
A copy of "The Mystery of Great Righteousness" angered the world, was Yongzheng's throne really stolen?



Emperor Yongzheng is a very controversial figure among the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, he has a tough personality, decisiveness, and a good hand in reform, but he is also complained by many people because of his ruthlessness.

The book "The Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue" written by him has attracted widespread attention and discussion. So, what exactly is written in this book? Is it the historical truth or is Emperor Yongzheng chatting and bragging? Let's find out!

2. What does the book say?

The book "The Mystery of Dayijue" was mainly used by Emperor Yongzheng to refute Zeng Jing and Zhang Xi's statement of "Huayi's discrimination". Zeng Jing and Zhang Xi felt that the Manchus were barbarians and should not rule the Central Plains. Emperor Yongzheng was not happy to hear it, so he vigorously refuted this statement in the book, emphasizing that the Manchu and Han families, the world is one family, and they should be united.

A copy of "The Mystery of Great Righteousness" angered the world, was Yongzheng's throne really stolen?

In addition to refuting Zeng Jing's claims, Emperor Yongzheng also refuted the remarks of Lu Liuliang and other anti-Qing figures. Lü Liuliang was a well-known scholar, but he was dissatisfied with the rule of the Qing Dynasty, and Emperor Yongzheng pointed out his ideological problems in the book.

3. What is the value of this book? What's the controversy?

1. Historical value

The book "The Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue" is still quite valuable. It allows us to see the Manchu-Han relations, ethnic integration, and ideological confrontation during the Yongzheng Emperor's reign. By studying this book, we can gain a deeper understanding of Emperor Yongzheng's thoughts, his political wisdom, and how he handled ethnic relations.

2. Disputes

However, the book has also caused quite a bit of controversy. Some people feel that Emperor Yongzheng's rhetoric in the book is too intense, as if he is bragging. He felt that he was wise in refuting the anti-Qing forces, but in fact he may not have taken into account the real reasons behind those remarks.

Others feel that some of the content in the book may be exaggerated or fictional. In order to maintain the rule of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Yongzheng may have deliberately tampered with or concealed some historical facts.

4. After all, what do you think of this book?

In general, the book "The Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue" is quite interesting, it not only shows the political wisdom of Emperor Yongzheng, but also allows us to see the ideological confrontation of that era. However, when we read this book, we must also maintain an objective and fair attitude, and don't be led astray by Emperor Yongzheng's words.

We have to evaluate this book based on facts, and don't be fooled by superficial things. At the same time, we must also pay attention to other relevant historical materials and research results, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding of Emperor Yongzheng and his era.

5. Why did Emperor Yongzheng write this book?

1. Consolidate your rule

Emperor Yongzheng wrote this book, to put it bluntly, to consolidate his rule. At that time, the contradiction between the Manchus and the Han was still quite big, and Zeng Jing and Zhang Xi's statements were a manifestation of this contradiction. Emperor Yongzheng wanted to eliminate this kind of thinking that was not conducive to rule, so he wrote this book to emphasize the Manchu and Han families, and the unification of the world.

A copy of "The Mystery of Great Righteousness" angered the world, was Yongzheng's throne really stolen?

2. Show your charisma

Emperor Yongzheng was also a very charismatic emperor, and he wrote this book to show his wisdom and talent. By refuting the remarks of the anti-Qing forces, he demonstrated his political insight and debating skills, and let the people of the world see what a wise emperor he was.

3. Inherit Confucian culture

Emperor Yongzheng was deeply influenced by Confucian culture, and he wrote this book to inherit and promote Confucian culture. He emphasized the Confucian concept of "great unification" and believed that the world should be ruled by one family, which was in line with the Confucian idea of loyalty to the monarch. At the same time, he also wanted to maintain the legitimacy of Confucian culture through this book.

6. What do posterity say about this book?

1. Later generations have mixed reviews

Later generations have also received mixed reviews of this book. Some people think that this book is quite valuable, and it is an important material for understanding the history of Emperor Yongzheng and the Qing Dynasty; But some people feel that some of the content of this book is too exaggerated and not very credible.

2. Impact on future generations

The impact of this book on later generations is still quite great. It gives us a more comprehensive understanding of Emperor Yongzheng and his era, and also provides important clues and basis for us to study the history of the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, through the interpretation and research of this book, we can also draw wisdom and enlightenment from it, and provide reference and reference for the development of modern society.

7. Summary: Take history as a mirror and distinguish between right and wrong

Overall, although there are some controversies and exaggerations in the book, it is a historical document that reflects the political, cultural, and social conditions of the Yongzheng Emperor's period. When we read this book, we should maintain an objective and fair attitude and evaluate it on the basis of facts. At the same time, we must also learn to draw wisdom and enlightenment from history, take history as a mirror, distinguish between right and wrong, and provide useful reference and reference for the development of modern society.

8. Look at the brilliance of Emperor Yongzheng's humanity from "The Mystery of Dayi Jue".

1. Be tolerant and open-minded

Although Emperor Yongzheng was politically tough, "The Mystery of the Great Righteousness" shows his tolerant and enlightened side. In the book, he did not take extreme retaliatory measures against Zeng Jing, Zhang Xi and others, but chose to guide them back to the right path through education. This tolerant and open-minded attitude reflects Emperor Yongzheng's understanding and respect for human nature.

A copy of "The Mystery of Great Righteousness" angered the world, was Yongzheng's throne really stolen?

2. Be honest and candid

Emperor Yongzheng not only refuted the remarks of the anti-Qing forces in "The Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue", but also frankly expressed his views and positions. He didn't shy away from sensitive topics, nor did he hide his true thoughts. This sincerity and frankness make people feel his sincerity and courage.

3. Caring for the people

In the book, Emperor Yongzheng repeatedly emphasized the idea of the Manchu and Han families and the unification of the world, which is not only an emphasis on national unity, but also a concern for the well-being of the people. He hoped to eliminate social contradictions and create a harmonious and stable living environment for the people by emphasizing national unity. This sense of care and responsibility for the people embodies the qualities of Emperor Yongzheng as a great ruler.

9. Later generations' misunderstanding and clarification of the "Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue".

1. Misunderstanding of the image of Emperor Yongzheng

Due to the limitations of historical data and the differences in the interpretation of later scholars, some people have misunderstood the image of Emperor Yongzheng in the "Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue". They may have thought that Emperor Yongzheng was an emperor who was too tough and lacked human touch.

However, by delving deeper into this book, we will find that Emperor Yongzheng was actually a historical figure with a complex personality and many faces, who had both a tough side and a tolerant, open-minded and sincere side.

2. Misunderstanding of the contents of the book

Some people may think that some of the content in the book is fictional or exaggerated, but in reality, much of the content in the book is based on historical facts. Although Emperor Yongzheng may have added some personal opinions and positions to the book, this does not affect its value as a historical document. We should approach this book with objectivity and draw valuable information and inspiration from it.

10. Conclusion: The Value and Enlightenment of History

As a work with a profound historical background and rich connotation, "The Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue" not only provides us with precious information to understand Emperor Yongzheng and his times, but also provides us with valuable inspiration and reference.

Through the study and interpretation of this book, we can have a deeper understanding of history, understand human nature, and comprehend wisdom. At the same time, we should also learn to learn from history, draw experience and lessons from history, and provide useful reference and reference for the development of modern society.

In today's era of changes and challenges, we should cherish, respect, and learn from history. Let us read and study the Mystery of the Great Righteous Enlightenment with an open mind and an objective attitude, draw wisdom and strength from it, and work hard to create a better future.