
687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

author:Guan Wen Shi said
687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

The girl was crying and asked her father why he had changed his will. She won the top liberal arts in Huanggang City with a score of 687, and with eager expectations for her favorite university, while waiting for the long-awaited admission letter, she didn't expect her father to secretly revise her college entrance examination intention...... [Surprise]

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

Dai Liu, a girl who amazed everyone with a high score of 687 points, failed to enter her favorite university due to her father's selfishness. Dai Liu, who could not accept this cruel reality, resolutely chose to run away from home, which was a long 20 years. What is her life like now? Why did her father change her will?

A life that has been modified

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

Dai Liu, who grew up in a privileged environment and a good learning atmosphere since she was a child, gave her a wealth of knowledge reserves, her academic performance was excellent, and she was a "child of other people" in the eyes of adults since she was a child, and the teacher took Dai Liu as a role model for other students.

With excellent academic performance, she took Peking University as her goal. With a goal, there is a direction for the effort. When other children are thinking about where to go to play during the holidays, she doesn't dare to relax in the slightest, just to get closer to her dreams.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

When the results of the college entrance examination were announced and she saw her results, she was elated, thinking that she was about to step into the campus of Peking University and start a new chapter in her life. However, when the admission notice was delivered to Dai Liu, the sender turned out to be China University of Political Science and Law, which she had not filled in at all.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

After repeatedly confirming that he had not filled in the volunteer by mistake, Dai Liu hurriedly went to the Education Bureau to verify with the teachers, but unexpectedly learned about his father's behind-the-scenes operation. Dai Liu, who had mixed feelings in his heart, immediately turned to his father and asked with disappointment, but only received an understatement from his father: "I am all for your good, and you will understand in the future." ”

It turned out that when Dai Liu's father was young, he had the dream of entering China University of Political Science and Law for further study, however, the difference of a few points and the dream school became a regret in his heart. In the eyes of Dai Liu's father, his daughter's ability to go to China University of Political Science and Law not only makes up for his regrets when he was young, but also his belief that his daughter's study at the University of Political Science and Law is more suitable for her future development.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

Get rid of the shackles of family

The father's so-called "good for you" was like a heavy shackle, ruthlessly shattering Dai Liu's dream, and the dream school was missed by him. The blow traumatized Dai Liu's psyche, and she became reticent and hot-tempered, and the rift between her and her father grew deeper and deeper, gradually alienating the family.

Although she didn't get into her dream university, Dai Liu didn't give up on herself. After entering the university, she still maintained her previous diligence and seriousness, devoting almost all her free time to the library, immersing herself in the ocean of knowledge, and only going home for a few days during the winter and summer vacations.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

When he was in college, his father did not stop pointing fingers at Dai Liu, and Dai Liu was overwhelmed. What made her decide to escape from her original family was that when she was about to graduate from university, Dai Liu wanted to be admitted to Peking University as a graduate student and fulfilled her dream of Peking University.

When Dai Liu confessed his inner vision to his father, unsurprisingly, his father decisively objected. He hoped that Dai Liu would return to his hometown, devote himself to the ranks of civil servants, and have a stable and decent career, so as to live a plain and stable life.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

Dai Liu knows that he can only be free if his fate is in his own hands. Coincidentally, a South Korean university came to Beijing to enroll students, and Dai Liu seemed to see a light that illuminated herself, she studied hard, actively prepared materials, and passed the relevant exams. When the admission letter was in his hand, Dai Liu felt that he had regained his life.

When Dai Liu's father learned the news, he locked Dai Liu in his home in a fit of rage. However, Dai Liu resolutely chose to go on a hunger strike to resist, and in the end, the distressed mother of her daughter could not bear to see her suffer so much and was worried about her physical condition, so she secretly let her go.

Settle in a foreign country

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

When she first arrived in South Korea, Dai Liu faced many challenges, the biggest of which was the language barrier. Not only does she have to devote herself to her professional knowledge, but she also spends an extra five or six hours a day learning Korean. These challenges forced her to redouble her efforts to overcome the difficulties and gradually adapt to the new environment.

Fortunately, her efforts were not in vain, her Korean language level improved rapidly, and her academic performance was also at the top of her class. After graduating from university, Dai Liu found a job at a law firm in South Korea with her excellent grades and language skills, and in just a few years, she became a partner in this law firm through her own efforts and the appreciation of her superiors.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

When his career was booming, Dai Liu met the partner with whom he could spend his life. Soon after, the two entered the palace of marriage. After getting married, Dai Liu had physical problems due to long-term high-intensity work and irregular work and rest. Faced with a dilemma between career and health, Dai Liu finally chose to quit his job at the law firm.

Now, Dai Liu slows down his pace and seeks a comfortable lifestyle. She and her husband run a homestay. In my spare time, I drink tea and talk about life with three or five friends. In the evening, walk hand in hand with your husband on the beach and enjoy the sea breeze.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

More than 20 years have passed, Dai Liu has never returned home once, but now she has slowly let go of her knots, and her relationship with her father has eased......

In real life, there are many parents like Dai Liu's father, who expect their children to obey their own wishes in everything. However, children have the ability to think and make choices independently, and they are not the property of their parents. Asking children to be obedient excessively will only make them become like machines waiting for instructions, gradually losing their personal opinions and judgments.

687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

We must learn to guide children correctly, and effective communication is the key to cultivating excellent children.

  1. Learn to listen and give your child the right to express his or her thoughts. Involve your child in the family's decision-making, make him feel involved and understand that he is part of the family. Learn to communicate with your child as a friend on an equal footing, so that your child can feel the understanding and respect of his parents.
  2. Encourage your child to voice their opinions. You can try to talk to your child about some social hot issues, so that your child has the courage to express his or her own opinions, and you can put forward inconsistent views with your child, but you can't completely deny your child's views.
  3. Pay attention to your child's emotions and help them untie their hearts. It is adolescence, the child's heart is already sensitive, a trivial thing in your opinion, may be a huge mental pressure for the child, pay more attention to the child's emotions, the child will grow up healthily.
687 points, was secretly changed by his father and missed Peking University, and he didn't go home for 20 years, how is it now

Excessive restraint in the name of "good to you" will only make the child feel constrained and thus gradually alienate us. We should give our children enough trust and space to spread their wings freely and pursue their own wonderful life.


[1] Marriage and Family Magazine "687 Score "Liberal Arts Champion" After Her Father Secretly Changed Her Wish and Missed Peking University, She Refused to Go Home After 20 Years Abroad, What Is She Doing Now"

[2] Oriental Information - "Dai Liu, the champion of Huanggang liberal arts, was stolen by his father and missed Peking University, and fled to South Korea for 20 years and did not return home"