
The secret of shredded pork with green peppers: meat first and then peppers, tender and delicious, delicious to eat!


The secret of shredded pork with green peppers: meat first and then peppers, tender and delicious, delicious to eat! ️

Today, the shredded pork with green pepper we are going to talk about is one of them. But, you know what? The shredded pork with green pepper seems simple, but it actually has its "secret" - that is, the order of frying. Do you fry the green peppers first or fry the shredded pork first? Don't worry, let me take you to uncover this secret and share a family version of how to make shredded meat tender and delicious without putting starch!

The secret of shredded pork with green peppers: meat first and then peppers, tender and delicious, delicious to eat!

Family version of shredded pork with green peppers

Next, let's learn how to make this home version of shredded pork with green peppers!

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients. Use fresh screw peppers and cut into thick and thick strips for later use. Cut the lean pork on the front leg into thin strips, add soy sauce, oyster sauce and half an egg white, mix well, and marinate for 10 minutes. The shredded meat marinated in this way is tender and smooth, and the taste is excellent.

The secret of shredded pork with green peppers: meat first and then peppers, tender and delicious, delicious to eat!

When the oil is hot, add the marinated lean shreds, quickly spread them out, and stir-fry until they change color. The shredded meat fried in this way not only maintains the tender taste, but also avoids the texture caused by overcooking.

Put minced garlic in another pot, pour in shredded green peppers, add half a spoon of salt to taste, and stir-fry for five, six, seven or eight times. After the green pepper is slightly broken, add the fried shredded meat, and continue to stir-fry evenly on high heat. Finally, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce to taste, stir-fry evenly, and then serve on a plate.

The secret of shredded pork with green peppers: meat first and then peppers, tender and delicious, delicious to eat!

Why is this shredded pork with green pepper so popular?

This shredded pork with green pepper is popular not only because of its tender texture and delicious taste, but also because it is easy to make and suitable for daily cooking at home. Moreover, the ingredients used in this dish are all common home-cooked ingredients, which is both economical and affordable.

In addition, this green pepper shredded pork has another characteristic, that is, its "versatility". Whether it is paired with rice, noodles or steamed buns, it can be perfectly combined and will make people appetite. This is one of the reasons why it has become a "regular" at the table of many people.

The secret of shredded pork with green peppers: meat first and then peppers, tender and delicious, delicious to eat!

At last

Today, together we unveiled the "secret" of shredded pork with green peppers and learned a home version of how to do it. This dish is simple and easy to make, tender in taste, and delicious in taste, making it a great choice for everyday cooking at home. If you also like this dish, you might as well try this method, I believe you will have unexpected gains!

Finally, if you think this is a good practice, or if you think this article has inspired and helped you, please remember to give me a little red heart to encourage you! Thank you very much for your support and attention! Let's find happiness and satisfaction in the world of food together! ️