
Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

There is no 24th in the rivers and lakes

2024-06-14 13:45Posted in Henan Sports Creators

James, who entered the NBA in 2003, has already achieved fame, holds 4 championship rings, and also has various personal honors such as 4MVP+4FMVP, just looking at these his future induction into the Hall of Fame is already a sure thing, now it depends on when he retires, and it won't be long before he can be nominated. However, there is a conundrum that if a player of James' caliber is inducted into the Hall of Fame, who will be the most suitable person to introduce him?

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

Looking back at other examples of supergiants being inducted into the Hall of Fame, Jordan was introduced by his young basketball idol David Thompson, and Kobe Bryant was introduced by Jordan, whom he regarded as his role model. Originally, Kobe Bryant was very suitable to be James's introducer, who expressed his appreciation for Kobe before participating in the draft that year, and he also bluntly said that Kobe Bryant also entered the NBA after graduating from high school and succeeded, and finally James was able to join the Lakers in 2018, and Kobe's recruitment also had an obvious effect.

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

In addition to Kobe, it is now time to pick a player who is suitable to be a future inductee for James Hall of Fame, and only these five players are eligible.

5. Wade

Although Wade is a rookie in the class of 2003 like James, he is a few years older than James, so when the two joined forces with the Heat, Wade was one of the few people on the team who could listen to James' advice. Although Wade's historical status is not as high as James', the Hall of Fame inductors do not particularly consider this, like when Wade was inducted into the Hall of Fame, he just looked for Iverson, who is obviously not as high as Wade's historical status.

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

The relationship between James and Wade is relatively rare in this business league, the two established a bond as early as when they were drafted, and later teamed up with the Heat to promote the relationship between the two of them, and even the two families. After losing the 2011 Finals, Wade took the initiative to find James and let him play as "selfish" as possible in the later games, so James played the strongest state at that time, so no matter what, Wade must be one of the potential candidates for James to be inducted into the Hall of Fame in the future.

4. Bird

Before James' complete rise, the NBA's all-time No. 1 small forward has always been Bird, as one of the faces of the NBA in the 80s, he helped the Green Army win three championships, and he even played three consecutive MVP feats. And in Bird's career, he is not only good at scoring and trash-talking, but also his rebounding and passing are also very top-level, and he has averaged at least 20+10+5 per game for 5 seasons.

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

The most important thing is that after retiring, Bird does not like the past and the present like other players of the same era, on the contrary, Bird has praised the new generation of players in the league more than once. And when James slowly surpassed Bird later, the latter was still very patterned, as long as James never skimped with praise. Naturally, James also respects this senior very much, and not long ago he reposted Bird's highlights from his playing game on social media.

3. Magician

When James participated in the draft that year, his template was Magic Johnson, and both of them played very well-rounded on the court and had similar basketball philosophies. And the Magic's coffee position in the league back then was big enough, and he was also the face star of the league at his peak, and he was always full of seats whenever he played. Under the leadership of Magic, the Lakers reached the Finals eight times in the 80s, including five championships, and he also won MVP and FMVP many times, and he is still the No. 1 point guard in NBA history to this day.

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

After retiring, Magic changed from a Lakers player to Lakers management, in 2017 he was appointed by the Lakers as the president of team operations, and in 2018 James became a free agent, Magic immediately launched a "crazy pursuit" on behalf of the Lakers, in order to sign James, Magic personally went to James's home to meet with him. In 2019, the Magic saw that the team's head coach Walton was not worthy, so he would rather resign than cut him, so the Lakers had a chance to sign 2020 championship coach Vogel.

It can be said that the Lakers were able to win the championship in 2020, and the Magic also made great contributions to the team, and the promise he made to recruit James was fulfilled. So whether it's looking at the historical status of the magician or the relationship between him and James, he is qualified to be the latter's Hall of Fame inductee.

2. Abdul-Jabbar

Like Magic, Abdul-Jabbar is also a Lakers celebrity, and although he and James don't have that close relationship, after all, his place in history is there, and he has always been in second place in history before James. And one thing Abdul-Jabbar and James have in common is that they are both evergreens in NBA history, Abdul-Jabbar not only played in the NBA for 20 seasons, but also helped the Lakers win a championship when he was 40 years old.

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

Before James broke Abdul-Jabbar's record, he also held the all-time scoring leader, and when James broke the record last season, the 76-year-old was there to celebrate him. So on the whole, Abdul-Jabbar must be qualified to be James's introducer.

1. Jordan

As one of the greatest players in NBA history, the only one who may be in the historical position of James is Jordan, in the 15-year NBA career, Jordan has led the team to win the championship 6 times, it can be said that he personally built the Bulls dynasty in the 90s, and to this day, looking at his winning rate of 6 finals and 6 championships, it will still feel quite exaggerated. In terms of personal honors, although Jordan has not played for a long time, he has won 5 MVPs, 10 scoring titles, and as a guard, he has also been elected DPOY.

Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

Regardless of his historical status, Jordan was also an idol of James' youth, who publicly stated that he wore the No. 23 jersey because of Jordan. In many interviews in the early days, James expressed his respect for Jordan more than once, so it is also very appropriate for Jordan to be his introducer.

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  • Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty
  • Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty
  • Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty
  • Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty
  • Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty
  • Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty
  • Who qualifies James to be his Hall of Fame inductee after he retires? There are only 5 people at full duty

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