models range from tens of thousands of yuan, and if the purchase price can be negotiated. In addition, GAC Toyota, Beijing Hyundai, Dongfeng Honda and other joint venture brands also have relatively large discounts, and the discounts range from tens of thousands of yuan. However, it is worth mentioning that the salesperson will emphasize that the preferential strength of the installment loan to buy a car is greater than the full amount, and the installment will have policies such as low down payment, low interest or zero interest.

The market share of joint venture brands has shrunk, and experts: you can't rely on one model to survive

The price reductions of mainstream joint venture brands and luxury brands are related to their sales performance in the Chinese market.

According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in the first four months of this year, the market share of self-owned brand passenger cars was 63.5%, an increase of 8.4 percentage points year-on-year, a record high. This means that the market share of joint venture brands is less than 40%; Among them, the market share of German and Japanese manufacturers is barely maintained at more than 10%, and the market share of American, Korean, and French brands is maintained in single digits.

From the perspective of brand performance, FAW-Volkswagen's retail sales fell by 15.6% year-on-year in April this year, and retail sales have declined for three consecutive months; In April this year, Toyota's sales in China fell 27% year-on-year. Zhang Xiaorong, president of Deepin Technology Research Institute, said that with the enhancement of the competitiveness of Chinese brands and the acceleration of the market transformation to new energy vehicles, the share of multinational car companies in the Chinese auto market is currently being squeezed.

Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices

A certain auto-Volkswagen 4S store. Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Wang Linlin/photo

In Mei Songlin's view, once the quality of local brands meets consumer expectations, their cost-effective advantages will be reflected, which in turn will force foreign brands to improve their cost performance. "The development of multinational car companies in the Chinese market has reached a stage where it needs to change." Mei Songlin further explained that foreign brands cannot rely on one model to survive in the Chinese market for a long time, and now they have reached the stage of true localization; This change is to rise from relying only on quality competition in the past to relying on cost-effective competition with quality.

In addition, joint venture brands are also increasing their transformation efforts, one is to deepen cooperation with independent brands, such as Xpeng and Volkswagen, SAIC and Audi, etc.; The second is to launch new electric brands, such as Honda China's new electric brand.

Zhang Xiaorong said that multinational car companies should increase research and development in the field of new energy vehicles, strengthen localized research and development, and better adapt to the needs and preferences of the Chinese market. In Mei Songlin's view, multinational car companies should improve the efficiency of resource allocation in the Chinese market in an all-round way; The first is to make full use of the advantages of China's supply chain, including traditional fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles; The second is to reduce profit and sales expectations, to maintain market share is to win, to maintain appropriate profitability is to win; the third is to develop localized products for the Chinese market; Fourth, make up for the shortcomings of the low decision-making efficiency of joint ventures.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Wang Linlin

Edited by Yue Caizhou

Proofreading Fu Chunshu

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  • Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices
  • Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices
  • Audi A6L is discounted by 7%, and foreign brands such as BBA are seeking sales at reduced prices

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