
Less than half an hour after Chen Hong went to King Yu's Mansion to deliver the decree, he knew all about the conversation between Chen Hong and King Yu

author:Yan Yi who fell into the water

Emperor Jiajing did not go to court for 20 years, but he was clear about the situation of the court and ministers. This is thanks to the Ming Dynasty's huge brocade guard system, which keeps an eye on ministers and members of the royal family at all times.

Of course, the first assistants of the Ming Dynasty also have their own intelligence network, and Yan Song, who has been the first assistant for 20 years, was ordered by Jiajing to recuperate at home.

He knew clearly about the private meeting between Xu Jie and Zhang Juzheng in the palace. Even at night, he asked his son to recite Han Changli's Twelve Lang Wen, which was recited by Xu Ge when he sent Chen Hong.

It can be seen that the intelligence network inside and outside the palace is developed, Chen Hong thinks he is clever, and what he said in Yuwang's Mansion will soon be known to Jiajing.

After Chen Hong became the palm print, he first went to form an alliance with Xu Jie, who was suffering from the same illness, but how could Xu Ge Lao, who was cautiously engraved in his bones, agree to Chen Hong's request, and rarely used an article to ridicule Chen Gonggong, and pretended not to hear.

Less than half an hour after Chen Hong went to King Yu's Mansion to deliver the decree, he knew all about the conversation between Chen Hong and King Yu

Chen Hong was slapped in the face and had to leave, and before he went out, Huang Jin took Jiajing's riddle and asked Xu Jie to guess.

The riddle is not difficult to guess, this is Jiajing's beating of Xu Jie, so he can do it himself.

It can be seen that the intelligence network in the palace has no dead ends, and Jiajing knows what happened in minutes.

Although Chen Hong is in charge of the East Factory, he does not know that he is also being monitored.

Jiajing's health is deteriorating, and Chen's ambition is also increasing with the naked eye.

Less than half an hour after Chen Hong went to King Yu's Mansion to deliver the decree, he knew all about the conversation between Chen Hong and King Yu

Chen Gonggong did not understand the feeling that Jiajing had gone astray in his twilight years, for him, Jiajing was just a spokesman for power, and the death of a spokesman would not affect power itself.

What he needs most urgently now is to please the next spokesman of power.

Chen Hong was sent by Jiajing to Yuwang's Mansion, took Jiajing's two riddles to Yuwang's Mansion, and also called Xu Gaozhang and the others.

Chen Hong unfolded the four words written by Jiajing: good rain and bright moon.

Xu Gaozhang is a smart person, and he guessed it at once, Li Shizhen and Hai Rui.

Less than half an hour after Chen Hong went to King Yu's Mansion to deliver the decree, he knew all about the conversation between Chen Hong and King Yu

After that, the three masters talked to Chen Hong about how to deal with Hai Rui, and Xu Jie thought about it more deeply, "Da Ming Wuri" and "Autumn Queen Questioning" asked Chen Gonggong to go back to the decree.

After the discussion between King Yu and the three masters, Gonggong Chen did not know.

When Chen Hong reported the results of the deliberations of King Yu and others to Emperor Jiajing, when he heard that King Yu and others had sentenced Hai Rui to be beheaded after the autumn queen, Emperor Jiajing was furious: "I ask you, what is called 'good rain knows the season', and what is 'bright moon on the sea'?" Why didn't you say these words to me yesterday? ”

At that time, Chen Hong's face changed, and he was stupid there, so we can't help but ask, who reported the conversation between King Yu and Chen Hong to Emperor Jiajing?

Less than half an hour after Chen Hong went to King Yu's Mansion to deliver the decree, he knew all about the conversation between Chen Hong and King Yu

King Yu is timid and cowardly, and Chen Hong wants to take refuge in King Yu, is it Xu Gaozhang?

These three are all human spirits, and they have dealt with Jiajing for many years, even if they guess Emperor Jiajing's thoughts, they will definitely not be able to say it.

Civil officials understand a truth, many things cannot be broken. Even if they knew in their hearts, whether their words could be concealed from Emperor Jiajing had not yet been known.

"If you say a word, you are its slave, and if you don't say it, you are its master."

Chen Hong's predecessor Lu Fang deeply understood this truth, and he also hid it from the emperor, but obviously his concealment was not Chen Hong's concealment: "Do you think that Lu Fang was driven away by me as a result of doing that, is that stupid?" That's not stupid, that's called 'the little rod receives, the big rod goes'! ”

Less than half an hour after Chen Hong went to King Yu's Mansion to deliver the decree, he knew all about the conversation between Chen Hong and King Yu

In fact, there are a lot of spies and eyeliners in Yuwang's Mansion, and the eunuch group led by Feng Bao is a very important team of eyeliners arranged by Emperor Jiajing in Yuwang's Mansion.

In addition, we know that before Princess Li gave birth to a son, there were also a large number of eunuchs in Yuwang's mansion, so Yuwang sighed that "such a big palace is full of eyeliner".

Although Chen Hong flatters and invites merit everywhere, it is difficult for him to win the trust of others.

He always puts his own interests above the interests of the monarch, and is confident that his cleverness can "hide from both ends", so he can't get the trust that Jiajing has in Lu Fang, nor can he get the trust that King Yu and Concubine Li have in Feng Bao.

And as a palm seal eunuch, it is this gap in trust that determines his fate of defeat in the political struggle.

Less than half an hour after Chen Hong went to King Yu's Mansion to deliver the decree, he knew all about the conversation between Chen Hong and King Yu

Lu Fang and Lu Fang lost power, Chen Hong lost his authority, and the power of the pacification division naturally returned to the hands of the Dao Chief.

So when Jin Yiwei was dissatisfied with Chen Hong, and the influence of the former Dongchang factory supervisor (Huang Jin) was still there, Chen Zhangyin almost came out of Yuwang's mansion, and the Taoist knew what he said to his son, and the information power was only in the hands of the emperor.

#"Ming Dynasty 1566"##头条创作挑战赛##明朝的故事#