
When people reach middle age, the six most priceless behaviors, I hope you don't have any of them

author:Talking about Chinese culture
When people reach middle age, the six most priceless behaviors, I hope you don't have any of them

Sit quietly and think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others.

No one can really be isolated from the world, and walking in the world will inevitably be inextricably linked with others.

Some people, by virtue of their excellent way of dealing with the world, are often comfortable in their interactions with others.

But some people don't think about the consequences whether they talk or do things, and gradually live like others hate.

Perhaps, we can't be liked by everyone, but at least we can try our best to be a person who is not hated by others.

When people reach middle age, I hope you don't have any of the following 6 kinds of price drops.


Bite off more than one can chew

Writer Yishu said:

Face is the most difficult thing for a person to let go, and it is the most useless thing. The more you care about it, the heavier it becomes, the harder it becomes.

For the sake of face, some people have no money and pretend to be rich, take out a loan to buy a car and a bag, but go out with beautiful scenery, but when they come home, they clean porridge and side dishes, and make noodles to live.

For the sake of face, some people take care of things beyond their ability, and once they don't do it well, they will only suffer themselves.

"Those who know others are wise, and those who know themselves are clear." A person must clearly know how many pounds and taels he has.

Face is an ethereal thing, and it depends on whether others are willing to give it.

And dignity is your own inner energy, which can be firmly in your own hands.

Quit face and live out the inside, in order to pursue a higher life.

When people reach middle age, the six most priceless behaviors, I hope you don't have any of them


Take advantage of people

In our lives, we often encounter such scenarios:

I want to travel to your city in a few days, will you give me food, shelter and play? It's okay for you to be idle at home, can you help my child with homework?

Many people think that everyone is relatives and friends anyway, and it should be very simple for you to help me do something for free.

However, in this world, no one is born to owe anyone. Friends, relatives, and family are not resources that can be blindly requested and used for free.

If you only know how to ask for it without knowing what you want in return, a relationship will not last long.

Zeng Guofan proposed to his juniors that "nine do not pay." One of them is: "Those who take advantage of it do not pay."

Do not take advantage of others in anything, and do not take people's wealth lightly.

Those who are greedy for small profits gain small profits, but what they lose is people's hearts.

When people reach middle age, the six most priceless behaviors, I hope you don't have any of them



There is a good saying: "People can be fine, but don't be yin." ”

Some people do not hesitate to harm others for their own interests, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Such people seem to be profitable, but the fact is that the benefits they gain are often only temporary and will eventually dissipate.

It is often said, "Insidious is the point of no return to the abyss of danger." ”

All the bad things that a person does are actually laying a layer of dark thunder for his future life, and a little spark at any time may detonate his entire life.

In this life, no matter what you do, the first thing is to be worthy of your conscience.

When people reach middle age, the six most priceless behaviors, I hope you don't have any of them


Bow high and step low

It is not difficult to find some "two-faced people" in life, they are the best at "changing their faces", flattering to their superiors, arrogant to their subordinates, and stepping on high and low. ”

Lu Xun once said: "Those who are arrogant will be flattered and flattered to their superiors."

Treat people who are stronger than yourself, if you have no bottom line to please and stutter, you will only lose your dignity.

Instead of dealing with more hypocrisy and false flattery, it is better to see the truth with action.

If you treat people who are weaker than you, if you are arrogant and wantonly abuse, it will only make you look humble.

There is a sentence in "Zhou Yi": A gentleman is not flattering, and he is not blasphemous.

A person who lives a noble life has a ruler in his heart, and does not deceive or deceive.

Treat others as human beings above others, and treat yourself as human beings under others, neither humble nor arrogant.

When people reach middle age, the six most priceless behaviors, I hope you don't have any of them


Show off

In life, people who love to show off abound.

There are people who like to show off their money and are eager to decorate themselves with external prosperity;

Some people like to show off the circle they are in, as if they know whomever they know, they can become, and what kind of resources they are in and what kind of resources they can control;

There are also people who are obsessed with a sense of self-superiority and like to show off their past achievements but forget to improve themselves.

All of this reveals that a person's pattern is not enough and his heart is small.

As the saying goes: "The wise man hides more, and the fool often shows off." ”

Mature people will understand that money is the guarantee of life, not the capital to show off;

The essence of the circle is the exchange of resources, even if the glory around them is infinite, it has nothing to do with themselves;

Past achievements are prologue, and looking at yourself as small and making things big is the eternal way to success.

The water is silent, and the people are steady.

Excellent people know how to abandon flashiness, never publicity, never arrogant.

When people reach middle age, the six most priceless behaviors, I hope you don't have any of them


Behind your back

Talking behind the scenes shows that a person has a bad character and speaks nonsense without basis, indicating that a person is not educated.

If there is any dissatisfaction, mention it in person, it is called "loyalty against the ear". If there's anything wrong, just say it, that's called "tell the truth".

If you talk about it behind your back, you will become a tongue chewer, and you will become a villain.

Gossip hurts people a lot, and behind their backs, they say that people will cause trouble.

Maybe you are an unintentional word, if it is heard by someone with a heart and reaches the ears of the person concerned, it will not only affect your reputation, but also affect getting along, lose trust, and cut off contact.

Sit quietly and think about your own mistakes, and don't talk about others.

Don't expose others' shortcomings, don't talk nonsense, gossip less, and give respect and understanding to others, which is also to accumulate good fortune for yourself.

Someone once said: "Be a man first, then do things, only when you are in place, can you succeed in doing things." ”

People who are truly capable should not only pay attention to the improvement of ability, but also care about the cultivation of conduct.

Lighting up and watching, no matter when, seek the right business, take the right path, I hope each of us can do things in a down-to-earth manner and be a real person.

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