
History of stone application

author:Stone business circle

As one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, China has a 5,000-year-old culture.

The origin of stone art in China is very early, from the construction of the majestic Great Wall to the Dunhuang Grottoes excavated in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties eras, from the magnificent Ming Tombs to the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, from the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace to the Great Hall of the People, the Bund in Shanghai, from the palace temple carving to the folk stone art...... Chinese stone culture is rich and colorful, and stone has become an indispensable part of Chinese life. In religion, architecture, gardens, cemeteries, etc., it is unique.

Ancient petroglyphs dating back 10,000 years; The stone group carving of the Western Han Dynasty Huo to the sick tomb; the world-famous stone carvings of "Dunhuang, Yungang, Longmen Grottoes" and other places; stone carvings of mausoleums in the Tang and Song dynasties; The barracks of the Chinese emperors and the Huabiao and stone lions in front of the capital Tiananmen Square are all treasures of the motherland, and they are also a historical epitome of the development of national culture.

History of stone application

Our ancestors, long ago, began to use stone in decorative arts. The rich content of the stone portraits of the Han Dynasty records the real life of the society, ancient myths, astronomical images, etc. The grottoes excavated in various historical eras not only reflect the degree of recognition of all social strata of the society and the development process of architectural art, but also provide a broad world for stone carvers, so that they can create countless exquisite stone carving works. These are all part of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and should be engraved in the hearts of Chinese sons and daughters who are interested in stone art.

Broaden the application of stone and promote the development of the industry.

As a building material, stone has been used in indoor and outdoor decorative arts, urban sculpture, garden engineering, road traffic, chemical light industry raw materials, precision instruments and mechanical accessories, small handicrafts and other aspects. There is also great potential in the comprehensive utilization of stone raw materials.

Stone industry is an industry with a long history, it originates from the rich and diverse varieties of stone resources in the mainland, according to preliminary findings, the national marble reserves of 30-5 billion cubic meters; The granite reserves are more than 10 billion cubic meters and are widely distributed. After years of development, stone mine construction, machinery and abrasive manufacturing, production and management enterprises are all over the country, employing nearly 4 million people. The development of economy, technological progress and information exchange have further broadened the horizons of the Chinese people, so that the technical equipment and processing technology of the stone industry have been continuously updated. In the era of reform, opportunities and challenges coexist, in the broad market, how to promote the development of the industry, is a common topic for our stone workers.

Stone is the earliest building material in the history of human development. With its natural beauty, stone decorates people's indoor and outdoor environments, and has written a majestic chapter and gorgeous works of stone in the history of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign architecture, forming a unique stone culture and becoming an important part of the world's gorgeous culture.

China is an ancient civilization in the world, and the people of Chinese have created many masterpieces of stone architecture in the long history of development, recording the glorious history of the stone culture of the Chinese nation. The application design of stone in modern architecture and the optimization of stone production structure have important reference value and collection value.

China is rich in granite and marble resources, and the mineral deposits are dotted all over the country, covering all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country, laying a very favorable foundation for the development of the stone industry. With the continuous development of people's living standards, a large number of various building decoration materials with excellent performance are needed. Because stone with its unique natural decorative effect, in the architectural culture, occupies an increasingly important position, so there will be more demand for stone products, prompting the stone industry to develop towards a wider market.

In ancient buildings, the application of stone occupies an important position.

Historically, the application of stone is closely related to the natural conditions and environment of human survival. In the Paleolithic Age, 500,000 years ago, primitive people used natural caves as living places. In the course of history, small stone carvings, cliff carvings and percussion instrument stone chimes have appeared. The artificially built stone fence in the sea area of Liaoning can be described as one of the models of Chinese megalithic architecture. From the slave society to the feudal society, the new landlord economy gradually replaced the lord economy, and the new mode of production promoted the development of the society at that time. The expansion of the scale of the city and the use of iron tools promoted the application of stone in all aspects. From the Warring States period to the Western Han Dynasty, there are stone foundations, stone steps, etc., the ancient Great Wall built in the Qin and Han dynasties, using a large number of stones, the stone carvings of the Western Han Dynasty Huo Quai's tomb, the stone beasts, the stone shrine of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the stone tomb and the stone tomb of the whole stone structure and the portrait stone in the tomb, etc., most of these buildings are carved with character stories and various patterns and patterns.

The architecture of the Tang Dynasty reached the peak of the early period of feudal society, and from the remains of the mausoleums, palaces, and city palace ruins that survived at that time, no matter the layout or modeling, they all had a high level of art and technology. The Tang Dynasty's Six Classics, the Song Dynasty's construction method, and the Qing Dynasty's Ministry of Engineering all played a role in promoting the development of architectural technology and art.

From the Song, Yuan, Ming to the embryonic period of capitalism in the Qing Dynasty, the architecture of various ethnic groups has also developed, especially the construction of royal and private gardens, leaving us a large number of excellent architectural heritage.

History of stone application

In terms of religious architecture and carving, Buddhism flourished during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and temples were built, and caves and statues were dug all over the country. According to Wang Ziyun's "History of Chinese Sculpture Art": "China's grotto statues are likely to have been created during the Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. "From the beginning of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Ming and Qing dynasties, different classes and strata of Chinese society, for political, ideological, practical needs and other reasons, religious beliefs can be spread in China, as a variety of specific images of religious circulation such as temples, Buddha statues, pagodas, grottoes, etc., also appear in large numbers in various places, they provide a broad world for ancient Chinese stone carving craftsmen, so that they create a lot of world-famous art treasures.

To sum up, the application of stone and its products in all aspects fully reflects the political, economic, philosophical, cultural and artistic development of the Chinese nation in different historical periods.

Various rock-forming minerals form different types of rocks under different geological conditions, which can usually be divided into three categories, namely igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks, which have significantly different structures, structures and properties.

I. Igneous rocks

Igneous rocks, also known as magmatic rocks, are formed by the cooling of molten magma from the inside of the earth's crust due to changes in the earth's crust. Igneous rocks are the main rocks that make up the earth's crust, accounting for 89% of the total mass of the earth's crust. Igneous rocks are divided into three types: plutonic rocks, ejecta rocks and volcanic rocks according to the different cooling conditions of magma.

1. Plutonic rocks

Plutonic rock is a rock formed by the slow cooling of magma in the depths of the earth's crust under a great covering pressure, and its characteristics are: dense structure, large bulk volume, high compressive strength, small water absorption, good frost resistance, good wear resistance and durability. For example, granite, syenite, gabbro, diorite, skurolite, etc.

2. Ejecta rock

Ejecta rock is a rock formed under the condition that the pressure decreases and cools rapidly after molten magma is ejected from the earth's surface, such as basalt and andesite used in construction. When the ejecta rock forms a thick rock layer, its structural compactness is similar to that of plutonic rock, and if the rock layer is thin, the rock formed is often porous, close to volcanic rock.

3. Volcanic rocks

Volcanic rocks are also known as volcaniclastic rocks. Volcanic rocks are clastic rocks formed by magma being sprayed into the air during volcanic eruptions, and then falling after rapid cooling, such as volcanic ash and pumice. Volcanic rocks are all materials with a porous structure, in which volcanic ash is used in large quantities as a mixture of cement, and milkite can be used as a lightweight aggregate to prepare lightweight aggregate concrete for use as a wall material.

2. Sedimentary rocks

Sedimentary rocks are also known as aqueous rocks. Sedimentary rocks are rocks formed not too deep from the surface after the weathering of the original parent rock, and the sedimentation and remodeling of the rock by wind and relocation, and the washing of flowing water. Compared with igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks are layered structures, and their composition, structure, color, and layer thickness are different, and compared with igneous rocks, their characteristics are: poor structural compactness, small bulk density, large porosity and water absorption, low strength, and poor durability.

History of stone application

1. Mechanically sedimentary rocks

The weathered rock debris is formed by relocation, sedimentation and consolidation (mostly natural cementation) under the action of flowing water, wind, glaciers, etc. Such as commonly used sandstone, conglomerate, volcanic tuff, claystone, etc. In addition, there is sand, pebbles, etc. (unconsolidated).

2. Chemical sedimentary rocks

It is formed by the solution and colloids formed by the weathering of rocks and dissolved in water through relocation and precipitation. Such as commonly used gypsum, magnesite, some limestone, etc.

3. Biosedimentary rocks

It is formed by the deposition of biological debris in seawater or freshwater. Commonly used about limestone, white, diatomaceous earth, etc.

Although sedimentary rocks only account for 5% of the total mass of the earth's crust, they are extremely widely distributed on the earth, accounting for about 75% of the earth's crustal surface area, and are not too deep on the surface, so they are easy to mine. Sedimentary rocks are versatile, the most important of which is limestone. Limestone is the main raw material for burning lime and cement, and it is also an important component material for the preparation of ordinary concrete. Limestone is also used as a raw material for the construction of dikes and roads.

3. Metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks are rocks formed by the original igneous rocks or sedimentary rocks after the action of high temperature and high pressure in the earth's crust, among which the sedimentary rocks become better after metamorphism, and the structure becomes dense, solid and durable, such as limestone (sedimentary rock) metamorphosis into marble; However, after the igneous rock is metamorphic, the properties become worse, such as granite (plutonic rock) metamorphosis into gneiss, which is easy to produce delamination and spalling, so that the durability is worse.

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