
Xiongjun town said "three determinations"

author:Hebei Cultural Tourism

#这么近 so beautiful to Hebei on the weekend ##多彩旅行 travel in Hebei#

Since ancient times, Hebei has been at the forefront of the confrontation and integration between the agricultural civilization of the Central Plains and the nomadic civilization of the north, and is the natural "moat" and buffer zone of the Chinese civilization.

The Jizhong Plain, located in front of the Taihang Mountains, is a strategic place for Hebei to achieve "Hebei governance, Hebei strength, and Jifeng". Among them, the "three determinations" represented by Zhengding, Dingzhou and Baoding are the representative cities in this region.

Ding, which means calm, stable, and stable. Therefore, the "Three Determinations" in Jizhong, which is named after it, not only represents the peak of the development of Hebei's ancient civilization to a certain extent, but also tells the history of Hebei's change from the Chinese barrier to the function of Gongwei Jinggi.

Peace and stability: the origin of the "three determinations".

Ding, has the meaning of calm, stability, and stability. Zhengding, Dingzhou, Baoding three Hebei place names that have been used to this day, it is the ancestors' desire for "peace" and "stability" for this land.

In fact, the "three determinations", which are located in the plain area of the eastern foothills of Taihang Mountain and are all located in the central Hebei region, were not as independent of each other as they are today in the past. In the long course of history, the "three determinations" have stood side by side, and there have also been mutual subordination. The history of the development and evolution of these three cities is also a microcosm of the urban development and changes in the Jizhong Plain.

The earliest city in the "Three Dings" is located in Dingzhou, which is south of Baoding and north of Zhengding.

Dingzhou has a history of 5,000 years of civilization, and its first name in history can be traced back to the Warring States period. In 506 B.C., the Baidi Xianyu tribe founded a country in Zhongren City (now Sushan in the northwest of Tang County), which was known as "Xianyu Zhongshan" in history.

In 414 BC, the Duke of Zhongshan moved his capital to Gu. Gu, now Dingzhou City, this is the first time in history that Dingzhou has become the capital.

Since then, the land of Dingzhou has been under the jurisdiction of Zhao and Qin. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the imperial court placed four counties in this area: Lunu, Anwei, Xinchu and Kucheng, which belonged to Zhongshan County. Among them, Lunu County is located in the area where Dingzhou City is located today. Lunu became the second name in the history of Dingzhou and has been used for more than 600 years.

In 154 B.C., Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty named Liu Sheng, the ninth son, as the king of Zhongshan Jing and the capital of Lunu, which was the second time that Dingzhou became the capital in history.

Throughout the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty, the capital of Zhongshan was located in Lunu, although its jurisdiction has been expanded, but it has been in the west-central area of present-day Hebei, north to Yishui, south to Hutuo River, west to Taihang Mountain, east to the lower reaches of the Tang River. That is to say, the vast area, including present-day Baoding and Zhengding, was under the jurisdiction of Zhongshan in the Han Dynasty for a long time.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Later Yan period, Dingzhou was the seat of Zhongshan or Zhongshan County.

During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, in 397 AD, Emperor Tuoba Jue of the Northern Wei Dynasty led his army to defeat Murong Bao of Houyan, conquered Zhongshan, and placed Anzhou in the Zhongshan area, and ruled in Lunu. In 400 A.D., Tuoba Jue changed Anzhou to Dingzhou, taking the meaning of "pacifying the world".

The title Dingzhou appeared for the first time in Chinese history.

At that time, Dingzhou led the five counties of Zhongshan, Changshan, Julu, Boling and Beiping, and its jurisdiction was similar to the south of today's Mancheng District, the west of Anguo, Raoyang and other places, and the vast area north of Jingcheng, Gaocheng, Xinji and other counties and cities.

After the Northern Wei Dynasty, successive dynasties set up the governor's office, the grand governor's office, or the state, county, and government in Dingzhou. Until 1914, Dingzhou was changed to Dingxian County, which belonged to Baoding Road.

In 1986, with the approval of the State Council, Dingxian County was abolished and Dingzhou City (county level) was established. In June 2013, the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government decided to establish Dingzhou as a city directly under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province.

There are often inevitabilities behind some coincidences in history. Like Dingzhou, the first administrative place name in the history of Zhengding is also inextricably linked with the ancient Zhongshan Kingdom.

Around 380 B.C., in order to compete with the southern Zhao state, the Zhongshan Kingdom set up a city on the south bank of the Hutuo River (in the area of Donggucheng Village in present-day Shijiazhuang City). This is the predecessor of Zhengding, Dongwon-eup.

Why did you set up a city here? The reason for this is that it is located in the south of the Taihang Mountains in the west, the Hutuo River in the north, and in the south of the ruling center of the Zhongshan Kingdom, which is very suitable for use as a forward base against the Zhao State.

Later, the Zhongshan Kingdom was destroyed by the Zhao Kingdom. After Qin unified China, Dongyuanyi was changed to Dongyuan County, which belonged to Julu County. Dongyuan, thus became the first administrative place name in Zhengding.

In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, in 197 BC, Yangxia Hou Chen Feng colluded with the Xiongnu to rebel and set himself up as king. In 196 BC, Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, drove a personal expedition to quell the rebellion. The fierce battle situation when conquering Dongyuan County made Liu Bang realize the importance of the geographical location of this place, so he renamed Dongyuan County Zhending County, which means "real stability".

This title has since appeared on the stage of history.

From the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there were constant wars and turmoil in the Zhending area, and the dynasties changed frequently. Until the first year of Tang Wude (618), the Zhending County Administration was moved from the present-day Donggucheng Village to the current Zhengding, which was under the jurisdiction of Hengzhou.

For more than 1,000 years, Zhendingcheng's status as a feudal dynasty at all levels of military and political affairs in this region remained unchanged. During the Ming Dynasty, Zhendingfu once had 5 prefectures and 27 counties, spanning the four districted cities of Hengshui, Cangzhou, Baoding and Shijiazhuang in today's Hebei Province, and Dingzhou was also within the jurisdiction of Zhendingfu at that time.

In the first year of Yongzheng (1723), in order to avoid the Emperor Yinzhen's secret, Zhending Mansion was changed to Zhengding Mansion, and Zhending County was changed to Zhengding County. This is where the name of Zhengding comes from, and it is still used today.

The time when Baoding appeared as a place name was later than that of Zhengding and Dingzhou.

Before the Northern Song Dynasty, there was no unified administrative division in the land of Baoding. After the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty, the area of Baoding was on the border line between the Song and Liao countries. In the fifth year of Taizong Taiping's rejuvenation of the country (980), the imperial court began to build the Baosai military city in Qingyuan, east of present-day Baoding.

In the third year of Chunhua in the Northern Song Dynasty (992), Baozhou City was officially completed by upgrading from Baosai Military City. The construction of Baozhou City is considered to be the beginning of the construction of Baoding.

After the capital of the Yuan Dynasty (now Beijing), Baozhou became the city of the guards of the Beijing Division, and was the seat of Shuntian Road. In 1275 AD, the Yuan Dynasty renamed Shuntian Road as Baoding Road, which means "defending the capital and stabilizing the world". This is the first time that Baoding has appeared on the historical stage as an administrative place name.

At this time, the status of Baoding Road was greatly improved, and it had jurisdiction over more than 10 surrounding states and counties. In addition to Fuping, Laiyuan, Zhuozhou three places, the rest of the counties (cities, districts) in Baoding are all under the jurisdiction of Baoding Road, but also include the present line of Tang, Shenze, Xinji and other places.

In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1368), Baoding Road was changed to Baoding Mansion. In the first year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1403), Ming Chengzu moved the capital to Beiping (renamed Beijing after moving the capital), and renamed the Northern Parallel Capital Division as the Daning Capital Division, and moved to Baoding to be responsible for the security of Gyeonggi.

The Qing Dynasty followed the old system, and still set up Baoding Mansion. In the eighth year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty (1669), the governor of Zhili moved to Baoding, and Baoding was the capital of Zhili Province. From the eighth year of Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty (1730) to the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the governor of Zhili has been stationed here.

On November 22, 1948, Baoding was liberated. On December 6, the Baoding Municipal People's Government was formally established.

In February 1960, the prefecture and the city were merged to be called Baoding City. On December 23, 1994, with the approval of the State Council, Baoding District and Baoding City were merged to establish Baoding City.

From the ancient capital and famous city gathering place at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain in the pre-Qin period, to the prosperous and rich economic center in the Han and Tang dynasties, to the key place where the Central Plains Dynasty and the northern nomadic civilization confronted in the Song Dynasty, and then to the important place of Gyeonggi after the Yuan Dynasty, the appearance, development and change of the "three determinations" are like a mirror, reflecting the functional changes of Hebei in the historical process.

Strategic Impulse: The importance of "three determinations".

"The world is fundamentally in Hebei, and Hebei is fundamentally in the town (Zhengding) and Ding (Dingzhou), which is the gateway to the country with its stifling thieves." During the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Qi, the prime minister of Zuo Cheng and the secretary of the Ministry of Industry, once commented on Zhengding and Dingzhou.

Song Qi's evaluation is not exaggerated. Due to the special strategic location, in ancient China, whether it was the division of feudal towns, or the change of dynasties, or the conflict between the Central Plains civilization and the nomadic civilization, the figure of the "three determinations" can be seen in many historical events. From ancient times to modern times, the "three determinations" have played the role of "Dinghai Shenshen" on the land of Hebei.

In the Qingming season, the drizzle is falling. Ascend to Yong'an Gate, the north gate of the ancient city of Zhengding, and the thousand-year-old history seems to emerge in front of you. Zhengding's geographical location is dangerous, and it is a place where soldiers of all dynasties must fight. What is the importance of positive determination?

Zhengding's strategic position is first of all greatly related to Taihang Mountain. Towering Taihang, spanning Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan four provinces and cities, known as "the spine of the world". It is not only the dividing line of the second and third tiers of the continent's geography, but also has an extremely important impact on the process of ancient civilization on the mainland.

Starting from Beijing, along the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain to the south, Baoding, Dingzhou, Zhengding, Handan, and Anyang are distributed in turn. This corridor at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain is not only a gathering place for ancient cities and famous towns in the mainland, but also the main artery for north-south traffic.

Among them, Zhengding has more special features: although the corridor at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain is a flat river, it is not completely without obstacles - the rivers flowing out of Taihang Mountain mostly flow from east to west, which geographically plays a role in blocking north-south traffic, the most important of which is the Hutuo River. Zhengding is located at the intersection of the eastern foothills of Taihang Mountain and the Hutuo River, and has been an excellent defensive base since ancient times.

Because of this, since the Anshi Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty, the north and south of the Hutuo River are often the places of war. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhengding was the core of the Northern Song Dynasty's defense of the Liao and Jin empires.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Baoding, north of Zhengding, rose due to the responsibility of Gongwei Dadu (now Beijing), but Zhengding's strategic position was still important. In the fifth year of Xuande in the Ming Dynasty (1430), the imperial court transferred the right guard of Shenwu from Shaanxi to Zhending Mansion, and its command envoy was located on the west side of the command of Zhendingwei, as the highest command body of the garrison in Zhending, Baoding Mansion and the surrounding states.

The existing Zhengding ancient city wall is built by the Ming Dynasty, the circumference of the ancient city is 24 miles, 3 zhang 2 feet high, 3 zhang wide, set up four city gates in the east, west, south and north. Each city gate is set up with three city walls of the inner city, the urn city and the moon city, and the city must pass through three city gates to enter and exit the city, this pattern is very rare in the ancient city in China, which shows the importance of its political and military status in the Ming Dynasty.

About 60 kilometers northeast of the ancient city of Zhengding, it is another important place in central Hebei - Dingzhou.

When it comes to Dingzhou, the first thing that many people think of is the Dingzhou Kaiyuan Temple Tower, which is known as the "first tower in China".

Founded in 1001 A.D., the Kaiyuan Temple Pagoda is the tallest brick and wood structure ancient pagoda in China. According to the literature, the Kaiyuan Temple tower was built in the fourth year of Song Xianping (1001), and it was finally completed in the second year of Zhihe (1055). Originally built to promote Buddhism, this tower was soon given military significance due to its special geographical location.

For a long time, Dingzhou has the reputation of "the state relies on the town, the shoulder of Ji, and the elbow and armpit of the control of Youyan". During the Northern Song Dynasty, Dingzhou, Yizhou, Baozhou (Baoding), Zhendingfu (Zhengding) and other places supported and cooperated with each other militarily, and together formed the northern defense line of the Song Dynasty. In this regard, "History of the Song Dynasty" commented: "There are eighteen roads in the world, but Hebei is the heaviest. Hebei 36 state army, but Dingzhou is the heaviest. ”

Due to its location farther south than Yizhou and Baozhou, the Northern Song Dynasty included Dingzhou as the second line of defense against the northern minority regimes, so that it could deploy troops to support it in time after the enemy broke through the first line of defense.

When the Kaiyuan Temple tower was built, it was during the period of confrontation between Song and Liao. In order to observe the enemy's situation in time, the Song army in Dingzhou often used this tower to look at the enemy's situation. It is conceivable that in the agricultural era when there were few high-rise buildings, climbing the Kaiyuan Temple Tower, which is equivalent to more than 20 floors high today, and overlooking the enemy situation mainly in the form of cavalry advances, was of great significance to Dingzhou, which had no danger to rely on, and even the Great Plain of Hebei behind Dingzhou.

Kaiyuan Temple Tower, also known as the "Enemy Tower".

In the three dynasties of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with the realization of the unification of the whole country, Dingzhou, which had been on the front line of the war for a long time, finally ushered in a period of relative peace. The title of Dingzhou has been used to this day.

Before the Song Dynasty, Baoding's strategic position could not be compared with Zhengding and Dingzhou. The elevation of the status of Baoding began with the need to defend the frontier in the Song Dynasty.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Baozhou (covering the urban area of Baoding and parts of Qingyuan and Mancheng) was on the border of Song and Liao. In order to strengthen the military defense, the rulers of the Song Dynasty built a northern defense system including Baozhou through a series of measures such as expanding the city, connecting the ponds, and planting mulberry elms, forming the effect that the deep cannot be traveled, the shallow cannot be set foot in, and although there are strong troops, they cannot cross. Baozhou and the surrounding Xiongzhou, Bazhou, Ansu, Guangxin Army, etc., jointly built the first line of defense of the northern border defense of the Song Dynasty.

After the capital of the Yuan Dynasty (present-day Beijing), Baozhou became the southern gate of the defense of Beijing. In 1275, the imperial court set up Baoding Road in Baozhou City, under the jurisdiction of more than 10 surrounding states and counties, and the scope of Baoding today was basically formed.

After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Baoding Road was changed to Baoding Mansion. In the twentieth year of Jiajing (1541), the Baoding General Military Officer was re-established, and the military area under his jurisdiction included Zhending Mansion in addition to Baoding Mansion.

After modern times, the status of "Three Determinations" as a strategic place in central Hebei is still continuing. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the anti-Japanese base area in central Hebei represented by the "Three Determinations" played a prominent role as an important part of the Jin-Cha-Ji anti-Japanese base area.

As the main battlefield behind enemy lines, the heroic people of Jizhong waged an arduous struggle against the Japanese invaders under the leadership of the Communist Party of China......

Yang Chengwu, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, once commented: "Whether the Jin-Cha-Ji base area can hold out until victory, the anti-Japanese base area in the central Hebei Plain plays a considerable role. If the central Hebei region fails to persist, it will affect the development of the struggle in western Hebei. ”

Wealth and prosperity: the glory of "three determinations".

Liu Xi of the Eastern Han Dynasty explained the place name "Ji" in the "Interpretation of the Name", saying: "Take the land as the name. There are dangers and dangers in its land, the emperor is the capital, the chaos is to be governed, the weak is strong, and the famine is abundant. ”

"Sanding" is located in the flood plain area of the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain in central Hebei, in the agricultural era, this area is fertile, the geographical location extends in all directions, so they are not only the geographical location of the Xiongjun important town, but also the economic wealth, cultural prosperity of the place. The land of Yanzhao can be "Ji Zhi", "Ji Qiang" and "Ji Feng", which is vividly reflected in the development process of "Three Determinations".

The wealth of the ancient "three determinations" is first reflected in the abundant products.

As early as the Warring States Period, Zhengding was famous for its embroidery and jade processing industries. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the increasingly prominent military status led to the expansion of Zhengding's city, significant population growth, and economic prosperity.

In the Tang Dynasty, many residents of Zhengding made a living by planting and selling vegetables, and a prosperous trading market appeared outside the south gate, and the silk products produced in Zhengding were royal tribute. The Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Zhi has the poem "New makeup skillfully painted double moths, and the curtain is wrapped in Hengzhou (referring to the present Zhengding) through the forehead", which depicts the beauty's love for the clothes produced in Zhengding.

Porcelain, silk and tea can be called the representative commodities of ancient China, and ancient Dingzhou was famous for producing porcelain and silk for a long time, which shows its prosperity.

Xiongjun town said "three determinations"

Treasures in Dingzhou Silk - Song Dynasty Shen Zifan Silk Plum Magpie Picture Scroll (Collection of the Palace Museum). Hebei Daily information film

In the Tang Dynasty, the most prominent feature of Dingzhou in the economy was the development of the silk weaving industry. The New Tang Dynasty Book and Geographical Chronicles record that Dingzhou's Tugong includes Luo, Fine Silk, Rui Aya, Liangyao Aya, Duyao Aya, Erbao Aya, and Cooked Thread Aya. Compared with other regions, Dingzhou not only paid the most varieties of silk, but also paid the largest number of tributes. In the first year of Tianbao (742), there were 63 counties of Changgong silk fabrics in the country, with a total of 3,764 silk fabrics, of which 1,575 Changgong silk fabrics were produced in Boling County (now Dingzhou), accounting for more than 41% of the total number of Changgong in the country.

By the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, the silk weaving industry in Dingzhou was still very developed. When the government levied silk silk, it stipulated the length and weight of each silk, and often used the Tuluo of Dingzhou as the standard. During this period, the famous silk fabric appeared in Dingzhou - silk. Silk was pioneered by Shen Zifan of Mengjiazhuang in Dingzhou, and has the reputation of "one inch of silk and one inch of gold". The existing works of Shen Zifan in the Forbidden City include "Plum Blossom Cold Magpie Picture" and "Qingbi Landscape Map", etc., all of which are exquisite and ingenious.

Dingzhou in the Song Dynasty was also famous for its porcelain. Ding kiln is one of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty, famous for producing white porcelain, and also burns black glaze, sauce glaze and glazed porcelain.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the production scale of porcelain was large, the production skills were exquisite, the modeling and decoration were bright, and it was the official kiln of the imperial court. In addition to being used by the imperial court, Dingci was also transported in large quantities to Egypt, Persia, India, Japan and some other African countries through the Maritime Silk Road.

The abundance of products has also greatly promoted the development of commerce and trade in these cities.

In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Taizong ordered Pizhen to be designated as a border trade market, trading incense, rhinoceros horn, ivory and tea with Liao. There has been a permanent commodity trading market in the ancient city, and its prosperity has made it one of the 21 major commercial ports in the country. Lv Yihao passed by this place when he was the transfer of Hebei capital, and once praised "thirty miles around the city of Zhendingfu, the residents are rich, the Buddhist palace and Zen temple are hidden between the flowers and bamboos and flowing water, and the world clouds are plugged in the north and south of the river."

Dingzhou in the Song Dynasty was also an important trading city between the Liao and Song dynasties. Here, the Song could exchange for grassland products such as war horses, furs, and iron from Liao; Liao could also exchange grain, tea, salt, silk and other goods from the Song Dynasty.

Xiongjun town said "three determinations"

Baoding Daci Pavilion. Photo by Hebei Daily reporter Wang Sida

The Yuan Dynasty was a period of rapid development of Zhengding's trade economy. The imperial court set up a weaving and dyeing agency and a miscellaneous manufacturing bureau under Zhengding, and the large merchants in the city gathered, and it became a "place of abundant trade". At that time, Marco Polo, an Italian traveler who had visited Zhengding, described it as a "noble city": Zhengding had many towns under its jurisdiction, and many canals had been dug to the provinces and regions, and goods could be transported by water, extending in all directions.

The thousand-year-long prosperity has also left the city with a valuable cultural heritage.

Now famous at home and abroad Zhengding "four towers", 3 were built in the Tang Dynasty, Zhengding "Eight Temples" 4 were built in the Tang Dynasty, from the side to illustrate the prosperity of Zhengding Buddhist culture in the Tang Dynasty.

During the Song Dynasty, Buddhism, Taoism, and Islam all had their own monasteries and activity venues in Zhengding. Until today, there are still many Buddhist temples in the ancient city of Zhengding, and the ancient building system of the late Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and other dynasties is completely preserved, and it is known as the "Museum of Ancient Chinese Architecture and Art".

Compared with Zhengding, the historical and cultural heritage of Dingzhou is not far behind. Today, Dingzhou has 9 national-level cultural protection units and 15 provincial-level cultural protection units, including the majestic Kaiyuan Temple Tower, the ingenious Kuige House, and the magnificent Dingzhou Confucian Temple. Among the 50,000 pieces of cultural relics in the Dingzhou Museum, more than 100 are national first-class cultural relics.

The prosperity of Baoding began after the Yuan Dynasty. During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the national capital was moved to Beijing, in order to strengthen the military defense of Baoding, the Ming Dynasty had repeatedly increased and strengthened the city, leaving the ancient city wall that still exists today. At this time, Baoding had a large population, developed commerce, merchants gathered in the city, and the south of the city intersected by land and water.

In the Qing Dynasty, Baoding, as the governor of Zhili and the residence of the governor of Zhili, was a veritable important place in Gyeonggi. The emperor was stationed on patrol, officials came and went frequently, and urban construction and repair were highly valued.

The improvement of political status promoted the development of commerce and education in Baoding, and various guilds and schools began to emerge. According to expert research, the hall building of Baoding City first appeared in the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and the number has been increasing since then, and there are more than 10 of them.

In the eleventh year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty (1733), Baoding opened the Lotus Pond Academy, which became the highest institution of learning in Zhili Province and led a generation of academic style. In the thirty-second year of Guangxu (1906), after the "suspension of the imperial examination to expand the school", modern school education in Baoding developed rapidly, and a large number of government and private schools appeared.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the Jinghan Railway was opened to traffic, and the railway station led to the expansion of Baoding's urban space, and shops, inns, and restaurants became increasingly prosperous. Baoding opened modern military academies, a large number of primary and secondary schools have emerged, and the new education is well-known throughout the country, and once had the reputation of "student city".

At the eastern foot of Taihang, in the middle of Hebei, the blending and glory of the "Three Determinations" will inspire the people of this land to go to a better future.

Source: Hebei Daily