
I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

author:Happy Station

Recently, a mother shared on social media that her daughter's "Abebe" turned out to be a wok, which caused onlookers and heated discussions among netizens for a while. Let's take a look at this fun and heartwarming picture!


In a warm family in Guangdong, there is a cute cute baby and her "Abebe" wok, which have become little stars on the Internet recently. When sharing the video, the mother smiled and said: "My daughter's sleeping habits are really different, I never have to worry about it, as long as she holds this wok in her hand, she can fall asleep peacefully." In the video, the little girl hugs the wok tightly, with a satisfied smile on her face, as if this wok is her closest partner.

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Bao's mother couldn't help but cry and laugh when she saw her daughter relying on the wok so much. She confessed: "I feel a little redundant, and I have been replaced by a wok!" Although there was a little jealousy in the words, it was more full of love for his daughter. She explained that this wok is a common kitchen utensil kind of toy at home, and her daughter doesn't know when she started to take an interest in it, and she has to sleep with it every night.

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

As soon as this video was released, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens ridiculed: "After this child gets married in the future, it is estimated that he will be a red wolf, and when he is angry, he will beat his husband with a frying pan!" Some netizens said worriedly: "If there is someone next to you, turn over, it is estimated that you will have to wake up by pinching someone!" Some netizens shared an interesting story about their home: "My baby's Abebe is my little belly, and I have to touch it every day to fall asleep." ”

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

What a warm man, he has hot water to drink everywhere he goes

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Are you going to take over the quicksand river, or are you waiting for the senior brother?

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

It may be influenced by adults

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

It's an orthopedic surgeon's fodder

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

A snack is in the pot

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

I thought my daughter didn't have Abebe, but I read the comment section and realized that it was me

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Maybe it's a barber

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Sewing and mending is indeed holding the old for many years, you can throw it, but it can't

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

The niche is unique, and it seems that the taste is not ordinary

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

I'm dreaming of steaming steamed buns

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

The child is not sent by the ex-boyfriend

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

When you grow up, you must not be afraid of the pot thrown by your colleagues. Because it can be caught

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Iron sand palms, this is a child who has been gearing up

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

At first, I felt sorry for you, but then I wanted to laugh

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

The first thing you say when you wake up every day is to cheer yourself up first

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

It doesn't feel like you're enjoying a free massage

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Isn't the microwave oven generally quite high? How to do it

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

That's not wearing one and hugging the other

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Protect yourself, or you'll be in big trouble

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

That's right, the hug quilt and the quilt are all me, hehe

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

How old is grandma, take care of your body

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Everyone was curious, what is this?

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

It can't be eggs

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

Give birth to one and try it to know

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

These comments and shares make the story even more interesting and interesting. Everyone said that each family has its own unique parent-child relationship and warm moments. And this wok, Abebe, has not only become a soothing artifact for the little girl, but also a good memory in this family.

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

In this fast-paced society, people are often busy with work and life chores, and rarely have time to pay attention to the little love around them. And the story of this cute baby wok, Abebe, reminds us to cherish every warm moment around us and feel the beauty and happiness in life.

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

The story of Abeibei, the "wok" of Guangdong Mengwa, allows us to find a moment of tranquility and laughter in our busy lives. It tells us that no matter how busy and complicated life is, we should keep a childlike heart to discover and feel the beauty in life. At the same time, this story also makes us cherish the family and friendship around us more, and make love the warmest sunshine in our lives. I hope that everyone can be like this little girl, have their own "Abebe" to accompany us through every warm night.

I can't laugh anymore! Daughter's Abebe turned out to be a frying pan, and the comments in the comment area are simply too explosive!

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