
When my husband returned victorious, I heard my paralyzed husband who didn't have a long mouth, and he was like this:1

author:Mango with durian
When my husband returned victorious, I heard my paralyzed husband who didn't have a long mouth, and he was like this:1

Qin Xiao returned victoriously, I unexpectedly unlocked the mind reading technique, and I could hear Qin Xiao's heart.

It turns out that my husband, who is paralyzed and cold, has such a rich inner world.

It's a pity that he didn't have a long mouth.


In the first year of the Apocalypse, there was chaos in the south, and Qin Xiao led his troops to Pingnan.

This battle lasted for three years, and in the end, Qin Xiao won a great victory, returned triumphantly, and was about to arrive in Kyoto in a few days.

After the three-year-old daughter knew that her father was coming back, she took her two older brothers to the door every day to wait.

When Qin Xiao set out on the expedition, I was already five months pregnant. On the day Qin Xiao left Beijing, I sent him out of the city with a big belly.

"Wait until I get back." Qin Xiao left this sentence, I waited for him in Beijing for three years. Now that he is about to return, my heart is both happy and sorrowful.

If you want to say how good the relationship between our husband and wife is, it is not necessarily. Qin Xiao didn't love me, and it wasn't me who married him in the first place.

Our family affairs are by accident.

But he still gave me the honor that a wife deserved, and at the same time, he also gave me a stable life that I had never had.

Qin Xiao's backyard is very clean, there is no room, no concubine room, only me, the wife.

I married into the Qin family for seven years, and the two of us gave birth to three children together, the eldest son Qin Huaiyu, the second son Qin Huaiying, are twins, and now they are six years old, and the third daughter, Qin Huairou, is now three years old.

Qin Xiao himself is not good at words, usually I want to say something to him, always two or three sentences, and it's over.

At first, I would still be sad about it, but after a long time, I stopped pressing.

I will be the wife he needs, even if it is not who I am.

But I'm very satisfied with this kind of life.

However, in the past three years of Qin Xiao's expedition, as the only hostess of the General's Mansion, I gradually let go of myself, and I am no longer the Mrs. Qin when Qin Xiao was in the mansion, but Xie Yuwan who is a woman.

Now that Qin Xiao is coming back, won't I have to go back to Mrs. Qin again?

Hey, it's a little sad.


But what's the use of worrying? What's more, it's best for him to come back, so you don't have to worry about it anymore.

"Madam, the general is back, the general is back."

"Where's the man?"

"I entered the city a quarter of an hour ago, and I'm on Main Street now."

"Huaiyu, Huaiying, lead my sister, go to the door with my mother, and welcome your father."

"Okay, sister, let's go."

「爹爹,爹爹。 」

When Qin Xiao left, Huaiyu Huaiying was as big as Huairou now, presumably if there was no picture scroll in the study, the brothers would have forgotten what their father looked like.

In the past three years, in order to prevent the children from being unfamiliar with Qin Xiao, I often showed them Qin Xiao's portrait and gave them stories about Qin Xiao's previous wars.

I also read the letter sent back by Qin Xiao to them over and over again.

In the hearts of children, Qin Xiao is an omnipotent hero.

Huairou, who had never seen Qin Xiao even once, said that the first thing he said was his father. After this can speak, the most asked question is when Daddy will come back.

Now that Qin Xiao is coming back, these three children are more excited and happy than anyone else.

"Slow down, don't run so fast, Huaiyu, Huaiying, look at my sister."

"I know my mother."

"Mother, don't worry."

Under the leadership of the two elder brothers, they were all carried into the air, and Qin Huairou, who had not forgotten to stir the little short legs, pulled his little milk voice, "Mother, don't worry, my brother is protecting me."



As the sound of horses' hooves faded, the familiar figure came into my eyes.

The last time we saw each other, it was three years ago when we were separated outside the city. When I saw him this time, it was much darker than three years ago, his heroic spirit was undiminished, and he was a lot more majestic.

[The lady is waiting for me, I'm so happy. I miss my lady so much, I really want to hug and kiss my mother. The lady seems to be more beautiful and more beautiful, oops, why is the lady crying? Do you miss me too much? Hee-hee-hee-hee. 】

I looked at the man on the horse with tears in my eyes, and as a result, a familiar and unfamiliar voice came to my ears.

Familiar because this is Qin Xiao's voice, and unfamiliar is that I haven't heard it for three years.

But...... Qin Xiao didn't open his mouth, he was just looking at me.

[Oh, the lady is looking at me again, I don't know if I look good now, will I be in a hurry, I know that when I enter the city, I will take care of it by the river, but don't be embarrassed in front of the lady. 】

I:??? Did I hear me right? It was really Qin Xiao's voice.

By this time the man had dismounted and walked towards me.

The three children had already rushed over and circled around Qin Xiao's legs, "Daddy, daddy, daddy......

Qin Xiao squatted down and looked at the three small balls.

"Are you Huairou?"


Qin Xiao stretched out his hand and hugged this daughter he had never seen before. Then he looked at the two sons next to him.

"Daddy, I'm Huaiyu."

"Daddy, I'm Huaiying."


After learning that Qin Xiao had won a complete victory and was going to return to Beijing in the near future, I told Huaiyu and Huaiying that their father hadn't seen them for three years, and when he came back this time, he might not recognize who they were, and he would have to take the initiative to tell his father when the time came.

The two children nodded in understanding, after all, when they were in the school, there were often people who couldn't tell the two of them apart. Therefore, he has fooled the master many times.

Qin Xiao: "They are all good children."

After saying that, he stood up with his daughter in his arms, and walked up to me with his three children

"Lady, I'm back."

"Husband, congratulations to you, you have returned triumphantly."

[Why didn't the lady come and hug me? Isn't it embarrassing? Yes, after all, it's outside. Seeing the lady crying, I was so distressed, and I wanted to hug her and kiss her. 】

I raised my hand to wipe my tears, this ...... This is really Qin Xiao's heart.

I stole around and saw that nothing else was out of the ordinary, so I was the only one who heard it.

"Husband, hurry up and enter the mansion, just now the saint sent someone, the husband can not enter the palace to face the saint first, and wait for the evening, just go directly to the celebration banquet."


Look, another word. So I've just been too tired lately, auditory hallucinations. Otherwise, how could Qin Xiao say so many words.

These words are jumping out of a few words, it's him.

[Why does the lady seem to be unhappy? Where did I mess with her? Am I just too cold? 】

"Ahem, lady, I've worked hard for you in the past three years."

"It's really hard for you, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the weather there is not good. I'm in this bustling Kyoto, so I can only guard the rear for my husband, so that my husband has no worries."

"If there is no lady to guard this worry, how can I kill the enemy on the battlefield safely."

"Mom and dad have worked hard, they are both big heroes."

"Yes, the eldest brother is right, my father is great, and my mother is not bad."

"It's all great, it's all great."

"You three little devils."

"The lady taught very well."

I looked at Qin Xiao on the surface, his face was expressionless, only when he spoke, listening to the tone, I could know that he was relaxed now and in a happy mood.

However, his heart ......

[Hahahahaha, this is my son, this is my daughter, this is my child with my mother, he is really good-looking, and smart, at first glance, he is kissed by their mother, it's so good, it's better to go home.

Hey, I have to go to the celebration banquet at night, or I don't want to go, I can sleep with my lady early.

Woo woo woo, I still miss the lady. 】