
321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

author:Manxiao Sword


"You're here, take a shot and go. It's a really good fit, and we're just selling it right now. ”

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

Vacuum in a white suit, standing in front of the camera hoarse. But he didn't expect that his hard-working performance would be exchanged for the boss's "mess".

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

And Lao Yu's sentence in the live broadcast room of Wumart founder Zhang Wenzhong, "Dongfang Selection is doing a mess now", made Dongfang Selection's stock price fall by nearly 3 billion in three days.

As early as 2023, Yu Minhong publicly said in the live broadcast that the kind of "sell, sell, buy, buy" howling live broadcast room is something he completely despises and hates.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

But since Dong Yuhui left, his live broadcast room has also become like this.

Did they forget their original intentions, or were they like that?

That's the interesting question.


At the beginning, it was announced that New Oriental returned to the pre-liberation period overnight.

Just when the owners of countless education and training institutions ran away overnight, leaving parents and employees messy in the wind, Lao Yu donated New Oriental desks to poor mountainous areas, and at the same time paid enough compensation to the resigned New Oriental employees.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

At that moment, Lao Yu was a hero in the hearts of countless people.

Later, New Oriental was forced to transform. Lao Yu personally led the team to explore a new route of live broadcasting.

At the beginning, there were only a few people in the live broadcast room, and there were more anchors than audiences.

And the teachers of New Oriental obviously did not adapt to the change of identity. Although they are in high spirits in class, they look squirming in front of the camera.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

Some people are not used to the camera, and some people can't let go of the shackles in their hearts.

I'm a teacher, so how did I become a seller?

Initially, the trading volume of Dongfang Selection was also miserable. Even if someone places an order, they will come back and add a sentence in the live broadcast room:

Mr. Yu, I respect you for being a man, and place an order to support it.

Seeing this kind of words, Lao Yu's expression is worth studying.

He smiled, but as if he hadn't.

He cried, but he didn't seem to cry.

In the distorted expression, there is both the relief of the transaction and the indescribable bitterness.

But no matter how difficult it was, he still withstood the pressure and set rules for Dongfang Selection:

Dongfang Selection wants to be a cultural type of live broadcast room, never buy, buy, buy, never link on 321, Dongfang Selection is the foundation of teachers, and it must be a clear stream in the live broadcast room.

As soon as this sentence was said at that time, Lao Yu once again became a hero in the hearts of netizens.

But when will Lao Yu no longer be a hero?


In June 2022, Oriental Selection finally saw the moon.

Dong Yuhui became popular overnight with his super knowledge reserve and bilingual teaching.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

Everyone is like discovering a new continent, it turns out that live streaming can still be done like this.

For a while, countless live broadcast rooms of the same type sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

But in the same type of live broadcast room, none of them can surpass Dongfang Selection. There is no one who can become the second Dong Yuhui.

Some say it's the Matthew effect. Some say that this is the covert support of the platform. Some say that it is the choice of capital. Some people also say that this is Dong Yuhui's precipitation for many years.

Wan Xiaodao does not deny these reasons, nor does he want to analyze the so-called underlying logic behind them.

I just want to say why I like to watch Dong Yuhui.

The reason is very simple, just two words:


Dong Yuhui has a simple and pure sincerity.

He will feel that some goods are expensive, and he will advise the audience to be cautious when placing orders.

After he became popular, he revealed his true feelings in front of the camera, saying that this time he could finally let his colleagues who left New Oriental come back.

His "gaffe" and the sentence "grain cheapness hurts farmers" made me see the sincerity that I can't see in others.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

With his own strength, he made Dongfang Selection a top-notch live broadcast room. Dongfang Selection is no longer worried about the transaction volume, and Lao Yu's face is no longer full of clouds.

At the same time, New Oriental's stock price also jumped, soaring 25 times in half a year, which is more powerful than Sammo Hung's Zhang Sanfeng's Optimus.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

So far, New Oriental's transformation has been successful.

But this time, the hero is not Lao Yu, but Dong Yuhui.

Some people even say that Dong Yuhui is Lao Yu's savior.

Dong Yuhui was sincerely afraid, and explained again and again that it was Mr. Yu's refusal to abandon and not give up that made him where he is today.

During that time, you can always hear stories about Yu Minhong's wisdom and how good Dongfang Xiaosun is to Dong Yuhui.

At that time, everyone thought that this was a beautiful story of gratitude and three directions.

But later everyone found out that the dark tide behind this is turbulent.


In December 2023, the official account of Dongfang Selection bluntly said that most of the classic essays are from the copywriting team, not all of them are from the anchor.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

The implication is that it is us who are educated, and the anchors you like are not as powerful as you think.

As soon as these words came out, they instantly stirred up a thousand waves. Dong Yuhui's small essay incident broke out.

But no one expected that Dongfang Xiaosun, the benefactor in Dong Yuhui's mouth in the past, not only did not extinguish the fire, but also dropped his mobile phone in the live broadcast room and held a meeting for netizens, successfully turning a small incident into a big hot spot.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

Coupled with the fire of the operation team, the de-Dongfang selection kicked off in this way.

Afterwards, Dong Yuhui released a long article to express his support for the company, and he and Lao Yu appeared together in the live broadcast room, hoping to press this turmoil.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

Unexpectedly, netizens didn't buy it at all.

Whether it's been planned for a long time, or it's pushing the boat with the current. In the end, Lao Yu decided to let Dong Yuhui leave Dongfang Selection, set up his own personal IP live broadcast room, and walked with Hui.

And between Dongfang Selection and Dong Yuhui, more people chose the latter.

Walking with Hui continues Dong Yuhui's personal style, talking about culture slowly and reasonably, and doing talk shows with various celebrities. With the strong support of the mother-in-law's army, it was mixed up for a while.

321 on the link! Dongfang Selection has become Yu Minhong's most hated live broadcast room!

On the other hand, Dongfang Selection is not so lucky.

After the absence of Dong Yuhui, Dongfang Selection is no longer a T1-level live broadcast room, and the traffic is up and down, and it is not stable.

Sometimes in order to get traffic, you have to invite Dongfang Xiaosun, who has been sacrificed and disappeared in front of everyone, to come back, and come to a wave of helpless tactics that black and red are also red.

But even this can't really turn the tide.

The scenery is gone, but the pressure on sales performance is still there.

It's hard to say whether Dongfang's selection of anchors has become what it is now, is it a helpless move forced by performance, or whether they are like this originally.

Wan Xiaodao expects the former.

But thankfully, someone ran away for half his life and returned as a teenager. In the tempting business wave, at least Dong Yuhui, at least there is such a person, who has truly achieved his original intention.

The author of this article: Wan Xiaodao, writing stars and gossip, has evidence; The image is positive, the shadow is oblique, all by themselves, welcome to pay attention to @万小刀


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