
It's easy to resign and it's hard to recruit people, thinking that if you have a establishment, you will be stable, but the result seems to be scrapped?

author:Ant shrimp kan

The people who work in the reservoir are completely confused, thinking that they will be stable if they have an establishment, but it seems to be scrapped! Nowadays, people have a crazy obsession with compilation, and feel that compilation is everything. In the current tough employment situation, stability is what many people crave, but can the establishment really represent everything? Looking at the reservoir, there is a weaving, but most of the people who got the reservoir weaving now regret it, feeling that they are about to be abolished. What changed the minds of the Reservoir People? Many cities have reservoirs, and these reservoirs also need people to manage, and they are used to the prosperity of the city, and it may be difficult to adapt to the environment of the reservoir.

But no matter what the environment is, the reservoir management personnel are organized, and this has already made many people flock to it. So what do reservoir managers generally do? In fact, there is really no work, as long as it can ensure the normal operation of the reservoir, generally speaking, you can walk around twice, and take a look at the liquid level and water quality of the reservoir. Such a simple and easy-to-use job is definitely sweet and sweet in the eyes of that group of college students who can't find a job. You know, there are a lot of college graduates every year, but there are so many job opportunities, and there are many low-paying jobs, but even so they are robbed.

It's easy to resign and it's hard to recruit people, thinking that if you have a establishment, you will be stable, but the result seems to be scrapped?

However, the current environment is indeed not very good, and the company's revenue has also been seriously affected. Many companies have had to scale down and reduce labor costs to get by. Because compared to other methods, layoffs are the most straightforward and effective. Young people are okay, after all, they have just left society, and they just need to look for a job. But many middle-aged people have been working hard in private companies for more than ten years, but they suddenly received the bad news of layoffs, which is a bolt from the blue. Except for a small number of people who can find jobs, the rest are basically entering industries with low thresholds such as food delivery and online car-hailing.

It is this kind of "tragedy" that occurs frequently and gradually leads young people to move towards more stable employment. After all, there will be a day when you become middle-aged. In the context of choice greater than effort, stable establishment has become a symbol of the "iron rice bowl". But nothing is absolute, there are good and bad private companies, and there are also gaps in staffing. I am afraid that the establishment of reservoirs is really not the favorite choice, but some people feel that it is stable if they have a structure, and do not consider other practical factors. But when it comes to real work, it's really hard for many young people to bear. Reservoir work is really simple, but this boring life is not something that anyone can bear. In addition to inspecting the reservoir every day, a lot of time is spent lying flat, sitting at the desk and playing with mobile phones, which has naturally become the norm.

It's easy to resign and it's hard to recruit people, thinking that if you have a establishment, you will be stable, but the result seems to be scrapped?

But this kind of repetitive and unchallenging days is difficult for many middle-aged people to endure, let alone young people who are exploring the world. Some people say that you don't want to be so hypocritical, such a stable job, and basically no one cares, how comfortable, but this isolated life ultimately consumes your own youth. Many young people who have been in the reservoir for two or three years have begun to retreat. But I felt that I hadn't learned anything in the past two years, and I was afraid that I would go out and hit my head and bleed, so I continued to wear down my courage in this confusion

。 And don't look at the reservoir has a preparation, the money you make is really not much, if you are really a self-motivated young man, this kind of life will definitely be difficult to meet your needs, if you feel that this life is stable, the life of the reservoir management personnel is still quite nourishing, nothing can also be fishing, by the way to raise flowers can also be enjoyed, enjoy your retirement life in advance, but don't think about getting promoted and getting rich. Some people will say that this kind of life seems to be good, but in fact, the current establishment may not be able to meet your stable needs. In particular, this kind of job with high substitution is even more dangerous. Because streamlining staff has become the main theme, even teachers, who have always been sought after by people, are facing the risk of elimination, which would have been unimaginable ten years ago.

It's easy to resign and it's hard to recruit people, thinking that if you have a establishment, you will be stable, but the result seems to be scrapped?

And government agencies have also begun to remove non-staff personnel, which in itself is a signal, and in a few years, who can guarantee that the retired personnel will not be eliminated according to the last position? So one way or another, stability is only relative. Strengthening our irreplaceability is what we should do. People who are incapable are the most likely to become cannon fodder, do a good job in career planning, don't be confused by the establishment, and choose the path that suits you is the most important thing. So what do you think of the establishment of reservoirs?

It's easy to resign and it's hard to recruit people, thinking that if you have a establishment, you will be stable, but the result seems to be scrapped?