
Escort the college entrance examination They pass the baton outside the examination room

author:Jinguan News

During the college entrance examination on June 7th and June 8th, outside the busy test center, a awe-inspiring figure was particularly eye-catching - that was Sun Xianming, a policeman from the Fifth Brigade of the Third Branch of the Chengdu Traffic Police. In a few months, he will retire honorably, but during the college entrance examination, he still sticks to his post and silently dedicates himself to the smooth progress of the college entrance examination.

Escort the college entrance examination They pass the baton outside the examination room

Take the initiative to say goodbye officially

"I'm retiring this year, and I'm approaching the college entrance examination, and I want to escort my children again." Sun Xianming dialed the phone of the leader of the sub-bureau and took the initiative to ask for help, applying to go to the test center to complete the last guard before retirement.

At 7:10 a.m. on June 7, Sun Xianming arrived at the test center ahead of schedule and quickly put himself into work. As usual, he directed the road traffic, shuttling between the traffic, guiding the candidates and parents to the correct point, and patiently persuading the parents to wait on the curb. When he watched the candidates enter the examination room one after another, he was able to take off his police hat and wipe his sweat. "This year, there are young colleagues in the substation, and I seem to see in them how lively and energetic I am when I first joined the police." In an interview with reporters, Sun Xianming said with emotion. At the same time, he expressed the hope that these young colleagues can learn more skills and do more practical things. As for myself, I will definitely stand on the last shift before I retire, "so that my career can be considered complete." ”

Escort the college entrance examination They pass the baton outside the examination room

Rain or shine for 38 years, fighting the scorching heat in summer and the severe cold in winter...... Sun Xianming stuck to his post, directing traffic day after day, ensuring the safety of vehicles and pedestrians. The past 38 years have also been a white horse, with a flick of his fingers, the green silk has turned into white hair, and the straight waist has become slightly rickety, however, his enthusiasm and focus on work have never diminished, and he still sticks to the front line.

Despite this, Sun Xianming always had a dissatisfaction in his heart. He often looked at the young colleagues around him and sighed that time was unforgiving, "Alas, I seem to be doing things slower and slower, and after all, I can't compare to you energetic young people." Having said that, his eyes still shine with that firmness and perseverance, and that love and perseverance for the transportation industry, which is always the same.

Escort the college entrance examination They pass the baton outside the examination room

Passing on the torch for the first escort

"As a newly recruited traffic policeman, I was fortunate to participate in this year's college entrance examination escort work for the first time, although I did not work at the college entrance examination site, but as a mobile police force, I have always maintained a high degree of tension and fought side by side with everyone." Li Hejin, a policeman from the Fifth Brigade of the sub-bureau, did not dare to relax for a moment as a mobile police force during the college entrance examination, and waited for the police order of the sub-control center at any time.

Escort the college entrance examination They pass the baton outside the examination room

"In 2019, I sat in the bus and looked at the female traffic police outside the test center, and I thought, that is my goal." In 2024, she achieved this goal and stood outside the bus to guide traffic for college entrance examination students, which was the first time that Deng Yuning, a police officer in the Third Branch Office, escorted the college entrance examination. In an interview with reporters, she sighed the passage of time, "I am very excited and happy to be able to escort the college entrance examination students, and the change of roles makes me more aware of the arduousness of this task, and to protect the life path of good students, that is, to protect myself back then."

Escort the college entrance examination They pass the baton outside the examination room

Li Hejin and Deng Yuning, the two new policemen, still have many "firsts" waiting for them to challenge and experience. They are in their youth, in their prime, and are writing their life answer sheet with enthusiasm and unremitting efforts. At the same time, Sun Xianming, an old comrade who is about to retire, is experiencing many "last" farewells and summaries. With rich experience and a steady attitude, he not only sticks to his post, but also leads by example, actively does a good job of passing on and helping people, and contributes his own strength to the growth of a new generation of police.


Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Zhang Weijin Photo provided by the interviewee Responsible editor Chang Lijuan Editor Wang Yiran

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