
There are hidden dangers in the mixing of people and vehicles! The signal light at this intersection of Huaxi needs to be "upgraded"丨Fusion media + supervision

author:Guiyang financial media asks politics
There are hidden dangers in the mixing of people and vehicles! The signal light at this intersection of Huaxi needs to be "upgraded"丨Fusion media + supervision

【Editor's note】Guiyang Gui'an continues to promote the construction of "one circle, two games and three reforms", and works hard for the people, so that happiness can be upgraded at the doorstep. The "Convergence Media + Supervision" working group went to the streets and alleys and community courtyards to investigate the situation of "one circle, two games and three reforms", summarize experience, publicize and promote, find problems, and supervise rectification.

Due to the lack of pedestrian crossing signals at intersections, some traffic signals are set up with "blind spots", resulting in pedestrians and drivers passing through the intersection of Qingxi Road and Huaguan Road in Huaxi District often "at a loss". Recently, the No. 5 Squadron of the Huaxi District Traffic Management Branch said that it had begun to apply for the installation of traffic lights, and at the same time would strengthen the police force at intersections to maintain traffic order.


The intersection of Qingxi Road and Huaguan Road in Huaxi District is mixed with people and vehicles.

Pedestrians and vehicles are very "confused"

The intersection of Qingxi Road and Huaguan Road is located in the center of Huaxi District, surrounded by Guiyang Huaxi No. 3 Middle School, Qingxi School, Guizhou University South Campus and other schools, with a large flow of people and vehicles.

"Since there are no pedestrian lights at the intersection, every time I cross a zebra crossing, I can only judge by observing the traffic lights, and people often run through, which is very dangerous." Liu Lin, a resident who lives nearby, told the "Fusion Media + Supervision" working group that especially during peak hours, people and vehicles often mix, and traffic congestion is chaotic, and he hopes that relevant departments can solve this problem and ensure travel safety.

There are hidden dangers in the mixing of people and vehicles! The signal light at this intersection of Huaxi needs to be "upgraded"丨Fusion media + supervision

Zebra crossing at the intersection of Qingxi Road and Huaguan Road.

During the evening rush hour on May 21, the "Rong Media + Supervision" working group went to the scene to observe and found that the intersection was equipped with traffic signals in all directions, and a total of 4 zebra crossings were set up, but only the pedestrian crossing signals were installed on the side of the Dajiangshan Tunnel. The working group saw that many people stopped at the zebra crossing for a while, and then "rushed to the road" from the traffic together, and some people wanted to run quickly across the zebra crossing, causing many vehicles to brake sharply, and the scene was full of dangers.

Not only that, but there are also safety hazards in the setting of traffic lights. "The traffic signal at the intersection is set at the right rear of about 3 meters away from the stop line, and the first row of vehicles in front of the stop line cannot see the signal light located on the right side of the road, and the rear car needs to sound the horn to 'urge and remind', because the red light cannot be found in time, and some cars only realize that they have run the red light when they drive to the middle of the intersection." Mr. Li, a citizen who has been driving to pick up his children from school for a long time, believes that the non-standard installation of traffic lights is also one of the reasons for the traffic chaos at the scene.

There are hidden dangers in the mixing of people and vehicles! The signal light at this intersection of Huaxi needs to be "upgraded"丨Fusion media + supervision

Drivers in front of the traffic lights at the intersection of the Dajiangshan Tunnel cannot be watched.

Signal lights will be installed to strengthen the police force to maintain order

Why is there such chaos in this section of the road?

Liu Hongyang, captain of the fifth squadron of the Huaxi District Bureau of the Guiyang Municipal Public Security Traffic Management Bureau, told the "Rong Media + Supervision" working group that there were pedestrian lights at the intersection before, and the traffic lights were removed during the construction due to the need to build the "Qingxi Road-Huaguan Road Node Bridge" on the upper span. The node bridge was opened on April 10 this year, but the relevant traffic safety facilities at the intersection have not been restored and improved, resulting in mixed traffic of people and vehicles.

There are hidden dangers in the mixing of people and vehicles! The signal light at this intersection of Huaxi needs to be "upgraded"丨Fusion media + supervision

There are only pedestrian crossing lights on the side of the Dajiangshan Tunnel.

In response to the public's feedback that the traffic signal is unreasonable, Liu Hongyang said that the current traffic signal is a temporary column-type traffic light, rather than a hanging type, and there is no more suitable location setting, if it is too close to the intersection, it will affect the traffic of right-turning vehicles. In this regard, the squadron has reported to the relevant departments to apply for the installation of traffic lights, and strive to install hanging traffic lights and restore pedestrian lights at the intersection as soon as possible to reduce potential safety hazards.

At the same time, before the installation of traffic lights, the squadron will deploy additional police officers to maintain traffic order at the intersection and strengthen traffic supervision at the intersection to ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.

The "Media Convergence + Supervision" working group will continue to pay attention to the follow-up progress.

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There are hidden dangers in the mixing of people and vehicles! The signal light at this intersection of Huaxi needs to be "upgraded"丨Fusion media + supervision

Source: Guiyang Financial Media Politics Platform

Reporter: Ouyang Chuncheng, Chen Lin, He Xiaohu

Editor: Ran Yusheng

Co-ordinator: Yang Linbo, Yang Xuan

Editor: Liu Chang, Chen Ying

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