
Tongchuan: Highlight the charm of the main city with the high-quality development of culture, sports and tourism

author:Dazhou City Association

Stroll along the rippling Lotus Lake, look at the majestic Phoenix Mountain, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers; Stop at the former site of the Political Department of the 30th Army of Zitonghong and the Sword Garden to experience the red memories of the eventful years...... In recent years, Tongchuan District has adhered to the road of deep integration of cultural and ecological tourism, continued to implement the "tourism +" strategy, and promoted the in-depth integration and development of tourism and culture, education, sports, agriculture, health care and other fields, giving birth to a number of new formats and new products such as cultural tourism and tourism, red research, leisure picking, and outdoor development, and playing an ensemble of high-quality development with deep integration of cultural and tourism industries. At present, Tongchuan District has 2 national 4A-level tourist attractions, 2 cultural venues at or above the national level, and 11 cultural, sports and tourism brands at or above the provincial level.

Top-level planning

The integration of culture and tourism is gradually getting better

The development of the cultural tourism industry affects the overall strength of a city, and is the "soft business card" of the city.

Tongchuan: Highlight the charm of the main city with the high-quality development of culture, sports and tourism

In order to dig deep into resources and enhance the attractiveness of cultural tourism, Tongchuan District will take the development of cultural tourism industry as a "big chess" to plan the layout - actively connect with each other and seize opportunities; Downward, carefully crafting every cultural tourism project and every urban planning and construction. By comprehensively strengthening the cohesion and coordination of cultural, sports and tourism planning with rural revitalization, economic development, urban and rural construction, land use, transportation, environmental protection and other plans, we will build and realize the "integration" of planning in the whole region, and promote industrial integration with planning integration.

At the same time, the sports industry will be included in various plans, revise and improve the "Tongchuan District All-for-One Tourism Development Master Plan" and the "Tongchuan District "14th Five-Year Plan" Cultural Tourism Special Plan, compile the integrated development plan of culture, sports and tourism, and realize the linkage development, dislocation development and complementary development of the culture, sports and tourism industry.

In addition, Tongchuan District uses festivals as the medium and activities as the media, and combines the city's cultural tourism brand promotion with festivals and events, various cultural tourism activities, etc. Since the beginning of this year, the 3rd Charm Tongchuan Creation Contest in My Eyes, the 2024 Dazhou Marathon and the "Running All Over Sichuan" Dazhou Station have been held successively...... It fully demonstrates the unique urban quality, city image and urban charm of Tongchuan, further enhances the brand image of Tongchuan's cultural tourism, and promotes the accelerated development of the cultural and tourism industry.

Resource integration

All-for-one tourism has a new opportunity

"Granny Hao, let's play in Jinfeng Village again! I miss your farm meal here......" Looking at Mr. Zhang's family who came to Jinfeng Village to play, Hao Deqiong, who was over sixty years old, was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Welcome, welcome, the meal is not good, you go to our plum garden to take pictures first, this year's plum blossoms are blooming well, and the photos look good!"

Beautiful natural scenery, pleasant rural scenery, antique farmhouse courtyard. "It's more like a 'grandma's house' in the countryside than a farmhouse." Mr. Li told reporters with a smile that although Grandma Hao's farmhouse has only been open for two years, it has become a necessary "check-in point" for their family to come to Jinfeng Village.

Tongchuan: Highlight the charm of the main city with the high-quality development of culture, sports and tourism

A lively weekend holiday, a thriving tourist market. The Lotus Lake Wetland Park also welcomed a wave of tourists in early summer. Blue and green meet, birds soar, mountains and rivers blend...... These landscapes rich in regional ecological characteristics bring shocks and differences to tourists, and have become popular check-in places for tourists. "I was just going out for a walk, but I didn't expect the scenery here to be so beautiful and the air to be good." Li Yumei, a tourist from Hunan, told reporters.

The whole area is the scenic spot, and the village is the scenic spot. Tongchuan District adheres to scientific planning to lead the development of the cultural and tourism industry in the whole district, focusing on the charm of Tongchuan and suburban tourist destinations, through in-depth excavation of the cultural connotation of Tongchuan, raising the level of cultural research, cultivating famous cultural talents, inheriting and developing the old city culture with "Dacheng Memory" as the core, the red culture supported by "Shenjian Garden", and the intangible cultural heritage culture led by "Yuanjiu Ascending". Focusing on major revolutionary and historical themes, contemporary realistic themes, and Tongchuan regional characteristics, a number of literary and artistic masterpieces were created.

Actively promote the integrated development of "tourism +". Focusing on "tourism + agriculture", accelerate the construction of demonstration and upgrading projects in the Huanfeng area, and create a provincial-level demonstration project for the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism; Focusing on "tourism + health care", accelerate the construction of the Yunmen Tianzhai project and build a health tourism resort; Focusing on "tourism + art", we will build a poetry culture town in Beishan and cultivate a national-level "hometown of folk culture and art"; Focusing on "tourism + research", we will create a number of provincial-level research travel bases and create characteristic routes for research and tourism; Focusing on "tourism + industry", we will improve the supporting tourism functions of the Economic Development Zone and build a provincial-level industrial tourism demonstration base.

Deep integration

The advantages of cultural and sports interaction are superimposed

Culture is the soul of tourism, tourism is the carrier of culture, and the integrated development of culture and tourism has long become a widespread consensus. At this stage, sports are also integrated into the national strategy and people's lives with unprecedented breadth and depth, and the construction of a sports power, a strong sports province and a strong sports region has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and sports is increasingly becoming an important part of the integrated development of culture and tourism and a new way of consumption. At present, the high-quality development of Tongchuan culture, sports and tourism is at the right time and has a lot to offer.

Tongchuan: Highlight the charm of the main city with the high-quality development of culture, sports and tourism

In April this year, Tongchuan District launched the 2024 Sichuan Province's 2nd "Walking Tianfu Ten Thousand Steps" Walking Incentive Competition and Tongchuan District's "Walking Tongchuan to See the Revitalization of Ten Thousand Steps" activity. On the same day, at the launching ceremony of Shilongxi Community Activity, Fengbei Street, Tongchuan District, although there was a light rain in the sky, it did not affect the enthusiasm of the walking enthusiasts at all. After a brief ceremony, everyone set off as a team and went up the mountain along the wide Huanfeng Industrial Road in Tongchuan District.

The newly built Huanfeng Industrial Road in Tongchuan District is like a giant dragon winding in the mountains, every bend is full of strength and vitality of life, and every place brings a new visual feast. Walking along the way, the emerald green, clouds and mist, one step at a time, colorful, poetic and picturesque, as if in a landscape painting, makes people feel refreshed and happy.

Shape the brigade with culture and sports, and highlight culture and sports with tourism. In order to better promote high-quality tourism resources out of the circle, Tongchuan District innovates the "sports +" development model, encourages the integrated development of "sports + tourism", relies on the advantages of local characteristic resources, creates a number of influential boutique events, boutique routes and demonstration bases, and expands and strengthens the "event economy". Deepen the integrated development of "sports + education", support social forces to enter schools, improve the model of opening school venues to the society, stimulate youth sports consumption, improve the health level of young people, and consolidate the foundation of reserve talents in competitive sports. Promote the integrated development of "sports + medical care", build a fitness and medical complex with comprehensive functions such as physical fitness testing, exercise prescription, health care, fitness exercise, etc., and embark on a road of development of characteristic cultural and tourism industry.

Culture benefits the people

Light up the happy life of the masses

On the eve of May Day, sponsored by the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and co-organized by the District Cultural Center and the District Art Museum, the "Charming Tongchuan Art Street" - Tongchuan District 2024 "May Day" Cultural Huimin Exhibition was held on Dabei Street, bringing a rich cultural "feast" to the masses.

Tongchuan: Highlight the charm of the main city with the high-quality development of culture, sports and tourism

At the event site, songs, dances, instrumental music and other colorful programs were staged in turn, bringing visual and auditory enjoyment to the audience.

"Today is a big stage of mass culture, we are happy to perform, the masses are happy to watch, I sincerely hope that in the future, through this 'cultural benefit' stage, we can dedicate more and better works to everyone." Cast and crew member Du Hongbing said.

"Since the beginning of this year, more than 40 similar cultural activities have been carried out." The relevant person in charge of the Tongchuan District Culture and Tourism Bureau said that it will continue to carry out cultural activities to benefit the people, through different themes and different styles, and use the art forms that the masses like to see, to show the regional characteristics of Tongchuan culture, so that the general public and tourists can inadvertently encounter art, and use culture to moisten people's hearts and gather strength.