
South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

author:Attack on the Bookworm

A couple in love,Kissing passionately in the corridor of the apartment,The next second the female owner took off her pants in front of the male owner.,Extreme teasing of the male owner.,But that's not all.,When the male owner couldn't help it.,The female owner locked the male owner outside the door to blow the cool breeze.。 It's a hot summer.,Although the male protagonist has set up a tent.,But it's still very hot.。 Immediately afterwards, the heroine opened the door and immediately began to stage an 18 forbidden scene.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

And this scene is just the beginning of "Long Time No Job"! Not only does it make me think about it, but the plots in the future don't all have to be inappropriate for children! But I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, the plot would reach the scene of mother and son's filial piety.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

A middle-aged couple in pajamas, stepping into the seven-year itch, is more willing to be self-sufficient than trying to create fun! Although the scene is heart-wrenching, this is indeed a true portrayal of many middle-aged couples, who would rather do it themselves than do it to each other. The passion of the past, after being fermented by time, has long been turned into family affection. The throbbing in his heart is long gone, his left hand is your right hand, and her right hand is your left hand.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

After the passion faded, life was only left with firewood, rice, oil and salt, and the couple who were pressed by the mortgage and car loan were out of breath (I thought it was like this in China, and it turned out that South Korea was also like this), every day of careful calculation, the male protagonist was reluctant to drink even a cup of coffee, and the female protagonist was reluctant to eat even a meal of fried chicken, just to save money to repay the loan, and the days went on like this, the male owner was a taxi driver, and the female owner was a hotel front desk.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

Until one day, the male protagonist's taxi was blistered, and their fate changed completely.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

This large-scale realistic Korean drama "Long Time Haven't Done" is co-directed by Jeon Gaoyun and Ren Dajiong, starring Li Xu and Ahn Jae-hong, Li Xu is the heroine of last year's popular action movie "Kill Fushun" Fushun, I didn't expect that the performance in this drama is so different from the previous role, and it is really a little difficult to accept for a moment. Although the male protagonist Ahn Jae-hong looks a little familiar, I really can't remember which drama I have seen it in.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

On that rainy day, the male protagonist lost his taxi and lost his job, so he borrowed money from his best friend, but in exchange for merciless ridicule, the boat of friendship overturned. At the same time, this friend even took him to a private meeting with the junior.,The purpose is just to use him as a cover.,Don't borrow money.,Forget it.,The mouth is not strict.,Told the daughter-in-law about the male owner's drowning and unemployment.,As a result, the male owner's daughter-in-law immediately knew.。

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

The female protagonist knew the fact that her "best girlfriend" husband was cheating on her from the male protagonist's mouth, and in the accident, the male protagonist and the female protagonist completed the first "rape" extra money, so their professional rape career began from then on, and their purpose was very simple, just to make money.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

"Long Time No Job" has a total of 6 episodes, and the male and female protagonists have cooperated to catch rape a total of four times, each of which is very bizarre, but at the last time, they successfully caught each other, which is really a bit ironic. What's even more interesting is that the money they worked so hard to extort was either for their father's birthday or for their niece's piano cram school, which is estimated to only happen in Asia.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

The choice of the object of rape is also very interesting: the first pair is a soft rice man who claims to be a real junior and his daughter-in-law; The second pair is an old couple who doesn't find true love until they are 60; The third pair is pure office cheating; The fourth pair is same-sex cheating; The last pair is the male protagonist and the female protagonist herself.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

is verifying that sentence.,Retribution will come sooner or later.,The pain you give to others.,Maybe one day it will be returned in the same way.,And the male and female protagonists verified this sentence.。 Eventually, they caught their own adulterer, and their marriage broke down. The male protagonist returned to his hometown and his father as a fruit farmer, and the female protagonist returned to the rental house, and neither of them had a good life.

South Korea's large-scale realistic drama "Long Time Haven't Done", nakedly unveils the fig leaf of middle-aged couples!

The male and female protagonists went from passionate at the beginning, to being bland like water later, and then to no interest. In order to live, he began to become a professional rapist and made money, but in the end he suffered his own bitter fruits, and the two of them did their best to slander each other and ruined their marriage. After a period of introspection, the two of them returned to the original point, returned to the rental house, and suddenly had passion again, and finally did it again after not doing it for a long time!

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