
Tiexi Xihe New Bridge opened to traffic: smooth children's "road to school" and open up the "microcirculation" of the road network

author:Those who are self-confessing are loyal to the kingdom

"A small bridge solves a big problem of people's livelihood!" On the morning of June 6, the bridge across the fine river on Hunhe 17th Street, located on the northeast side of Xunwang Primary School (Sino-German Campus) in Tiexi District, was officially completed and opened to traffic, which made all the teachers and students of the school rejoice, and the problem of commuting to and from school that had plagued the school for several years was finally completely solved.

The representative suggested: it is difficult for schools to travel and urgently need to build a bridge

Xunwang Primary School (Sino-German Campus) is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of No. 22 Road and Hunhe 17th Street in Tiexi District (Economic Development Zone and Zhongde Park), with the fine river irrigation canal on the north side. Since the school was put into use, limited by the characteristics of the "broken road" and one-way lane of Hunhe 17th Street, the vehicles that pick up and drop off students can only turn around and return after entering from the development of No. 22 Road, resulting in serious traffic jams during the peak period of commuting to and from school, traffic accidents occur from time to time, and students have great potential safety hazards. In addition, the closed construction of Metro Line 3 in recent years has made the problem of the development of No. 22 Road more and more severe.

Tiexi Xihe New Bridge opened to traffic: smooth children's "road to school" and open up the "microcirculation" of the road network

In this regard, Bai Yan, a representative of the Shenyang Municipal People's Congress, and Huang Chungang, a representative of the Tiexi District People's Congress, have been actively calling for many years, suggesting that the "broken road" of Hunhe 17th Street be opened as soon as possible, and a bridge across the fine river can be built for vehicles to pass, improve the traffic network facilities around the school, solve the problem of poor traffic for teachers and students in the school, and create a smooth, orderly and safe travel environment for teachers and students.

Tiexi Xihe New Bridge opened to traffic: smooth children's "road to school" and open up the "microcirculation" of the road network

Overcoming difficulties: 24 days ahead of schedule to complete and open to traffic

In response to the suggestions of the deputies, the Planning and Construction Management Department of the Sino-German Park Management Committee attaches great importance to it, and joins hands with Shenyang Western Construction Investment Co., Ltd. to include the Hunhe 17th Street Bridge Project in the investment and construction of the PPP project of Shenyang Zhongde Park, and takes the project as a "people's project" to respond to the concerns of the people's congress deputies, a "love project" to solve the problem of convenient passage for teachers and students to and from school, and a "warm-hearted project" to open up the "microcirculation" of the regional road network and facilitate the travel of citizens on both sides of the Xihe River, and make every effort to promote the construction and implementation.

Tiexi Xihe New Bridge opened to traffic: smooth children's "road to school" and open up the "microcirculation" of the road network

"Although the Hunhe 17th Street Bridge Project is not large, the construction is difficult and the safety risk is high, and safety accidents will occur if you are not careful." According to the relevant person in charge of Shenyang Western Construction Investment Co., Ltd., the project team has continuously improved the construction plan and worked hard to overcome the "three major difficulties" of gas pipeline relocation, high-voltage line construction, and continuous rise in water level. In the rainy season, in order to ensure the safety of the upper reaches of the Xihe River and ensure the low flow of water level, the cofferdam was filled three times during the construction of the project to ensure that the construction of the project site and flood control are correct. The project department of Shenyang Zhongde Park of China Railway Third Bureau Group, a participating unit, demonstrated the responsibility of central enterprises, tackled difficulties, rushed the construction period, and ensured quality, and finally completed the project 24 days ahead of schedule.

Benchmarking demonstration: "Warm Heart Bridge" helps optimize the regional road network

"My family lives on the other side of the river, and we used to drive nearly an hour to school, but now we only need to walk for less than ten minutes, and we can cross the bridge to get to school, so happy!" At the opening site, Li Xue, a second-grade student at Xunwang Primary School (Sino-German Campus), said with a smile.

Liu Wenxiu, executive principal of Xunwang Primary School (Sino-German Campus), said: "Our purpose is to run a 'good school at the doorstep', and the completion and opening of the bridge across the fine river on Hunhe 17th Street has made the school really closer to the children's 'doorstep', so that all teachers and students have a 'smooth road' and 'safe road' to and from school." Heartfelt thanks to everyone who promoted the construction of the project. ”

Tiexi Xihe New Bridge opened to traffic: smooth children's "road to school" and open up the "microcirculation" of the road network

With the acceleration of investment and construction in recent years, the urban function of the entire park has continued to improve, but some local traffic jams such as "broken roads" still exist, and the Hunhe 17th Street Bridge Project has played a good role in solving such problems. The relevant person in charge of the Sino-German Park Management Committee said that after the bridge is opened to traffic, it will not only meet the needs of teachers and students to and from school, but also provide great convenience for residents in multiple communities on both sides of the river, encrypt the connection between the development of No. 21 Road and the development of No. 22 Road, optimize the surrounding road traffic grid structure, and effectively improve the comprehensive use efficiency of the road. With the opening of the bridge, the project has become a key demonstration project for the Sino-German Park to open up the "microcirculation" of the regional road network and improve the comprehensive efficiency of the roads in the park. (Source: Propaganda Department of Tiexi District Committee)