
It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion

It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion


Recently, a tweet from IGN's French branch sparked a lot of heated discussions and discussions. It was originally a promotional tweet about the game "Black Myth: Wukong", but it caused questions and criticism from netizens because of the sentence "The golden hoop stick should not be put in the ear". Such a tweet not only plunged IGN France into the whirlpool of public opinion, but also sparked speculation about the professionalism and cultural respect of game media.

It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion

1. Review of events: IGN France's "ignorant" rhetoric

Recently, a game called Black Myth: Wukong has attracted a lot of attention around the world, and IGN, as a well-known game review media, has sparked controversy because of some unprofessional remarks when rating and reviewing this game. Among them, when IGN France promoted "Black Myth: Wukong", a tweet published became the focus of public opinion.

在这则推文中,IGN法国写道:"We played Black Myth Wukong and we can tell you that Sun Wukong's staff, you shouldn't put it in your ears. ”翻译过来就是:“我们玩了黑神话悟空,可以告诉大家,孙悟空的金箍棒,不应该放进耳朵里。 ”这样一句话,让原本正常的游戏宣传推文变得十分“糟糕”,因为金箍棒是东方大国传统神话《西游记》中的道具,而孙悟空可以随心所欲地变大变小,金箍棒也可以轻松变大变小,所以这句话的意思其实是“金箍棒可以变大变小”,而IGN法国分部却将其“误解”为“金箍棒可以放进耳朵里”,这无疑是对东方大国传统文化的一种伤害和冒犯。

It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion

2. IGN France's "ignorant" remarks have been questioned by netizens

It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion

Once it comes to cultural and traditional issues, it is easy to cause controversy and doubts from all parties, and IGN France's "ignorant" remarks naturally can't escape the "picky" eyes of netizens, many netizens have questioned and criticized it after seeing this tweet, thinking that the staff of IGN France branch knows nothing about the traditional culture of the big eastern country, so they will make such remarks on public social platforms.

This tweet from IGN France not only did not play a role in publicity, but made more netizens focus on them and became a "laughing stock" in the public's mouth, and many people @IGN France in the comment area, hoping that they can learn more about some relevant traditional cultural knowledge in their future work, and stop making such "ignorant" remarks in public.

It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion

3. IGN France's apology and reflection

In the face of so much skepticism and criticism, IGN France also realized its mistake, and after just a few hours, they deleted the original tweet and published a public apology letter on social platforms, reflecting deeply on their ignorant remarks, and promising to deal with similar cultural issues more carefully in their future work, so as not to offend and harm specific groups.

IGN France's apology has also been understood and supported by many netizens, who believe that although IGN France has made mistakes, it at least has the courage to face up to and correct its own problems, and such an attitude and action is also worthy of their affirmation and encouragement, hoping that in the future work, IGN can pay more attention to the dissemination and publicity of culture, and bring more meaningful game works to the majority of players.

It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion

4. Cultural understanding and respect for the media

Not long ago, when IGN reviewed "Black Myth: Wukong", it was considered to be "picking" the image of the game because of some unprofessional remarks, and that the image of women in the game was not respected, and the results of such reviews also caused dissatisfaction and doubts among many players.

In today's era of globalization, where the cultures of various countries and regions are blended together, the media also need to have a certain degree of cross-cultural understanding and respect when commenting and reporting on them, especially for some specific cultural issues, and should be more cautious to avoid offending and harming specific groups because of their own remarks.

In today's cyberspace, public opinion spreads very quickly, and once there is an inappropriate remark, it is likely to cause widespread controversy and negative impact, the media should pay more attention to the influence of their own speech, always keep in mind their professionalism and ethics, and should not "touch" some sensitive cultural issues at will, let alone "comment on them".

It's a big deal! The golden hoop stick is not a cotton swab and should not be put in the ear? The comments on the French website sparked discussion

5. Supervision and questioning by netizens

No matter what kind of speech it is, it may be affected by different views and interpretations, which is why cyberspace is now full of all kinds of "voices", and the supervision and questioning of netizens has also become an important way to safeguard public interests and social values.

It is precisely because of these "picky" eyes that it is possible for the media to realize their own problems and reflect and correct them in a timely manner, although such a process will make the media fall into a certain whirlpool of public opinion, but it is a powerful "test" of their moral standards and professionalism, and can also help them continue to progress and grow.

In the face of various doubts and criticisms, the media also need to have a tolerant and understanding heart, and should not "generalize" that netizens' remarks are "picking on thorns", but should draw some useful suggestions and opinions from them, so as to improve their own work and development, and work with netizens to build a more diverse and inclusive cyberspace.


IGN France's "ignorant" remarks have taught everyone a "cultural lesson", and also made people realize that the media needs to have a certain degree of cultural understanding and respect when making relevant comments and reports, and should be more cautious in handling relevant cultural issues to avoid offending and harming specific groups.

Such an incident has also given us a lot of inspiration and conjecture, whether it is the media or the general public, in the face of some "sensitive" topics, should have a heart of tolerance and understanding, more exchanges and communication, less "prejudice" and "criticism", I believe that through the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to build a better social and network environment.

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