
Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......

author:Jiayuguan financial media

In order to ensure that the 2,216 candidates in our city successfully take the college entrance examination,

All departments in the city have taken multiple measures at the same time,

Make every effort to open the "nursing examination" mode,

Escort students to meet the college entrance examination.

Loving help

16 "College Entrance Examination Love Delivery Vehicles" are ready to go

Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......

Warm June, love to help the exam! The 2024 college entrance examination is about to kick off, and the Municipal Transportation Bureau and the Municipal Road Transport Administration have launched the "Helping the College Entrance Examination Love Pick-up" activity, and 16 "Love Sending the Examination" taxis are ready to go to escort the college entrance examination students!

Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......
Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......

The reporter saw at the gathering site of the "College Entrance Examination Love Sending Test Car" that the taxis were neatly arranged and ready to go. The taxi drivers have already carried out safety inspections, disinfection and sanitation cleaning of the vehicles early, and are fully prepared for the upcoming "love to send the test" service. During the college entrance examination, candidates can take a taxi marked "Help College Entrance Examination Love Pick-up" for free with the admission ticket.

Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......

Escort for dreams

Escort the college entrance examination to ensure power supply and illuminate the road for students to build their dreams

Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......

"The power supply of the power distribution room, self-provided power supply and other devices should be comprehensively investigated to ensure reliable power supply ......" A few days ago, the State Grid Jiayuguan Power Supply Company carried out the investigation of potential electricity hazards in the college entrance examination centers such as Jiugang No. 3 Middle School in Jiayuguan City and Jiayuguan No. 1 Middle School, and prepared for the college entrance examination in advance to ensure power supply, so as to create a good examination electricity environment for the majority of candidates.

Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......

During the on-site investigation, the company's on-site staff conducted detailed inspections on the power supply, line channels, high and low voltage distribution cabinets, safety equipment, electrician number and qualifications, power outage emergency plans, etc., and conducted "carpet" inspections on key parts such as self-provided power supplies and UPS uninterruptible power supply devices. Infrared temperature measurement is carried out on the customer's lines and equipment, and recorded item by item, so as to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the operation situation, ensure the operation of the power equipment in the "zero defect" state of each test center during the examination, and escort the students to meet the examination.


In the examination room, candidates worked hard to write;

Outside the examination room, all walks of life are waiting warmly,

Help candidates pursue their dreams for the future with love.

I wish the majority of candidates a successful start and a title on the gold list!

Rush! Rush! Rush! The day before the college entrance examination, they actually did this......

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