
Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

author:Don't dream cold tonight


In the long history of mankind, torture is a shadow that gazes at the ugliness of human nature and witnesses the brutality of power. In European history, there have been some heinous tortures, such as testicular torture, iron virgins and breast clamps, which not only caused great physical and psychological harm to individuals, but also violated human nature and dignity. So, what kind of social reality does the appearance of these tortures reflect? And how is it rationalized and legitimized? This article will explore the phenomenon of torture in European history from a historical perspective, and how to draw profound historical lessons from it.

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

1. The dark side of power and religion

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

1. Torture in European history

There are many types of torture in European history, some of which are even horrifying. For example, testicular torture is a type of torture that is specifically inflicted on men, and the torturer will use various tools to brutally cut or squeeze the testicles of men, causing great suffering to the victims. The Iron Maiden, on the other hand, is an iron utensil with spikes in which the victim is kept and once the Iron Maiden is closed, the spikes pierce the whole body, causing the victim to be dripping with blood and pain. In addition, there are methods of torture such as mammation clamps and gallows, all of which are extreme trampling on human nature and dignity.

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

2. Torture and the desire for power

Why, then, is there such brutal torture? The advent of torture is inextricably linked to the desire for power. In medieval Europe, feudal monarchs and ecclesiastical clergy wielded great power, and they often resorted to brutal torture to assert their dominance. Torture of dissidents can not only cause them great physical and mental suffering, but also serve as a deterrent and suppression, so that others will not dare to easily violate their authority.

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

3. Misuse of religious beliefs

In addition to the desire for power, the misuse of religious beliefs is also an important reason for the emergence of torture. In medieval Europe, Christianity played an extremely important role in social life, and some rulers tended to rationalize their rule as a sacred mission, interpreting the brutal repression of dissent as a cleansing of heresies, which was supported and recognized by the Church. It can be said that religious beliefs provide legitimacy to the emergence of torture and make torture a public and reasonable means of punishment.

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

2. Reminders of history

1. Be wary of abuses of power

Looking back at the phenomenon of torture in European history, we can draw very profound historical lessons from it. The advent of torture reflects the desire of rulers for power, and their willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain their dominance will lead to the degradation of human nature and the gradual loss of the original purpose of power to protect the people. We must be vigilant against the abuse of power and establish a sound set of supervision and checks and balances, so that power is no longer a sharp blade that can be wielded at will, but a sharp weapon for the well-being of the people.

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

2. Rationalization of religious beliefs

The advent of torture has also made us reflect deeply on the issue of religious belief. Throughout history, religious beliefs have often been misused as a tool to justify violence and as a pretext for torture by rulers. We need to look at religion with a rational eye, so that religious beliefs can return to human care and love, rather than becoming a tool to harm others.

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!

3. Solve problems rationally and humanely

The existence of torture is undoubtedly a projection of violence and hatred, which fills society with fear and pain, and also allows hatred to spread in the hearts of people. We must learn from history and understand that violence and cruelty can never solve the problem, and only by facing the complex social reality in a rational and humane way can we find a real solution and establish a fair and just social order.

Testicular torture, iron virgin, breast forceps, 8 kinds of torture in the history of Europe, make life worse than death!


History is a mirror that allows us to see the light and darkness of human nature, and also allows us to understand many truths. The phenomenon of torture in European history is like a heavy stone that weighs on our hearts, so that we will never dare to forget the cruelty and suffering of the past. It is the responsibility of each of us to remember history and the lessons of the past, and it is also the key to ensuring a more civilized and harmonious future. Let us learn from history and work together to prop up a blue sky belonging to mankind with reason and love.