
I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

author:Released by Longnanli County

"I never answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search." Do you do the same? In this era of information explosion, we are bombarded with all kinds of calls every day, but how many calls are really worth answering?

I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

Some people say that not answering the phone is a lack of seriousness towards life, is this really the case? In fact, we're sifting through information in a smarter way.

According to the survey, nearly 82% of people would rather confirm their identity through social software before deciding whether to answer. Because not every call carries good news, there have been as many as 10,000 phone fraud cases in the first half of 2024, involving more than 50 million yuan.

I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

Remember that unfortunate old king? On a cold and windy night in December 2023, he received a call from someone claiming to be a "bank customer service", and the savings in his bank card said goodbye to him. If he had used WeChat to search at the time, he might have been able to avoid the loss.

I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

This reminds me of selling custom wine and having a three-digit deposit, do I want to set the phone to reject calls in the future, but don't be cheated by someone when my three-digit deposit is scammed

I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

But does that mean we can give up on answering the phone altogether? Of course not, sometimes an important job opportunity or an emergency still requires us to keep the communication open.

I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

Experts suggest that for unknown calls, search on WeChat first, and then consider answering if you find a legitimate business or personal information. At the same time, you can set the mobile phone software to automatically identify and intercept suspicious calls.

I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

I would like to ask the experts, for our custom wine business, most of the calls are unfamiliar calls, if a customer calls me, do I answer or not?

I don't answer strange calls, but I will go to WeChat to search

Forget it, if you want to find me to customize liquor, I will not only call in seconds, but also provide brothers with 70-year-old distillery solid fermentation pure grain brewed puree liquor, more than 20 types of packaging for you to choose, 5 boxes can be customized, and the packaging wine bottle can be marked with your own company's LOGO and corporate culture.

But are you ready to keep your information safe in the modern world? Or is it just passively waiting for the next scam to appear?

Source: Baidu Wolf Dao Rusi AI

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