
Jedi Breakout April 29 - Heroic and heroic throughout Changhong

author:My name is also Red

Original Kashiwagawa

Chapter 14 The heroic spirit runs through Changhong

In the desperate breakthrough of "29 April", most of the comrades of various organs and directly subordinate units in the southern Hebei region broke out of the layers of encirclement, and a small number of separated comrades escaped the search and arrest of the Japanese puppet army through clever concealment, and successfully escaped from danger. What is sad and regrettable is that there are still some cadres, fighters, and civilian personnel who were separated from their troops during the fierce wind and fell into the layers of encirclement of the Japanese puppet army, some of whom were captured, and some of whom were brutally killed by the enemy. In the face of the fierce and brutal enemy, these anti-Japanese fighters withstood severe tests, displayed the heroic spirit of "the head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the national integrity cannot be lost," and in the history of the struggle of the Chinese people against foreign aggression, they have erected one immortal monument after another.

In the southeast corner of Heliutun Village, a lonely farmhouse is owned by a farmer surnamed Liu. A battalion commander of the Eighth Route Army surnamed Sun was unable to keep up with the troops due to a leg injury, and temporarily hid in a firewood and straw shed in the small courtyard.

The devil's "cleansing" of He Liutun began, and they ran to every house like a vicious wolf and mad dog, hoping to turn the bottom upside down, looking for the hiding place of the Eighth Route Army, and hating to dig three feet into the ground and turn the bottom upside down. The three devils ran into the courtyard and searched everywhere with bright bayonets. At this time, Battalion Commander Sun knew that he could not hide, but there were only two bullets in the pistol, and he wanted to kill a devil with one bullet and end his life with another bullet, swearing not to be taken prisoner. But on second thought, no! Destroying one more devil is the best choice, let the little devil know the power of the Eighth Route Army, and let them repay the blood debt. At this time, Battalion Commander Sun had already put his life and death on the line, and he was bent on destroying more enemies. Taking advantage of the devil's defense, he raised his gun to "snap" and "snap" and knock down two devils, and the other devil was so frightened that he quickly withdrew from the door. Three more devils and a translator came outside, blocking the gate.

The devil didn't know the reality of Camp Commander Sun, so he hid behind the door and opened the formation. The interpreter shouted at the door: "Baluluo, surrender quickly!" You can't run! If you don't surrender, you will bombard this yard with artillery! "Battalion Commander Sun has no bullets in his gun, and he is afraid of affecting the landlord, so he has to go out of the yard.

The peasant surnamed Liu stopped him and said, "Comrade, don't go out, you will die if you go out!" ”

Battalion Commander Sun was grateful to this farmer from the bottom of his heart. However, he made up his mind, and said, "I can only sacrifice myself when I go out, and I must not cause your family to suffer!" After speaking, he walked out of the courtyard with righteousness and awe, and his eyes glared at a group of devil soldiers.

The devils were stunned. In an instant, these robbers surrounded them, smashed them with the butts of their guns, kicked them with their leather shoes, and hung Camp Commander Sun from a jujube tree. A devil pointed a spear into the stomach of the leg with a bayonet, and the blood poured down to his heel and dripped into the ground below. Camp Commander Sun opened his eyes angrily and scolded at the devil: "Chinese can't kill them all, you little devils can't grow up!" At this time, another devil picked up a gun and stabbed Camp Commander Sun in the chest......

An outstanding son and daughter of the Chinese nation was brutally murdered by Japanese robbers in this way!

Liang Zhenzhi, director of the Wucheng County Public Security Bureau, was arrested by the Japanese army and brutally killed on this day because of a serious abdominal wound. When he was about to be executed, Leung Chun-chi was calm and calm, treating death as if he were at home, showing a fearless heroism.

Liang Zhenzhi, originally from Shilipu Village, Nangong County, Hebei Province, was born in 1914 in a poor peasant family. At the age of seven, he began to study in the village for three or four years, and then had to drop out of school due to family constraints to help his father with farm work. At the age of fourteen, he went to Tianjin alone and worked as an apprentice in a shop. At the time of the Lugou Bridge Incident, he returned to his hometown. At that time, the eastward column of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army was stationed in the areas of Nangong and Weixian, and the anti-Japanese salvation movement was surging. Liang Zhenzhi, like many enthusiastic young people, was introduced by the local party organization and entered the anti-Japanese military and political cadre training class in Wei County. After completing his studies, he was assigned to the Nangong County Anti-Japanese Government as the Minister of Rape.

In 1941, Liang Zhenzhi was transferred to the Wucheng County Public Security Bureau. Liang Zhenzhi, who was just strong in blood, was full of hatred for the Japanese invaders, and led the comrades of the Public Security Bureau to carry out the anti-Japanese struggle in a harsh environment and was active in the heart of the enemy. Soon, the public security bureau grew from a few people to a team of more than 20 people, and arrested and suppressed a number of traitors, spies, and bandits who committed the most heinous crimes, greatly increased the morale of the anti-Japanese soldiers and people, and greatly destroyed the prestige of the little devils and traitors.

In the early morning of April 29, the Wucheng County Public Security Bureau was stationed in Li Rulin Village, on the east bank of the Qingliang River, to defend the joint meeting of district heads convened by the county government. After discovering the enemy situation of the Japanese army approaching step by step, Liang Zhenzhi immediately led the public security soldiers and the seven criminals in custody to move to the southeast, and when they withdrew to the vicinity of a pond in He Liutun Village, they encountered the Japanese army, Liang Zhenzhi commanded the battle while calmly dealing with the prisoners in custody, several traitors and bandits who were full of evil were shot on the spot, and several people who committed less serious crimes were released on the spot.

At this time, the devil's plane was hovering overhead, dropping bombs from time to time, surrounded by Japanese puppet troops, the casualties of public security soldiers increased, and Liang Zhenzhi's abdomen was also seriously injured. He was shot in the leg while organizing a breakout. After the wind blew in the afternoon, he was separated from everyone, and hid in the cowshed of a farmer's house in Huozhuang Village with his pain.

After dark, there was a sudden sound of "clang" and "clang" slamming the door, followed by a noisy crowd in the yard. Liang Zhenzhi, who was awakened, knew that this was a devil who came to search, and he quickly prepared to shoot. After a few devils entered the cowshed, Liang Zhenzhi, who was hiding in the shadows, pulled the trigger, and with the two gunshots, the two devils fell down and died, and the third shot injured a devil soldier, which made the little devils scream, and a few devils rushed to hear the gunshots, and Liang Zhenzhi, who ran out of bullets, was arrested by the devils.

That night, Liang Zhenzhi was sent to Twelve Mile Village by the devil to be imprisoned. At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon of April 30, the devil took Liang Zhenzhi, who was tied up with all kinds of flowers, to the temporary headquarters of the Japanese army in Xiaonanzhai in Huozhuang Village.

Liang Zhenzhi, who was covered in bruises, was still dressed in a military uniform, with his head held high, and was escorted by two devils to a courtyard in the south of Huozhuang Village. Rather than give in, he kept shouting all the way: "Down with Japanese imperialism!" "Long live the Communist Party of China" and other slogans. Three vicious devil soldiers raised their bayonets and stabbed at our hero, Leung Chun-chi, who was only 28 years old.

The wolf-like and vicious devil soldiers still couldn't understand the hatred in their hearts, and they lit the straw and threw Liang Zhenzhi's body into the raging fire.

Later, when the peasants of Huozhuang Village buried the remains of Liang Zhenzhi, they only found a shining belt buckle and a copper fountain pen cap in the ashes.

Liang Zhenzhi died a heroic and tragic death, and his revolutionary heroism of "sacrificing his life to go to the country, seeing death as if he was going home" erected a blood-stained monument in Huozhuang, a heroic land.

Many years after the heroic sacrifice, the old man Liu Yinghua, who had served as the guard of Director Liang Zhenzhi, recalled with grief that on April 29, he followed Director Liang Zhenzhi to rush forward in the rain of bullets and bullets of the Japanese army. After the wind blew, he and Director Liang were unfortunately separated, and later after escaping, he heard the bad news that Director Liang was killed by the Japanese invaders, and he was grief-stricken and felt guilty for the rest of his life. The old man is originally from Xiajin County, once served as the director of the housing management of the Beijing Real Estate Bureau, on April 29 of a certain year in the eighties of the last century, he passed by Wucheng County when he returned to his hometown to visit relatives, and saw people gathering in groups to gather in groups, and couldn't help but be puzzled. That's for later.

Among the units directly under the southern Hebei region, quite a number of female comrades resolutely bid farewell to their superior and comfortable living environment, and in the days of the anti-"sweeping" campaign on 29 April, they withstood the tests of blood and fire, life and death, just like men, and handed in one qualified answer sheet after another to history.

After besieging Huozhuang Village, the Japanese puppet army arrested an injured female cadre surnamed Li. The cunning devil soldier wanted to get the name and whereabouts of the head of the southern Hebei region from her. The devil soldier whipped her like a madman with a club and a leather whip, and poured boiling water on her head, and the female cadre gritted her teeth and said nothing.

If one plan fails, the vicious devils have another plan. They brought this female cadre to the scene of the massacre of the Eighth Route Army, untied the ropes, took out a lot of banknotes and gold and silver bracelets, and started coercion and temptation: "Do you have this?" Where did the Eighth Route Army go, what position did you have, and there was a big banknote to say it! The female cadre smiled slightly and replied impassionedly: "This is my secret, and I must not tell you these robbers!" I don't want money, I don't like these things, I want you invaders to get out of China as soon as possible! The devil was annoyed and angry, and tortured again, and the female comrade was beaten all over her body and gradually fell unconscious. The devil pointed his bayonet at her chest again and shouted: "If you don't say it, if you don't say it, you will die immediately!" At this time, Comrade Li, who was in a coma, slowly opened his eyes, glared angrily, and shouted the slogan "Down with the Japanese devils." When she raised her hand again and was about to shout, the devil's bayonet stabbed the hero in the chest......

This heroine who only left her surname but did not leave her name sprinkled her red blood on the land of southern Hebei.

There is an even more heroic and tragic scene. When the large army in the southern Hebei region broke through, some of the soldiers and civilians of the Eighth Route Army who were separated rushed to the south of Hexi Street in Wucheng, and then moved south along the west embankment of the canal. When they arrived at a gate, they suddenly encountered a group of Japanese puppet army interception and attack, most of the comrades rushed westward, the seven female comrades did not follow, and seeing that the devil soldiers were about to surround them, these seven female comrades shouted: "Down with little Japan, resolutely not to be a slave to the country!" jumped into the rapids of the canal......

The waves of the canal rolled away, and the embankment on the majestic bank recorded the moment of this magnificent mountain and river.

In a ruined temple between Huzhuang and Shizhuang south of the Qinglin Temple Tower in Raoyangdian, there is also a scene where the Japanese invaders brutally killed the wounded and sick of the Eighth Route Army, and after nearly 80 years, people excavated the remains of 23 martyrs from nearby! The details are left in the "Epilogue" chapter.

Jedi Breakout April 29 - Heroic and heroic throughout Changhong