
Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

author:Mickey Rabbit
Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

The unsuccessful deployment of the national football coach Ivankovic put the team at a big disadvantage. Before the Thai team's fitness dropped, their counter-attacks could threaten the backfield of the national team at any time, which caused our formation to not be able to top.

In the 77th minute of the game, Zhang Yuning and Jiang Shenglong played together at two high points and sounded the offensive horn of the national football team. When the opponent is tired, the national football team dares to hold it high and play high, otherwise once the second drop point is held by the opponent to fight back, the national football team will not be able to bear it.

01. Tactical game: The Thai team moved Jiang Guangtai out of the middle

a. Center Striker Pull: Attacking the right side of the national football team

Under the 4312 formation set up by the national football team, the two central midfielders do not have the ability to sweep and the advantage of confrontation. At the same time, the team's two full-backs are both assist-type.

The Thai team arranged for center forward Subachai to go behind Wang Zhenao to get the ball in a very targeted manner, and dispatched Jiang Guangtai out of the middle defense area, bringing the back row forward, forming a great threat.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

The goal of the national football team is that the midfield position is too high as a whole, and after Xu Haoyang goes out, he has no confrontation advantage, and it is impossible to complete the break.

Behind him, let the smaller Wang Zhenao come up, but he still couldn't directly complete the break. When the Thai team players are in good physical condition, his turning and handling of the ball are too fast, and only Wang Shangyuan is left in the defensive position in the midfielder of the national football team, which is very dangerous.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

The follow-up development of this ball is that the national football midfielder cannot protect the defensive area of the fullback, so Jiang Guangtai must go from the middle to the right side of his side to face the opponent's center.

After Jiang Guangtai left, the control of the header in the middle became weaker, and Gao Tianyi did not follow Su Bachu's forward insertion.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

It can be seen clearly from the camera that the defensive strategy of the national football team is very aggressive, but the Thai team in the face of Xiao Kuailing cannot take advantage of it at all. We shouldn't rush to the top before the opponent's fitness drops.

It was a fixed strategy for the opponent to move the ball to the center forward who pulled the wing, and it was repeated in the first half. After Jiang Guangtai went to the side, the national football team's ability to protect the first point of the cross decreased greatly, Su Bachu stepped forward, and our midfielder leaked again, which led to the loss of the goal.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

b. Jiang Guangtai is always on the side: the national football team played too badly in the first half

Jiang wasn't bad, he tried 13 one-on-one golf duels and won 11 of them.

The problem is that the Thai team frequently pulls him to the side, which can also be clearly seen from Jiang Guangtai's heatmap. The coach of the national football team, Ivan, his coping strategy was obviously unsuccessful.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Wang Zhenao's assist strength at this point is large (his retreat rate is very good), and the Thai team is letting the center forward go to the right side of the national football team, so Jiang Guangtai's side seems to be an inevitable result.

Ivankovic replaced Baihelamu in the first half, hoping that when he retreated, he would protect Wang Zhenao's defensive area, which had a certain effect, but could not change the problem of Jiang Guangtai being pulled out.

Fortunately, Baihoram's retreat was very active, and the Thai team did not get too many opportunities to insert crosses to the back row.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Although he scored as a substitute in this game, Baihoram still struggled to play against the Thai players who were quick and fast.

Because Baihelam lacks the amount of advance, he is always one beat slower than his opponent. This time the ball was also broken, and the Thai team played a counterattack on the spot. Fortunately, Supana's shot was off target and allowed the national football team to escape.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Generally speaking, the speed of Thai center Subachhai is not very fast, so after he got the ball in this area, the national football defenders desperately chased back, but they still resolved a lot of crises.

The problem is that the overall position of the national football team is aggressive, and it is a strategic failure to let the opponent always get a large opportunity to get the ball and forward space in this area.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

The key is that the midfielder of the national football team can't come back at all, this time when the opponent breaks through with the ball, the defenders are right-back Wang Zhenao and the retreating Baihelamu.

The midfielder completely lost his position, causing the opposition to still send a pass to the back of the penalty area under the pinch defense. Fortunately, Supana's shot hit the post and bounced back, allowing the national football team to escape.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

02. Bet on naturalized attackers: The national football team is in vain

a. Naturalized Striker: Attacking on his own ability

The national football team did have some chances in the first half, but compared with the opponent, there was still a significant gap.

If the Thai team has a relatively clear division of labor and cooperation, then the offense of the national football team is to wait for the personal ability of the naturalized players to bring a flash of inspiration.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

This time, Fernando dropped back and broke the ball and launched a counter-attack on the spot. Alan cut inside after winning the ball on the side, and shifted to find the back point, but unfortunately Wei Shihao's continuous horizontal passes were unsuccessful.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Ivankovic's selection in the front court may have his reasons, and Wei Shihao's ability at his feet can indeed bring some opportunities.

This time, Wei Shihao got out of the crowd and went straight to Alain, who shot at the post, which was a pity. Fernando, who followed up, made a follow-up shot and was cleared by the opposing defender in front of the goal line with the last man.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

b. After Baihelam appears: Unable to cooperate with the naturalized attacker

Although he contributed to the equalizing goal after coming off the bench (some believe that the ball hit Zhang Yuning and Baihelam was an assist), Baihelam still lacks overall awareness.

After coming off the bench, it was difficult to form a tacit understanding with Fernando and Allan, and the technical consistency of handling the ball and the amount of advance in movement were a little poor. It wasn't until the last moment that Baihelam showed his value.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Wang Zhenao's off-ball movement is in stark contrast to Baihelam. His advance is always very good, but Baihelam is always a beat slower.

Therefore, even if it can hit the core area of the Thai team, it will be due to this lack of tacit understanding, which will lead to the completion of the ball and clearance by the opponent's small and fast defenders.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

This time, the source of the attack came from Fernando's retreat to respond, and then transferred the ball to Alan on the wing. Wang Zhenao's forward insertion without the ball allowed Alan to get the space to cut inside, but the problem was that Baihelamu's position was a little sluggish, and he never took the initiative to lean towards Alan to respond, and finally gave the opponent a chance to break the ball.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

03. Tactical winner: The Thai team is tired, and the national football team can play high

a. Let the ball fly: Opponents are always more likely to have problems

In the first half of the game, the national football team was at a disadvantage, so in the second half of the game, the national football team had every chance to complete the reversal.

In addition to scoring one goal in the eight shots of the national football team, they also missed two excellent scoring opportunities, including one penalty.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Although the penalty was obtained, it was somewhat unexpected and accidental. However, as long as the ball flies, the Thai team is still prone to mistakes.

It's a pity that Fernando actually knocked the ball away in the face of a great equalizing opportunity, which also became the most regrettable moment of the national football team.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Wang Zhenao, who had been targeted by the opponent's tactics in the first half, showed his advantages in technique and awareness in the second half of the game.

This time, he received a teammate's through ball without the ball and sent a good quality cross in the middle of the advance, but unfortunately Baihelam's cross under the open space went straight to the bottom line.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

b. Hold high! The national football team has almost completed the counterattack

The national football team may not be able to find a few players with excellent skills at the feet, but it can still find a few players who are tall enough.

At the last moment, Jiang Shenglong formed a three-high front line with Zhang Yuning and Baihelamu, and it can only be said that Ivankovic has his plan. After all, after the Thai team's physical fitness declined, their counterattack was not so fierce, and the national football team dared to use people like this.

Of course, at the last moment, the opponent did not score again, and I have to thank right-back Wang Zhenao for his excellent 1-on-1 defense and blocked the opponent's shot 3 times when the Thai team counterattacked.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

This time, before the national football team's free kick attack, the Thai team chose to replace its goalkeeper, which became a failure. Zhu Chenjie won the first point of the header, and Baihelamu's shot helped the team equalize.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

The national football team almost completed the stunner, which is precisely the power of the three-center striker tactic. Jiang Shenglong's headball at the back point was ferried, Baihelamu on the ribs attracted the attention of the defense, and Zhang Yuning, who was inserted in the back, outflanked in front of the goal.

As long as the national football team fully releases its header advantage, the Thai team is still very afraid. Zhang Yuning, who played with an injury, got many opportunities in front of goal, but unfortunately he was never known for scoring goals.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine

Fernando, who missed the penalty, created a number of chances in the final moments of the game. It was a masterpiece for him to give the ball to Xie Pengfei this time, and the latter crossed to find the back point.

Jiang Shenglong's header was ferried, and Zhang Yuning had already reached the goal, but unfortunately this shot was actually flying.

Only dare to play 20 minutes of good football! The Thai team is tired, and the national football team has an offensive routine


Failed to win the game. The road to the World Preliminary Championship for the national football team will become very difficult. However, being able to tie the score left a glimmer of hope.

Since the Thai team was able to draw with the powerful South Korean team in the previous game, there is no reason for the national football team to give up, at least they should work hard, in case a miracle happens!

#国足1-1 Thailand ##国足世预赛##国足1比1泰国#

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