
Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income

author:Sankei today

"Second brother, I really don't have time today, I have something very important, so I won't go to the city, I'll come to see you another day."

"Mr. Zhang, the time for us to discuss cooperation is going to be changed. Sorry ha. ”……

Early in the morning of June 5, He Ping, the person in charge of Half Mu Flower Field Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. in Xihe Town, Tongliang District, pushed off several important entertainments, hurriedly took a notebook and pen and drove to the Southwest R&D Center of the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to participate in the 2024 "Send Digital Agricultural Technology to Help Women Start a Business and Increase Income" Women's Wealth Leader Training Program sponsored by the Tongliang District Women's Federation.

Half Mu Huatian Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. is an agricultural technology company focusing on the planting, processing, production and sales of green agricultural products, with a total of about 600 acres of agricultural plantations such as chrysanthemum base, rouge crispy peach base, five-star loquat base, honeysuckle base, greenhouse ornamental chrysanthemum nursery and nursery. Since its establishment, some key planting problems have been plaguing He Ping.

Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income
Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income

A few days ago, when he learned of the 2024 Women's Prosperity Leader Training Program sponsored by the District Women's Federation, He Ping actively signed up for the first time, and wrote down the problems he needed help in his notebook, and at the same time pushed off several important meetings.

At the event site, Dr. Wang Shunli, a researcher from the Institute of Vegetables and Flowers of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, director of the Southwest R&D Center, general manager of China Vegetable Seed Industry Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd., and deputy director of the Tongliang District Agriculture and Rural Committee (temporary post), conducted ecological vegetable planting technology training for 50 Tongliang sisters, and answered questions and doubts about the vegetable planting problems encountered by women sisters on a daily basis.

Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income
Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income

During the event, the organizer also organized the participating sisters to visit the Southwest R&D Center Park to learn about the Tongliang practice of "Bayue Farm" and enhance the confidence of women to get rich; Walk into digital greenhouses and glass greenhouses, learn about smart agricultural facilities such as the integration of water and fertilizer, and the full-cycle monitoring of vegetable growth processes, watch and taste digital agricultural fruits and vegetables, and learn the real-time two-way precise dynamic management of digital technology for the whole life cycle of plant growth. During the visit, the sisters interacted with Dr. Wang: "This small tomato is so sweet, can the seedlings be sold?" Can I deliver it? "This variety of lettuce is eaten raw, and it has a sweet taste!" ……

Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income
Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income

"I have been engaged in the planting, processing and sales of medicinal and edible homologous flowers, and today's event is very exciting and applicable. Through the interaction with Dr. Wang, I solved the seedling problem of medicinal and edible homologous flowers that I wanted to know about in extreme weather with high temperature and humidity. In the next three years, I will cooperate with enterprises, institutions and schools to jointly research and cultivate 5-8 varieties of medicinal and edible homologous flowers suitable for local extreme climates, and promote them to farmers, so as to contribute to the strength of 'her'. After the event, He Ping said in an interview.

Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income
Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income

It is understood that Tongliang "Bayue Farm" is a rural revitalization pilot construction work vigorously promoted by Tongliang to strengthen the village and enrich the people and promote the development of rural industries. In accordance with the ideas of grassroots organizations leading, social capital participation, corporate governance empowerment, comprehensive operation and efficiency, and the promotion of common prosperity in the whole village, 3 towns and 6 villages were selected to carry out pilot construction. As a pilot project for rural revitalization, "Bayue Farm" in Lufeng Town focuses on the development of modern vegetables and the integration of agriculture and tourism, explores the path of rural industry revitalization, builds modern smart greenhouses and glass greenhouses, and promotes industrial transformation and improvement of the living environment. In this training, the Women's Federation of Tongliang District integrated professional forces to go deep into the "Bayue Farm" in Lufeng Town, and conducted digital agricultural technology training for local women and women leaders such as large women and capable women, so as to help the industrial development of women and leaders, play a typical demonstration role, and drive women and sisters to increase their income and get rich.

Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income
Tongliang District Women's Federation: Send digital agricultural technology to help women start businesses and increase income

"In order to further promote the application of green and efficient cultivation technology of fruits and vegetables, improve the level of fruit and vegetable planting technology of local farmers, and enhance the awareness of the quality and safety of agricultural products, the District Women's Federation launched a special training on 'sending digital agricultural technology to help women start a business and increase income'. In the next step, the District Women's Federation will continue to adhere to the 'urgent needs of the party and government, the needs of women, and the ability of the Women's Federation', focus on the 'Women's Federation to create merit' project, help the industrial development of women to become rich, lead women to make contributions with heart and affection, help the construction of Bayue Farm, inject new force into rural revitalization, and effectively promote the integrated development of Tongliang's 'agriculture, culture, sports, business and tourism', and contribute to the industrial highland and cultural tourism resort. The relevant person in charge of the Tongliang District Women's Federation said. (Cai Changhuai, Jiang Qin)

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