
Primordial learning is the key to unlocking the door of life awakening

author:See the world through the mesh
Primordial learning is the key to unlocking the door of life awakening

[Original learning is the key to open the door to awakening]

Yuanxue, also known as Yuanxue, is based on the theory of protomaterialism, analyzes the origin of the world and the changes of all things in the universe, and aims to improve the high-dimensional cognition of human beings, involving philosophy, morality, metaphysics, life, body, mind and soul cultivation, medical Taoism, etc.

The original department of awakening culture studies the original nature of all things and explores the ultimate origin of the world.

The original study revolves around the question of the origin of all things, exploring where all things come from? Where are you going? What is the meaning of the existence of all things?

The original study was founded by Chen Enyao, which was originally the internal enlightenment of Ziwei Heavenly Medicine, and later became an independent study after systematic organization. Yuanxue advocates the unity of the three religions, the return of all laws to the sect, the enlightenment of all beings, and the unity of the world, which is a university without national boundaries and cultural belief barriers.

Primordial learning is the key to unlocking the door of life awakening

[What are the functions of the original learning]

1. Primordial science is a tool for observing and understanding the universe.

2. Yuanxue provides a unified cognitive direction for interpreting the highest realm and classics of the saints of the past dynasties, and at the same time provides a new cognitive reference for the new exploration and new cognition of the culture of all nations in the world.

3. Primordial science makes mystical metaphysics a science.

Fourth, the original school provides a spiritual orientation for the practitioner.

Fifth, the original study helps depressed people to get rid of the sea of spiritual suffering and get rid of the shackles of depression.

【The Three Cores of Original Study】

1. The original philosophy, mainly used for the enlightenment of the body, mind and spirit, through a unique way of thinking, to explore the changes in the world and the universe, is a secret tool for understanding the world, which can help us improve our cognition and guide life.

2. The original life cultivation science allows life to enter the practical cultivation stage through the unique life cultivation skills of the original school, such as the longevity formula, yin and yang formula, and qi collection method, so as to achieve the unity of nature and man, and realize the realm of life health and freedom.

Third, the original study of medicine, here is mainly for the exploration and development of heavenly medicine, the ancient name of heavenly medicine, is a science that does not use any medicine to heal the body. Heavenly Medicine, is the medicine of the Heavenly Dao, based on the ancient Chinese traditional culture - Buddhism, Taoism, Qigong, Chinese medicine, and integrated with the latest research results of modern science (cosmic energy, brain science, psychology, etc.), which embodies the essence of dialectical medicine of the unity of heaven, earth and man, and is a super modern medicine.

Primordial learning is the key to unlocking the door of life awakening

【Lecture Notes for Original Studies】

1. Handouts on physical life cultivation

1. The source of life--- handouts of basic qigong skills

2. Eight-section Jin Qigong handout

3. Lecture notes on the etiology of metaplasia on Sunday

4. Heaven and earth and who are blessed by the ancestors --- innate energy handout

5. The karma and blessings of the day after tomorrow--- the quantum energy inside and outside the day after tomorrow

2. Spiritual cultivation handouts

1. Where did we come from--- handouts of the Buddha under the Bodhi tree

2. Where is the beginning and end of life--- lecture notes on the original view of life

3. Awakening is the only way to freedom--- the meaning of life

3. Life cultivation and health preservation handouts

1. The incredible sound of nature--- insomnia life cultivation and healing

2. The miraculous --- of the ancient Xuanmai life cultivation and healing for high blood pressure

3. The incredible --- life healing of waist and leg pain under the light of pure light

4. Acupoint life cultivation and healing

5. Acupuncture and moxibustion life cultivation and healing

6. Depression life cultivation and healing

7. Life cultivation and healing of incurable diseases

8. What universe and life opportunities does the Tao Te Ching expound?

Fourth, the learning content of physical, mental and spiritual cultivation inheritance

1. Practice handouts under the Bodhi tree

2. Practice of lecture notes on the operation of true qi

3. Lecture notes for dialogue time and space

5. The learning content of the cultivation of the Heavenly Doctor's life and the inheritance of the Heavenly Doctor's Dao

1. Lecture notes on the practice of Tianyi health preservation and inner Dan Jue

2. Lecture notes on the practice of heavenly medicine health care and marrow cleansing

3. Lecture notes on the practice of heavenly medicine health and qi collection

4. Lecture notes on the double cultivation of heavenly medicine

5. Lecture practice of the 12 methods of the Heavenly Medicine, Medical Dao, Xuanmai Method, and the Method

Sixth, the five practical inheritance learning content of Tianyi

1. Lecture notes on the Heavenly Doctor Fu Gong Method

2. Lecture notes on the prayer of the Heavenly Doctor

3. Lecture notes on the practice of Tianyi Feng Shui

4. Lecture notes on the eight characters of the Heavenly Doctor

5. Lecture practice of the Heavenly Medicine Formation

7. The three major internal spiritual practice inheritance learning contents

1. Lecture practice of crape myrtle meditation

2. Lecture practice of wordless heavenly books

3. Lecture practice of the Ten Thousand Laws Returning to the Sect

Primordial learning is the key to unlocking the door of life awakening

[Postscript to the original culture - the voice from the original school]

The original study was originally the study of enlightenment. I believe that with the original understanding, we will have a new understanding of the Tao spoken by Lao Tzu, the color and emptiness spoken by the Buddhists, and God, Allah, Brahma, and eternal life. The original theory holds that the galaxy of the universe is vast and infinite, but after all, it rises from the original matter, falls at the original matter, and cycles in the original matter. In the same way, there is only one root of world culture, and ideological divisions can only lead to constant strife. Extreme ideologies can even cause people to deviate from the track and lead the world into a catastrophe from which they will never recover.

In just a few decades, the temptation of desire has led to a fatal crisis in the air and water on which humanity depends, along with a food crisis, a crisis of trust, a crisis of war, a crisis of ecosystems, and so on. This is an indisputable fact that cannot be concealed, because everyone is powerlessly suffering from it.

Earth, this computer seems to have been seriously under-memory, the system is full of vulnerabilities, there is a lag, and it is facing a crash. High-rise buildings can't withstand the trembling of the earth, and civilization can't withstand the mushroom clouds blooming.

Nowadays, few people really feel the loss of the world and pay attention to the sadness of nature. Because we can't even stop the plastic particles that sneak into the blood, and we can't control all kinds of pesticide and fertilizer residues, food additives, and preservatives from blatantly entering the body.

No matter where the body and mind go, they cannot escape the pressure of various contradictions from the family and society, let alone the suffering of their own body and mind from the production of problems. Sometimes I have a drink and a release, but the problems I face are not diminished in the slightest.

Modern buzzwords, come on, come on, hurt each other! It embodies the helpless cry at the lowest level, and what is manifested is the concept of harming others and not benefiting oneself. Why do people hurt each other?

Many key figures in modern times are playing a game of self-destruction through the form of harm to others. Some people blame money for all this, saying that money is the root of all evil. What does a person's karma have to do with money? Money is not sinful, it is just a code name for the circulation of energy. In the final analysis, it is the result of the expansion of one's desires, the result of self-loss and deviation from the right path.

Being at ease with body and mind is a life that everyone yearns for. A bright future requires the efforts of all. The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the husband. The common karma of human beings needs to be borne by all human beings, and no one can escape it. Therefore, no one should evade the responsibility of improving oneself and others. As long as we tolerate evil, evil will not exist. The reason why the world is so bad is not because there are too many bad people, but because there are too many people who tolerate evil.

Primordial learning is the key to unlocking the door of life awakening

For example, in the elevator of a building in a community, there are always one or two people who destroy the elevator, either let the puppy scatter inside, or throw garbage inside, and ravage the elevator from time to time. The whole building thinks that this is the property to be managed. But the sanitation in the elevator is something that the whole building has to face, and if the elevator is destroyed, the travel of the whole building will be affected. This is the sin of several people, and everyone needs to pay for it together. This is common karma, common sin, and common punishment. Don't feel that it doesn't matter to you, everything on the earth and the earth together is a community, one glory may not be co-prosperity for the time being, but one loss must be a common loss.

From elevator problems, to dog owners who hurt passers-by without a leash. If everyone does not tolerate sin, will sin still be so arrogant?

As small as an elevator, as large as a society. Why do few people act bravely when encountering things in society, because there are too many people who tolerate evil, but in fact, tolerating evil itself is a kind of evil, which is like a container that can hold dirty things, and it is no longer clean. When everyone tolerates evil, society will become colder and colder, and one or two bad people will also make the whole society restless. If everyone tolerates evil, when it is critical, if the bad guy provokes him, no one will come to save him. If everyone does not tolerate evil, evil will not dare to be so rampant, and it will disappear.

As small as a society, as large as a world. There will always be one or two bad streams in the country, because everyone only verbally condemns them, and if everyone takes concrete actions to tolerate evil, those bad elements will not be able to raise their heads at all, let alone run rampant in the world.

The reason why evil is evil, and the reason why evil is tolerated is evil. The roots are in the ideological problem. The wicked are afraid of the effect, not the cause. As everyone knows, cause and effect are cyclical. The world lacks a culture of cause and effect. People who do not know the culture of cause and effect are people who do not wake up. People who can't wake up will eventually bump around, and finally hit themselves on the head and bleed, and come to a desperate place.

Human beings need to be conscious, and the world needs to be sober. Only consciously and soberly can we not drive the earth's aircraft carrier to a desperate place.

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