
Be vigilant, don't let your karma ruin your fortune!

author:Those things in Wutai Mountain
Be vigilant, don't let your karma ruin your fortune!

Verbal slap is the most common mistake to make, and if you hurt others because of a blind thought, you will incur immeasurable retribution. Therefore, only by knowing cause and effect, and taking good care of the karma, can we be free from suffering and happy. If you can purify your mouth karma, or if you can further speak softly, praisefully, and often speak words that benefit the public, you will have immeasurable merit and boundless results.

Be vigilant, don't let your karma ruin your fortune!

One day, the Buddha and Ananda went to the royal palace to beg for food, and when they were done, they went out of the city gate and saw a large deep pit beside the city gate. At that time, the people of the royal city abandoned the pit of urine and urine, and the accumulation of rainwater made the puddle filthy. In the turbid water, there was a humanoid insect with many hands and feet, and when it saw the Buddha coming, it stuck its head out of the water and looked at the Buddha with tears streaming down its face. When the Buddha saw this, he was very compassionate. After returning to Mount Jaibori, Ananda asked the Buddha, "World-honored one! What kind of bad karma did the worm that just went in the turbid water outside the royal palace city create? When will we be liberated? The Buddha told Ananda and the people, "In the past immeasurable eons, there was a Buddha who appeared in the world and enlightened sentient beings. After the Buddha attained Nirvana, there was a Brahmin who built a monk's house in the image and made offerings to the monks. "At that time, a lay person brought ghee, and Venerable Vena was frightened because there were too many monks who came to place orders, so he hid the ghee and did not distribute it to other monks who came to place orders." The bhikkhu then asked, 'Why don't you give me ghee?' Venerable Vena said, 'I live here all the time, and you are just a monk who has come here to place orders, why should I give it to you?' "The bhikshu said, 'But this is what the lay people want to offer to the present monks.' Venerable Vena then opened his mouth and scolded, 'Why don't you eat and pee?' Why do you ask me for ghee? Because of this evil mouth, Venerable Vena was thrown into the muddy waters after his death, and he lived in excrement and urine for countless eons. ”

Be vigilant, don't let your karma ruin your fortune!

The Buddha admonished his disciples:

"Take good care of the karma of your mouth, for the evil of the mouth is worse than fire.

"We should always be grateful for the kindness of our parents and the monks, and speak soft words and praise words, because the monks are the blessed fields that help us get out of the Three Realms, and our parents are the most victorious blessed fields in the Three Realms.

"Among the monks, if a saint who has attained enlightenment can make offerings with devout support, he will not only be able to receive blessings from heaven but also attain enlightenment.

"And the parents, who are ten months pregnant, work hard to nurture their children, and give teachings and provide an environment for learning; When a child grows up, if he becomes a monk and cultivates, he will not only be liberated himself, but also liberated by the people who are destined to be free, which can be described as self-interest and altruism.

"Therefore, parents and monks are the two most special blessings, and the blessings of heaven and the wonderful fruits of liberation are all achieved because of them."

When the Buddha said this sutra, countless hundreds of thousands of sentient beings have attained the first fruits or even the four fruits, and there are also sentient beings who have made a vow to become a Buddha, or those who have achieved the sound and the Buddha's fruits, and the public clasped their palms together to worship the Buddha and went away happily.

Be vigilant, don't let your karma ruin your fortune!

As the old saying goes, "silence is golden" or "misfortune comes from the mouth", etc., they are also warning us that taking good care of the karma of the mouth is something that must be done, and it is a necessary lesson for them to increase their blessings and wisdom.

In life, we can all meet some people who do not protect their karma and run trains with their mouths, which will not only have a bad impact on others, but also be irresponsible for themselves.

For people who often have an ostomy and don't know how to protect their mouths, they will only face all kinds of "evil consequences" planted by their mouths in the end.

We cultivate blessings and cultivate blessings in order to be able to study more diligently, so as to realize the Buddhahood, but if we lose immeasurable blessings due to evil mouths, this will not only be difficult to smell the Dharma and encounter good knowledge, but also because of the serious depletion of yin virtue and blessings, some of our negative karma and karma will come early.

Therefore, if you like to practice evil words at the moment, remember to quit and correct it.