
Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

author:Funny and elegant beam ro

The blind Mr. A Bing's real name is Hua Yanjun, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu, who is good at erhu, and has passed down the most widely praised and even world-famous repertoire represented by "Erquan Reflecting the Moon", which is a Chinese folk musician.

Mr. Ah Ping has had a rough time.

His father was a Taoist priest, tall and handsome, with a lot of temperament. When he was doing things for the male owner of a large family who had died, he and the male owner's widow, a beautiful, unwilling to be lonely, and difficult to widow at a young age, had a secret relationship, and finally the two cheated and gave birth to Ah Bing.

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

When a widow gives birth to a child, the pressure in the old society is very high. In the end, Ah Bing's mother was overwhelmed by all kinds of pressures and burdens, and died of depression.

Ah Bing's father, as a Taoist priest, had to secretly take Ah Bing out in advance and "take in" him in the Taoist Academy. Inherited from his father's tall, handsome and talented, positively influenced by his mother's high background and high literacy, coupled with the blessing of musical talent, Ah Bing has an understanding and perception of music, especially the erhu.

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

But unfortunately, Ah Bing ended up in poverty all his life, and after marrying a widow, the two of them also depended on each other, making a living by playing erhu on the street, and left no heirs. Ah Bing (July 9, 1892 – December 1950) died at the age of 58, but Ah Bing's contribution to music and the erhu instrument is definitely a Chinese folk musician.

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

Ah Bing's former residence

Graduated from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Ma Yunfei, who has an infinite love for erhu, traveled to Wuxi, Jiangsu Province alone. In the dark, Ma Yunfei is walking the music road that the blind A Bing has walked on the road of the erhu.

Ma Yunfei named himself "Erbiscuit Hula", and he always wore a pair of sunglasses during the live broadcast, which was indeed a little similar to the blind A Bing. Ma Yunfei is paying tribute to the god of erhu - the blind A Bing.

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

But "Two Cakes" Ma Yunfei is different from ordinary musicians, he is an erhu obsessor who is detached from the world in the new era.

We can say contextual inference:

When Ma Yunfei was in college, he fell in love with Li Yue, but Li Yue did not respond;

Li Yue and Sun Yan are good girlfriends, Sun Yan likes Ma Yunfei, but Sun Yan did not express it;

Later, the persistent Ma Yunfei insisted on the road of erhu, the ghost made the god or fate, he came to Wuxi, the hometown of the blind A Bing, in the dark, Ma Yunfei officially set foot on his music life plan.

In the Guyue Qin Workshop in Wuxi Meicun, Ma Yunfei invited the erhu girl "Brother Li" to broadcast live together, but he didn't expect the CP composed of the two to become popular all over the Internet, and since then it has been out of control.

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

Now, twenty years later, during an accidental live broadcast, Sun Yan recognized Ma Yunfei, but Ma Yunfei couldn't recognize Sun Yan at first, only remembering Li Yue.

As a result, the love of classmates for 20 years is like a surging river, bubbling and flowing into each other's hearts.

The 98-year-old Brother Li, like "light bulb", smiled cutely and innocently, witnessing the friendship and classmate between his big brother partner Ma Yunfei and his female classmate Sun Yan, as well as the true exchange between hearts and minds.

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

"Two cakes" Ma Yunfei is still unmarried. but

During the live broadcast, he was accompanied by the erhu Wuxi girl "Brother Li" who adored him, and Yang Li, a powerful erhu girl who loves to laugh and lovely;

When connected, there was a beautiful old classmate, and Sun Yan, a powerful singer of the China Opera and Dance Theater, "climbed" him;

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

There is a "little sweet fish" at home who can cook for him and make him kneel on the washboard;

Far away in his hometown of Liaoning, there is also a Li Yue who he once had a crush on, who is currently at Shenyang Normal School......

Two cakes in the last life? Live broadcast with one, connect one, home one, and one from afar?

Just ask you, does Ma Yunfei make all men on the Internet envious and jealous?

What virtues did Ma Yunfei accumulate in his previous life that made him so blessed in this life?