
How do you make chatting fun? Humor skills are open to the public and make them addicted to you!

author:Love Library
How do you make chatting fun? Humor skills are open to the public and make them addicted to you!

Dry and boring chat, like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves; And the interesting chat is like a clear spring, which makes people feel comfortable and happy.

Are you also facing:

  • Why is my chat always cold?
  • How do you make them feel like they're having fun chatting with you?
  • What are some tips to keep them looking forward to chatting with you?

Don't worry, I'm here today to reveal the secret of humor to you and teach you how to make chatting fun and make them "addicted" to you!

1. Say goodbye to "awkward chats" and start with interesting topics!

Interesting topics are the key to starting a good chat, and if you want them to be interested in you, you need to learn to find topics that interest them.

1. Start with their circle of friends and find common topics:

Everyone likes to share their lives, flip through their circle of friends, see what they have shared recently, what they are interested in, and find topics to talk about.

For example, if they share a recent favorite song, you can take the opportunity to chat about each other's musical preferences. They posted a photo of the food, and you can ask them which restaurant it is, and express your desire to try it too.

2. Pay attention to the current hot topics and start a relaxed chat atmosphere:

Popular TV series, movies, variety shows, hot topics, etc., are all good chat materials, which can quickly shorten the distance between each other and create a relaxed and happy chat atmosphere.

For example, if you both like to watch the same variety show, you can complain about the slots in the show together and share your opinion on a certain guest; Moments are reposting a hot event, you can use this to talk about your opinion on this matter, which resonates with them.

3. Share what you see and hear, and show your interest in life:

Don't make chatting a routine, try to share your life with them, show your interest in life, and make them think that you are an interesting person.

For example, if you see an interesting event, you can take a picture and share it with a humorous text. You try a new restaurant and think it tastes good, you can recommend it to them and invite them to taste it next time.


  • Avoid "checking your account" type of chat, and don't ask closed questions such as "what are you doing" and "have you eaten" as soon as you come up, which is easy to make the chat embarrassing.
  • Don't just talk to yourself, but also learn to listen to their ideas and respond positively, so that the chat becomes a two-way interaction.

2. Humor is the best seasoning to make chatting fun!

Humorous conversation always makes people shine, and if you want to make them addicted to you, you must learn to add humor elements to your chat.

1. Make good use of memes to add fun to chatting:

Emojis are an indispensable "weapon" for contemporary young people to chat, and a just right emoji can often play the effect of "silence is better than sound at this time", adding a lot of fun to chatting.

2. Learn to laugh at yourself and show your affinity:

No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and instead of hiding their flaws, you should be bold and self-deprecating, which will make them think that you are real and cute.

For example, when you mess things up, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you can smile and say, "I'm so good, I always make a mess of things," which will make them think you're humorous and optimistic.

3. Use rhetorical questions wisely to guide them to respond positively:

Rhetorical questions can guide the other person to think and actively participate in the conversation, which can stimulate their desire to express themselves more than straightforward declarative sentences.

For example, if you want to ask them out to the movies, instead of asking them "Are you free this weekend?" you can say it another way: "I found a good movie that was released recently, you should be interested, right?" This way, it will be easier for them to be attracted to your topic and respond to you positively.

4. Bring us closer to each other with the help of internet buzzwords:

Internet buzzwords are the common language of young people, and the proper use of Internet buzzwords can quickly shorten the distance between each other and make them feel that you understand them well.

For example, you can incorporate internet buzzwords like "yyds" and "emo" into your chats to make them think you're trendy and funny.


  • Humor should be in moderation and not overused, otherwise it will backfire.
  • Be sure to get the scale right, and don't make vulgar and offensive jokes, so as not to arouse their disgust.

3. Learn to create "mood swings" and make them miss you!

Plain chats can be boring, and if you want them to become "addicted" to you, you have to learn to create "mood swings" and make them miss you.

1. Create suspense and whet their appetite:

When you want to share an interesting thing, don't tell it all at once, you can throw out a suspense first, whet their appetite, and make them can't wait to know the follow-up.

For example, you can say, "I had a particularly funny thing today," and then deliberately pause for a few seconds until they get back to you before slowly telling the story.

2. To get away with it, keep it mysterious:

Don't stick to them 24 hours a day, don't reply to every message they send in seconds, learn to "indulge in what you want", leave some space and time for them, and maintain your sense of mystery.

For example, you can deliberately reply to their messages every once in a while, or occasionally "play disappear" for a while and then appear out of nowhere, which will make them appreciate the time they spend chatting with you even more.

3. Create "little surprises" to make them feel your intentions:

Prepare some "little surprises" for them once in a while, which will make them feel your intentions and make your chat more memorable.

For example, on their birthday, you can secretly prepare a gift with a handwritten card. When they are in a bad mood, you can order a takeout of their favorite food and send them a warm word of concern.


  • "Mood swings" should be well controlled, don't go overboard, otherwise they will think that you are very good.
  • Be sincere with them, don't treat these skills as "routines", sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity.

To make chatting fun, you need to manage it with your heart, I hope you can master the above skills, make every chat a kind of enjoyment, and finally make him "addicted" to you!