
Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

author:Special dietitian Lao Liu

Now, there are two forces on the Internet, one is the six people represented by Lao Hu Pandao, including Yang Ming Spirit, Shenyang Weng, the old saying basket, Bing Xue's happy life in his later years, and Shen Xiaowan 6 people;

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

The other group is represented by Sima Nan, five people, namely Sima Nan, Jin Canrong, Chen Ping, Zhang Weiwei, and Hu Xijin.

Some netizens also gave them the title - the five uniques of the Internet: Chen Ping of the East Evil, Sima Nan of the West Poison, Jin Canrong of the Southern Emperor, Zhang Weiwei of the Northern Beggar, and Hu Xijin of the Zhongshentong.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

The six people of Lao Hu Pandao are basically from the grassroots, and the number of fans is not very large, the topic mainly revolves around the comparison between the three rural issues and the reform and opening up, the readers are mainly farmers, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly groups;

Sima Nan is represented by the Internet Five Uniques, basically all of whom are celebrities, either scholars or big Vs, with a huge number of fans, such as Sima Nan has 50 million fans and Hu Xijin has 2,000 fans, all of whom are head Internet celebrities in the media.

The topics of their works are mainly international relations, especially Sino-US relations, as well as domestic current affairs, and the main readers are grassroots groups in society, most of whom are relatively old.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

It can be seen that the intersection of these two circles is that the readers are basically middle-aged and elderly, and the majority of social grassroots groups.

Which of these two circles has more positive energy?

At first glance, the Internet often criticizes the United States, praises the motherland, and questions certain celebrities and entrepreneurs, and feels full of positive energy.

In fact, these are basically appearances, and behind the few of them are actually MCNs.

For example, Sima Nan's account and Jin Canrong's account were once under Rao Jin's company, and the company behind Zhang Weiwei, Chen Ping and Hu Xijin is, and the boss is Li Shimo.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

And Li Shimo and Rao Jin are still in a cooperative relationship, and Li Shimo once invested 100 million yuan in Rao Jin at one time.

What these big Vs are best at is to use the people's patriotic enthusiasm to harvest traffic and create sensational topics to attract attention.

For example, in July 2021, there was extremely heavy rainfall in Henan, and Zhengzhou suffered severe flooding, but Jin Canrong's account actually posted a post questioning that this was a "meteorological weapon" carried out by the Americans.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

And that professor, Zhang Weiwei, gave a lecture in 2016 entitled "Chinese, You Have to Be Confident."

In his speech, Zhang Weiwei said that he saw eggs in the migrant workers' lunch boxes, so he sighed: Our lunch boxes are indeed better than the American middle class. This video made him an overnight hit.

Zhang Weiwei also said that the Gini coefficient is not suitable for China, and most of the Chinese people are very rich, because they not only have wage income, but in fact, the country's mines, land, and so on belong to the whole people.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

This kind of argument has been ridiculed by many people, such as how Academician Zuoxiu satirized Zhang Weiwei for saying a bunch of empty words and lies.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

As for Sima Nan, by questioning Lenovo, he actually wanted to deny the private economy and advocate comprehensive nationalization, and Sima Nan also questioned the excellent writer Mo Yan, believing that Mo Yan had smeared the motherland.

Relying on this kind of operation, Sima Nan successfully attracted tens of millions of fans, and the number of views of a video alone reached 8 million, and even his boss Rao Jin said ostentatiously: The eloquence of Sima Dehua, the uncle of Beijing Hutong, has completely conquered tens of millions of fans.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

Therefore, on the whole, the remarks of Sima Nan and the five people are not conducive to the development of the private economy, to the implementation of the socialist literary and artistic policy of "let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend", and are not conducive to a correct understanding of the actual situation at home and abroad.

Let's look at the six-person circle of Lao Hu Pan Road.

They have no team, no operation, and are completely flesh-and-blood self-media authors.

They are not bound by the capital team, so their works are more real and more in line with the reality of China today.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

For example, on the issue of peasants' treatment and peasants' pensions, their view is that the issue of peasants' pensions is a long-standing and difficult problem, and it cannot be because peasants have made contributions and are now giving peasants pensions just like state cadres and civil servants, so the state simply cannot afford it, and it does not conform to the social security law.

At present, the state gives the peasants a pension subsidy of 120 yuan every month, which is completely given to the peasants under the condition of tight state finances, and the state has abolished the imperial grain and state tax for thousands of years, and also subsidized agriculture, and the peasants should be grateful.

Lao Hu Pandao and Sima Nan, who has contributed to society? After watching Sima Nan, fans couldn't sit still.

As for the comparison before and after the reform and opening up, there is no doubt that the majority of people lived in poverty in the past, but now the people have basically achieved a well-off, and now it is much better than in the past.

In response to the problem that some farmers are unwilling to pay medical insurance, Lao Hu Pandao has repeatedly emphasized that paying medical insurance and social security is a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people.

Therefore, on the whole, the views of the six people of Lao Hu Pandao are basically in line with the reality of the Chinese people, the reality of rural farmers and agriculture, and they can just correct the style and leftist tendency of the Internet, so there is more positive energy.

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