
The results of the Indian election abruptly changed, Modi fell on his heels, and the Indian president could no longer stand up for his stance on China

author:Records of the world

The results of India's presidential election came as no surprise to all.

Previously, Modi, who thought that re-election was a certainty, fell on his heels after a successful re-election. Why did they fall after they were re-elected? What's going on here?

It turned out that although Modi was successfully re-elected, he lost one right - the right to form a government independently. Due to the particularity of India's political system, the president of India needs to form his own government after each election, that is, to form his own management core group.

The results of the Indian election abruptly changed, Modi fell on his heels, and the Indian president could no longer stand up for his stance on China

These groups tend to be one-size-fits-all, but Modi has encountered a special situation this time, as he won only 240 seats in the election, 32 seats short of being able to form a government on his own. Therefore, for Modi, although the election was successful, his rights were greatly restricted, which is a very dangerous signal for Modi.

Since taking office, Modi has always represented the interests of traditional Indians, the so-called Bharatiya Janata Party, so he will be more inclined to protect the interests of his own party in Modi's policies and reforms.

But India is a very special country. India is not a simple capitalist country, and there are many complex things in it, such as India has a strong religious belief, and there will even be conflicts between different religious beliefs. This means that Modi represents only the interests of traditional Hinduism. So since the interests of traditional Hinduism have been protected, there will inevitably be some people's interests sacrificed.

The results of the Indian election abruptly changed, Modi fell on his heels, and the Indian president could no longer stand up for his stance on China

And these interests are excluded from the interests of other religions of Hinduism. For these stakeholders, party representatives, Modi will certainly not get the votes he deserves. At the same time, Modi's analysis of the situation in India includes not only religious factors, but also some economic and political factors, so Modi's actions are very difficult.

In order to protect the country's economic development, Modi has reformed domestic enterprises and even set up trade barriers so that India's domestic enterprises can develop better.

For Mr. Modi, like Mr. Trump, he pursues a strategy that puts his country first. However, as far as India is concerned, India is not the United States after all, and the world's dependence on India is not as great as that of the United States.

The results of the Indian election abruptly changed, Modi fell on his heels, and the Indian president could no longer stand up for his stance on China

The IT industry in India is very well developed, and the other industry that is very well developed is the one related to the population. Since India has a very large number of people, cheap labor is also one of the sources of income for India.

Therefore, Modi's drastic reforms mainly involve the employment of his own country's population. To boost GDP, Modi encourages employment. But India, whose population has long since exceeded its sceptive level, has presented a variety of problems in terms of employment, which have also caused Modi to be a headache.

Now, with Modi's current votes, he will not be able to form a government that is completely controlled by his own party, so Modi will eventually face a very serious problem - he must cede some power to ensure that his government can achieve its reform goals.

The results of the Indian election abruptly changed, Modi fell on his heels, and the Indian president could no longer stand up for his stance on China

Earlier, the Indian president expressed to China his hope for friendly diplomatic relations, a move that completely broke the layout of the United States in the Indian region. Modi's rejection of foreigners and the Indian people's priority theory have led to some rejection of the economic control of the United States, while Indian President Mohami believes that China and India are the four ancient civilizations and should maintain good relations.

In fact, India's thinking is not just about building good relations with China. India's current relations with Russia are acceptable, and it has some say in the Asian region, but there are frequent frictions with China over the border issue. It can be seen that Modi is a prime minister who focuses on the economy, so for Modi, if he cannot achieve the easing of relations with China, then no matter how the economy develops, it will face a grim situation.

After all, China is also the world's second largest economy, and its proximity to India can be said to be a unique advantage. However, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests, and I don't know if India will be a grass on the wall again in the future.

Reference: "Election results did not achieve a "landslide victory", Modi: Failure and success are part of politics"

Global Network "Trying to "decouple" China, India is asking for trouble"

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