
Chen Anming led a team to conduct special research to accelerate high-quality economic development

author:Jiangmen Talent Release
Chen Anming led a team to conduct special research to accelerate high-quality economic development

From June 4th to 6th, Chen Anming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, combined with the requirements of the "four grassroots", led a team to carry out a special investigation on accelerating high-quality economic development, emphasizing the need to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions during his inspection of Guangdong, seize the historical opportunity of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, fully integrate into the industrial innovation circle and resource allocation circle of the central cities of the Greater Bay Area, optimize and upgrade the stock of high-quality assets, and expand and strengthen the industrial increment, with a sense of urgency that we cannot wait, slow down, and sit still. We will go all out to grasp the economy and fight the economy, ensure the completion of the annual goals and tasks, and forge ahead towards the goal of 500 billion yuan. Yi Zhongqiang, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, participated.

Chen Anming led a team to conduct special research to accelerate high-quality economic development

Chen Anming went to Pengjiang District, Jianghai District, Xinhui District, and Heshan City to inspect the "zero land investment" projects in various places, coordinate and solve the difficulties and blockages of project investment on the spot, and listen to the work plan of the local government on excavating and utilizing the stock of high-quality assets to carry out "zero land investment". He pointed out that after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the eastern region of our city will be an important inflow of resources, capital and talents in Shenzhen and other cities on the east bank of the Pearl River Estuary.

Chen Anming also came to Meida New Materials Intelligent Manufacturing Project, Xinlong Tunnel Equipment South China Shield Intelligent Manufacturing Base, Fuhua Engineering Equipment Manufacturing, Vinda Paper, Huakai Technology, etc., to learn about the investment and construction of the company's capital increase and production expansion project. He hopes that enterprises will seize market opportunities, accelerate the progress of project construction, and vigorously promote the expansion of production and efficiency; Take the initiative to act as the "spokesperson" of Jiangmen's investment promotion, attract business, gather enterprises into chains, and gather chains into groups, develop and expand Jiangmen's strategic industrial clusters, and jointly enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry. During the investigation, Chen Anming presided over a symposium, and put forward clear requirements for strengthening the city's economic operation and scheduling, and continuously promoting the economic rebound, emphasizing that all localities and departments should resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, and conscientiously implement the speech requirements of Comrade Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, when he went to Nansha, Guangzhou to investigate and supervise the economic operation, deeply grasp the historical opportunity of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, and give full play to Jiangmen's superior location and transportation, broad development space, solid industrial foundation, and rich overseas Chinese resources. We will accelerate the development of new quality productive forces, cultivate and expand new economic growth points, and strengthen our comprehensive strength and enhance our development level in the linkage development with Shenzhen. It is necessary to grasp the expansion of industrial investment in both new and old countries, increase efforts to promote the technological transformation of enterprises, promote the digital transformation and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry, encourage enterprises to join forces and strategic integration, increase capital and expand production to seize the market, promote the upstream and downstream extension of the industrial chain, adhere to the concept of cluster development to attract investment, and make strategic industries stronger, better and bigger. It is necessary to unswervingly grasp the market to promote consumption, adhere to the domestic and foreign trade together, give full play to the positive role of the trade-in policy of consumer goods, focus on key groups of people, and launch a number of targeted actions to promote consumption at important times, innovate consumption scenarios, expand bulk consumption such as automobiles, smart home appliances, and housing, and drive the formation of more economic increments. It is necessary to fully mobilize and grasp the project to increase efficiency, adhere to the combination of effective market and promising government, take policy innovation as the support, strengthen planning guidance, formulate a work list for the optimization and improvement of the city's stock of high-quality assets by category and use, and promote the integration of land resources, the improvement of land use efficiency, and the optimization of spatial environment in cities, counties, towns and villages. At the symposium, Chen Anming also listened to the report on the work of Xinhui District, and studied and improved the ideas and measures to accelerate the development of Xinhui with everyone. He fully affirmed the new achievements of Xinhui District's economic work from January to May this year, and emphasized that Xinhui should consolidate and improve the upward development momentum on the basis of last year's GDP exceeding 100 billion yuan, accelerate the promotion of new urbanization with the county as an important carrier, scientifically optimize the functional layout of the hub new city in western Zhuhai, gather and intensively build characteristic and advantageous industries, and make more food and contributions to the high-quality economic development of the city. City leaders Cai Dewei, Zheng Xiaoyi, and Chen Ji participated in relevant activities.

【Original title】

Chen Anming led a team to conduct special research to accelerate high-quality economic development

Give full play to comparative advantages and optimize the amount of stock expansion

Do a solid "bridge economy" article

Continue to promote the city's economic recovery

Chen Anming led a team to conduct special research to accelerate high-quality economic development

—END—Source: Jiangmen release

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